Ice Cream

Blinking profusely with my head cocked to the side while wearing a confused smile, I hoped so intensely that the lack of sleep made me hear things.

"Yeah…" He continued. "It's kind of annoying if they make a scene by trying to jump out of the car, so I modified my cars."

Great, so I heard him perfectly. "But that Porsche car of yours didn't have that." I pointed out.

He let out a carefree laugh, not realizing that he was making me find refuge in the backseat's corner. "Oh that? I was in a rush seeing how you were in danger so I just took the first best car I saw." He explained. "I wouldn't take that car when I'm about to murder or… kidnap… someone…" He said slowly, halting his speech when he realized what he was saying. Swiftly, he looked at me through his rearview mirror and was met with my blank expression.

"You know I wouldn't hurt you, right baby?" He asked in a cooing voice, like he was trying to calm down a child who's about to throw a tantrum.

I only hummed in response with a still blank expression as I was leaning my head against the window with my eyes cast outside.

'I'm so fucked.' Was the only thing that went through my mind. He literally admitted that he uses this car for when he murders or kidnaps someone! He may have said that he wouldn't kill me, but he sure as hell didn't debunk the kidnapping part.

The sudden change of the outside scenery caught my attention as I realized the fact that we were on the highway and instead of the hard pavement and long buildings only trees and landscapes could be seen alerting every fiber of my body of the danger that I am in right now.

Where is he taking me? Was the whole date thing a pretense of getting me willing in his car so that he could abduct me with ease? But he said that if he abducted me he would drug me beforehand. Does that mean that he's going to drug me soon?

I glanced at his glove compartment. 'It would mostly be hidden inside there, right?' So if I somehow get my hands on it without him seeing it then-

"April!" His baritone roar that shook the car snapped me out of my thoughts.

"W-What?" I asked, startled. Did he already figure my plan out?

"Stop biting your damn finger!" He growled out angrily. I shifted my focus back to my fingers, seeing how bruised up they were from me gnashing at them.

"Oh…" I could only say absentmindedly.

"Don't fucking "oh" me!" he gritted out. "I told you I wouldn't hurt you so what are you so distressed about!?" He said as he slammed his hand on the steering wheel earning a surprised yelp from me.

"You don't have to be so angry about it. I'm just nervous about the date, that's all." I muttered under my breath.

"That's a load of bull crap and you know it." He sneered, grabbing on the steering wheel hard enough for his knuckles to turn pale white.

I tried to push the big lump in my throat away. I should try to avoid making the driver angry at any cost, so by that I shut my mouth; but as soon as the silence made way inside the car, once more my mind drifted away, trying to find a way out of this.

'Maybe if I make a shotgun for the passenger seat's door, then I'm able to get away? But my leg would be a problem. I could also try to break the windo-'

"Try to bite your fingers one more time and you wouldn't like the outcome." I could hear an angry growl pulling me away from my thoughts again. My focus shifted back on Jack, giving him a cheesy grin. "I wouldn't bite them, I swear."

He exasperated as he ruffled his head in frustration. "Look, just relax, okay? I swear I wouldn't do anything like hurting or abduct you. I really just want to make this date a success; you will love it I promise." he said with assurance and plead in his voice.

'If you say it like that, then…'

I crossed my arms and huffed. "Fine." I said. "But my eyes will be glued on the road so that I know where I am at." I warned.

He gave a hearty laughter that made my heart somehow tingle. "Yeah, you do that." He said.

"Watch me." I grumbled.

"Gladly." He chuckled.

We suddenly came to a halt but were still surrounded by a forest, leaving me wondering if this place was really it. He also didn't make any weird turns from my observations, but I still shouldn't let my guard down.

With a swift movement, he got out of the car and was next to me in a matter of seconds, unbuckling my seatbelt.

I glowered at him in disapproval. "I could do that myself."

"I know that." He said as he hooked his arms under me. "But I still wanted to do it." He simply said as he whisked me away further in to the forest with no road to be seen.

'Where are we going?' I wondered.

I looked back at my disguised killer. I really can't make out any of his features, no matter how hard I stare at him. No speck of hair strands to be seen, heck I can't even see his ears!

He chuckled. "I should be disguised forever if it means that I have your full attention." He closed his face up in to mine quickly. "You can't even see my eye color, right?" And he was right. Only my reflection could be seen from his shades, no matter how hard I tried.

"I really covered myself up perfectly. There's no way that you would ever figure out my identity, unless you finally decide that you want me."

I scoffed and pushed his face away from me. "Dream on."

"Are you sure? My dreams always kind of end up being PG-18."

I gasped in embarrassment. "Are we there yet?" I asked quickly, trying to change the subject.

He laughed. "Almost, baby."

The scrunching noises of the discolored leaves that were being trampled by Jack's black boots could be heard together with the rustling sounds of the trees that were made by the soft gust of wind carrying some leaves with it sounded like a soft melody calming me down.

The icy touch of the soft wind against my face brought a small shiver in me, making me recall it was still an early morning. The chirping sounds of the morning birds sounded like they were singing; welcoming us into their domain.

And right there amidst the chestnut colored trees a light was simmering bright, blinding me for a split second, causing my eyes to shut tight in defense.

"We're here." He said.

With my eyes still narrowed into slits, I carefully opened them. Wide-eyed, the view that was exposed astonished me, leaving my eyes to sparkle in adoration.

The forest let us out on top of a grass-covered hill with an enormous oak tree on top of it. The rays of the sunrise elegantly shone through the branches of the big three that were covered in crimson and carmine colored leaves, showing everyone that autumn had gracefully blessed us with its presence. Under the tree was a red checkered picnic blanket with a brown wove-in basket on top of it.

"Wow." I whispered under my breath, amazed.

"Nice, right? I like to come here when I just want to relax." He said, placing me softly down on the cotton blanket.

"Nice doesn't even cover it. It's beautiful Jack." I breathed out, still taking in the amazing view. The fume that appeared every time I spoke faded magically again as I caressed my arms to suppress some warmth in my body.

Jack pulled out a gray woolen blanket and placed it over my shoulders, covering my whole back.

"I'm not cold." I said, trying to act strong, but the unwilling shivers that my body displayed betrayed me.

His chuckle was light, but was laced with amusement. "I know, but looking at you makes me cold, so I have to cover you up to warm me up again." He explained.

Without realizing I spit out a globe of saliva, laughing hearty at his comment. "That makes little sense!"

"Everything makes sense with you though." He said.

A pink hue was forming across my nose, almost overshadowing my freckles. "What's with that?" I sputtered out as I looked away.

'Don't get swept in his pace, April. Get it together, girl!' I slapped myself mentally.

I could hear rustling sounds from my side, and I glanced to see what was happening. Jack was pulling out some cutlery and plates placing them in between us. Followed by that, he pulled out plain bread with butter, peanut butter, cheese, and jam. Lastly, he pulled out a see-through glass bottle of milk and cups.

"A total breakfast." I said.

"Well, I wanted to prepare more food, but I had to stop a certain girl from escaping." He mumbled lightly as he made the first colorful sandwich, peanut butter, and jam.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, letting out a wobbly smile.

"Yeah, yeah." He said listlessly as he shoved the sandwich in my mouth, shutting me completely up.

I let out a pleased hum as I chewed, tasting the sweet harmony of peanut butter and jelly, not minding the crumbles that were falling down on my chest or the bit of jam spread that got stuck in the corner of my mouth.

Jack let out a deep chuckle. "You're such a child." He said as he used his thumb to sweep off the bit of jam spread. I could feel the rough texture of the glove gliding over my skin. Dumb struck with slightly parted lips, I was lost for what to do.

I coughed up a storm and took a cup of milk and chucked down the cool content, trying to calm myself down. "You've could have just used a napkin, you know." I said, still slightly coughing.

"I know." He only said as he just kept staring at me. I squirmed uncomfortably under his stare. He's still looks creepy.

"Aren't you going to eat some too?" I asked, hoping to have him stop staring at me.

"And risking having you see my appearance? No thanks." He scoffed.

"So, all of this food is meant only for me?" I asked in a shrill voice.

"My baby is too light, so I have to feed her." He said in a cooing voice, slightly pinching and pulling my cheek. I slapped his hand away and glowered at him.

"I eat just fine."

"Sure you do. Always buying takeout food or junk food sure is fine." He said in a belittling tone.

Like a puffer fish, I could feel my cheeks inflating in annoyance to his tone. "Whatever, it is mine body to do whatever I want with it." I said in a haughty tone.

"No, you don't." The playfulness had left his voice and was replaced with seriousness, leaving no room for discussion. "My baby has to understand that her body belongs not only to her and that I don't like it when she neglects it." His voice hardened as he spoke. I bit my underlip nervously and glanced away.

He cupped my chin, making me look up. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked in a domineering voice. I nodded.

"I want to hear it from these lips." He said in a gruff voice.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Good girl." He said, pleased, as he shoved another sandwich in my mouth, patting my head.

I nibbled on it quietly.

And just like that, time went on. After making sure that I was thoroughly fed, he cleaned up the remains and put them back in to the basket. The sun which I first saw below in the morning was now high in the sky, slightly covered by the grey-ashy colored clouds that reminded me of soft cotton candy.

I guess it was already afternoon. This whole morning I was with Jack and the worst thing of all was that I didn't mind it. It was even quite enjoyable if you looked past his creepiness and unnecessarily possessive remarks.

I shook my head vehemently, in denial. 'It must have been the scenery, yeah it's because the scenery was so beautiful that it was enjoyable.'

I glanced back at Jack, who was still packing in the dishes.

I keep getting swept away in his pace and that's because he got the upper hand in everything. He knows everything about me, but I don't know jack shit about him. I only know that he is infatuated with me; but that doesn't get me free.

'If I just know who he is…' I thought. I'll be able to report him to the police. They will catch him and I will be free.

With my stalker's back still turned towards me and my eyes fixated on his hoodie, I slowly crept up on to him, trying to make no sound at all. When I thought I was close enough, I stretched out my arm to remove his hoodie, but with a swift movement I was slammed with my back on the ground having the air knocked out of my longs, with my hands trapped in his.

"Bad move kitty cat." He growled.

Like parchment paper, my mouth became dry, and I was shaking like a leaf, scared of the man who was now hovering over me.

Then suddenly, like a cave dweller, he threw me over his shoulder and stomped away, leaving everything behind.

I shrieked and flailed my arms and legs around, ignoring the cries of my injured ankle. "Jack, put me down!" I shrieked.

With no warning, I felt something colliding hard on my butt, making me yelp out from the suddenness of it.

"Did you just spank me!?" I yelled.

"I did and I will do it again if you don't start behaving." He said.

With no options left and not wanting to be spanked again, I became limp and let him dangle me off. I grumbled and mumbled under my breath in protest to this treatment.

'How dare he man handle me!?'

At the car, he threw me inside and quickly closed it before I could make a run for it. He came inside the car and turned his full attention to me.

"What the fuck was that about, April?" He asked, pissed off.

You know, in the few days that I have known him, I have learned that whenever he calls me April that I am fucked. He's seriously pissed.

"You looked hot, so I thought that a pleasant breeze of air through your hair could cool you down."

He silently stared at me like the bull-shit-meter went off the charts. "Let me tell you this, my sweet April. If you somehow figure out my identity, then it would be terrible for you." He said in a foreboding voice.

"Why?" My voice came out tremulously.

"Because my April will be, then somehow spirited away, leaving no trace for anyone to find you." He asserted darkly in an ominous voice. "My baby is smart, so I am sure that you know what I mean, right?"

'He will kidnap me.' If I had pulled down his hoodie like Houdini, I would have disappeared.

I nodded. "Yeah." I said softly in a croaked voice.

He let out a puff of air and scratched his head hard, letting out some grunting sounds along. "Damn it! This is not how it should have gone!" He groaned, frustrated. "I will get you an ice scream." He said.


"I will buy you an ice scream, so please don't get upset."

So first he scares me shitless and now he wants to make up for it by buying me some ice cream?

'Who does he think I am?'

"I want strawberry ice cream, three balls with sprinkles on top." I ordered in a haughty tone, with my nose up in the air as I crossed my arms.

"Yes, captain." With a wide grin, he saluted and drove.

I really love ice cream though.