The Black Queen Part 1

With my trembling index finger, I begrudgingly directed it at my assaulter, giving him a heated glare as I used my other hand to rub my lips vigorously, trying to get rid of the tingling feeling that he had left behind on them.

"You-you k-kissed me. You FUCKING kissed me!? Why the fuck did you kiss me!?" I yelled, my pupils swirling around like a whirlpool with my face being beat red and the state of my mind was, I report: blank.

He just shrugs at my outburst while still holding on to his crouch area, wincing every time he tries to move. "Simple, you were excruciating sexy. There's no way that I'm able to keep my hands away from what's mine." He smirks.

I couldn't help but flare up in anger, as I was still trying to gather my thoughts about how ironic or cheesy it may sound. A man who's bothersome handsome, a killer and my stalker stole from me my first kiss. I can't help but be sour about it and to want to slap that triumphant grin of his face, but I know just the same that I wouldn't be able to hurt him, unless I kick his balls I would most likely just hurt myself.

"I-I hope that you'll go impotent!" I yelled, cursing mentally at how high pitched my voice came out as I gave him a glare hoping that it would daunt him, but the smirk that grew even wider and his brow that elevated as his eyes were shining with mirth proved me the opposite.

"But, baby, how would I be able to satisfy you?" He pouted his cherry colored lips with his doggy eyes aimed at me.

God, this man can be so sinful, it's bad for the heart. I thrusted my fists on my hips and glowered at him, my face still dyed in the color of blood. "I don't need you for that. I've got a line of handsome men waiting to get something of this." I said, gesturing at my body with a smug grin.

Mark's eyes got dark, thunder brewing behind them, and I felt my grin falter away. His lips were pressed into a thin line and his fist clenched so tightly that I was scared that he would break his skin, drawing out blood.


"Oh?" He started with his voice dangerously low. "And who are those men that dare to even lay their eyes on you?" He marched towards me and I started slowly backed away with my hands up in front of me.

"C-Calm down Mark." I said, trying to calm down the furious beast until I felt my back hitting the wall. He kept getting closer to me and I tried to make a run for it, emphasized on 'tried'. Mark slammed his hands against the wall, caging me between his arms as I let out a yelp. He leaned in closer and I could feel his hot breath fanning my neck; sending shivers down my spine. "I will calm down when you explain this shit, April." His voice sounded strained, like he was holding onto a small thread of sanity. I could only stare at him, terrified with my trembling eyes.

His eyes softened a bit, and he groaned. "Don't stare at me with those doe eyes of yours. I won't hurt you, but I can't promise the same thing for your loved ones." He concluded, letting his arms go limp by his sides.

"I was just joking." I grumbled.

He studied my face for any lies. "That joke wanted me to kill off any remotely handsome men in the area."

"You fucking stalked me for four years! You of all people should know my dating history in those years." I grumbled, sulking at how sad my love life was.

He chuckled. "Enough to know that I was your first kiss." He replied sensually, his tongue sweeping over his lips. "And you taste define." He added.

I gasped and felt my body heat rise, reminiscing how it felt when he crashed his lips on to mine. "And you have to work at your kissing skills. I don't need to kiss anyone else to know that." I retaliated.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay baby, then tell me how the kiss was so that I can work on it." He asserted ludicrously, not taking me seriously.

"The kiss was mind numbing-NO! I mean, it was awful." I tried to correct myself, but I was already too late.

Mark grins widely and made a celebratory fist bump. "YES! I knew you liked it!" I blushed brightly and could slap myself in the face.

"Now we only need to wait until the Stockholm syndrome hits." He stated all giddy, like a kid getting some ice scream. I looked at him, appalled, and pushed him away from me. "Fuck you." I retorted, and walked away.

He grabs me by the wrist, stopping me in my tracks. "Na-ah, you're not leaving yet. Sit down, it's question time. I've got some questions for you."

I quirked my eyebrows. "Am I allowed to ask you some questions, then?"

"Let's do it this way. We can only ask each other one question at the time. I ask you questions that you have to answer and you can ask me questions and I will see if I'll answer those."


I tried to extricate my hand from his grip, but he just tightens his hold. "How's that fair?" I growled.

He looked at me innocently. "You'll at least get some answers."

"Awesome." I grimaced.

Mark sat sprawled on the couch and I sat across from him on a stool, crossing my legs as I glared at him wearily.

"And remember if I catch you lying then-" He started, but I cut him off, rolling my eyes, annoyed.

"You'll kill all my loved ones, yeah, yeah. Can we just start?" I said impatiently.

He chuckles. "We are already finishing each other's sentences."

I silently glowered at him, ready to claw his eyes out.

He puts his hands up, shielding himself from my wrath, and starts. "Did you ever fall in love before?" He asked seriously as he rested his chin on his palm.

I blinked profusely; taken aback by his question. "No?"

"Why did it come out like a question?" He glared at me suspiciously.

"Because you caught me off guard with that question!" I yelled, defending myself.

"Fine." He grumbled when he saw no trace of a lie on my face. "Your turn." He beckoned.

I rubbed my chin in deep thought. "What's the 'Chess player'?" I asked, recalling the night when James called him that. Now that I think about it, Mark called James 'Oiran'?

Mark grins eerily. "You remembered. That's my killer name, code, however you want to call that. Basically, I choose my victims depending if they match with the chess pieces, with the queen and king of the highest position."

My jaw dropped, and I could feel my eyes bulging out of my skull. "You've killed 16 people?" I questioned in disbelieve.

He smirks. "Don't forget that there are white and black pieces, kitten." He reminded me.

That just heightens the shock value. "You've killed 32 people!?"

"More." His grin widens, proud of his deeds. "You always restart the game."

Flabbergasted, I stared at this man in disgust. This man has killed over 32 people and he is proud of that shit as if he just proved to every man on earth that he has the biggest dick.

"You're terrible." I voiced.

He rolled his eyes, his smile broad. "I know~," He sang proudly. "Did someone ever grope you or touch you in any sexual way?"

I gave him the you've-got-to-be-kidding-me-right? Look, but his eyes urged me to answer him. "What type of interrogation is this? The how-was-April's-sex-life?" I glared at him ridiculously.

"That's for me to decide, now answer." He asserted.

"No." I exasperated.

He nodded and hummed, pleased.

"Why is James called Oiran?" I asked cautiously.

I shrunk away when Mark's eyes flashed with anger and his nostrils flared up as I mentioned James' name. "Because he's a bitch." He spat in disgust. "Oiran is from Japanese origin and it means prostitute. That slut fucks his victims before killing them. For the people in the underworld, he's more a succubus, but he calls himself Oiran because he sees himself of a "higher" esteem."

Yeah, that's James alright. I had to hold back a fit of laughter and a sigh of relief to hear that James hadn't changed when it came to his sex drive. He at least didn't lie about one thing when he was still my friend.

"How is your ankle?" A soft voice that was coated in worry and care, pulling on to my heartstrings, brought me back from my thoughts.

'Now that you say…'

I stared down at my feet and wiggled it around, tapped on the ground with it a few times, and only winced when I added a lot of pressure on it. Perplexed by it, my eyelashes fluttered. "It's pretty much healed now, but how? It was still painful yesterday…" I questioned as I laid my eyes back on Mark's face.

I squealed in surprise when Mark grabbed my foot and pulled me along with the stool effortlessly towards him. My foot now rested on his thighs as he messaged it with his gigantic hands, engulfing my feet in them. "I guess me messaging your feet for hours while you were out cold did work, huh?"

His rough thumbs were pressing in to the palm of my feet, kneading every inch. He would slightly rotate the feet, earning a satisfying pop from it. I had to hold back a moan at the way he worked with his hands. How can his hands that were covered in callous be so soft at the same time?

"Why aren't you moaning for me like you did in your sleep, kitten?" He slurred seductively, the dimples in his cheeks more prominent than ever.

My face turned scarlet red from embarrassment, and I pulled my feet back swiftly. "It's my turn to ask a question, right?" My voice came out pinched. I tried to change the sequence of the conversation.

He nodded for me to go ahead. I coughed to regain my posture and put back on my poker-face. "How did you come to love me? Not why, but how." I narrowed my eyes at him.

No matter how much I think about it, I just can't put a finger on whether I had ever seen him before. I would recognize such a handsome face everywhere, but nothing rings a bell, leaving me with only more questions. Questions that may could be answered if he tells me how he came to love me.

He scratches the back of his head awkwardly while glancing my way warily. "You may not like the answer that I am about to give you." He asserted.

"Just answer it." I demanded impatiently with a dull expression, but my heart was hammering against my chest like crazy. I was so nervous that sweat was about to break out of my pores. Hopefully, it wasn't noticeable, but I was shaking like a leaf.

His answer can't be that bad, right?

Mark opened his mouth to say something, but clamped it shut. His eyes cast on the ground, worried lines marring his forehead as he was in a pensive thought wondering if he really should tell me.

"Look, I have the worst things being told to me, including finding out that you were my stalker. I am sure that I can handle whatever you're about to throw at me." I assured him, but I said it more to calm my inner self down.

He looked at me quietly and nodded resolute. "Fine." He answered. He opened his mouth and words flowed out of his lips. Words that stilled my heartbeat, that broke my brain circuit from working; words that made me wish I hadn't asked him that question.

"You were going to be my victim, the Black Queen."