Chapter 226: A.C.T

These realisations made Aja turn into the Ice King he was, unleashing the chilliest of his presence anyone has ever witnessed, turning his office room into the forbidden lair of a deadly monster..

The sudden chill in the air made Ahi shiver involuntarily, bringing up her hands to warm them up by blowing some hot air.

To her horrifying realisation~ Her one hand is still trapped in Aja's... To make things worse, the intertwined fingers turned her into a flustered mess than she already was, making her immediately shake it hard as if her hand was on fire- to rid her poor hand away from Aja's claws, but suddenly held her movement, as she felt something amiss.

Her eyes furrowed, now tightening her grip on Aja's finger's to inspect it closer, un-intertwining their intertwined fingers in the process.

Her eyes immediately widened at the sight of both their palms covered in red blood.

"W-what the- ARE YOU NUTS?!?" She raised her voice, on Aja.