Love Parade

The rapid sounds of the hitting keyboards reverberated throughout the car. Mark's fingers were thrumming at an inhumanly speed as his aquamarine eyes were swiftly gliding over the screen peering through the reading glasses that laid snuggly on the bridge of his nose. His laptop was neatly placed on his crossed legs, and his lips were drawn out into a thin line as his brows were knitted together into a deep scowl.

I was situated next to him in the backseat. Leaning against the window with my chin resting on my hand I blankly stared out of the tinted window with a sullen look. Every time I let out a puff of air or whenever I would shift in my seat Mark would shoot me a warning glare over his glasses and I would swallow back the questions that I have been asking ever since we took place inside this vehicle, but were left unanswered.

This man no matter how many times I would quire him about this "Snake" person's real name he refuses to budge open his mouth.

Once in a while my eyes would drift to Mark's secretary who was also our driver. Our eyes would meet, but he would soon subtly break it off; focusing his eyes back on the road. 'He knows it for sure.'

I grumbled petulantly, letting my back slouch further into the seat as I folded my arms in front of my chest. "Why do you have to be as stubborn as a mule? Wouldn't it be better for me to know who is after my ass so that I can protect myself?"

Mark's stopped typing, letting his fingers hover above the keyboard. He craned his head at me and shut his laptop with a force and placed it away. He removed his dark-rimmed glasses silently, placing them back in his breast pocket.

Uncrossing his legs he yanked me away from the window to place me on his lap, my back pressed against the door. With his still prominent scowl on his face he lets out a low growl. "Nobody will lay their hands on my property."

"Ah…!" I yelped surprised when I felt his hand gliding down my back to grab a handful of my cheek. He brought his lips closer to my ear and whispered hoarsly, "And I have already claimed this ass as mine."

Only a layer of fabric was preventing his fingers from making a direct contact with my skin, but the warmth that was seeping from the tips of his fingers heated my skin and my cheeks. Bright red spread over my face masking my freckles.

Mark chuckles and grabs my chin making me look at him. I took in a shaky breath as I saw how close his lips were to mine.

"Also how many times do I have to tell before you cute head finally gets it that you've got me to protect you." He said lowly, his voice carrying desire with it.

I promptly slapped his hand away. "Yeah and that has worked so well, right?" I grinned sardonic, hinting towards both times that James almost had ended my life.

Not letting my snarky remark get to him he displayed a widespread-grin. "But I still saved you in the end."

My mouth went agape, giving him a mystified look. 'Oh hell no.'

"No" I retorted adamantly. "The first time okay fine you did save me, but the second time I saved myself. And I almost saved myself from you if" I jabbed his chest with my index finger. "It" Jabbed him again. "Wasn't" Again. "For" Again. "Alessandro!" I yelled.

Mark grabbed my finger that was about to jab him, giving it a slight squeeze as he engulfed it with his rough hand.

"And that was commendable kitten." He gave a forced smile. "However" He continues. "Would you have managed to escape from me then there would have been no point in keeping your friends alive anymore. No?"

With his hand still clasping my hand he place it gently on my lap, using his other hand to stroke my head. His smile was still present on his face but it didn't reach his eyes. His crescent shaped eyes were only filled with something portentous his voice carrying the same weight with it.

"So me finding you saved your fragile heart kitten." He concluded. I could feel my skin slowly being drained from its heated color leaving me with a white cold skin resembling a carcass as fear coursed through my body.

His bangs that were gelled away in a rush fell neatly forward, touching my forehead softly as he brought his face closer to mine; his navy-blue eyes locking me in place. "Right?" He asked, his smile having a dangerous effect on the rhythm of my heart.

I broke our stare and let my eyes drift to an empty space inside the car. "Sure…" My voice came out softly, but the turbulence in it was clear.

"You're making Ms. Westwood uncomfortable Mr. Moore." The secretary's voice blew the suffocating air that was constricting my throat away with his calm, reassuring voice.

Mark's eyes snapped at the rearview mirror, his cold darkened eyes fixed on the light brown smiling ones of the secretary. "Stay out of it Snake." He snarled.

"I'm just saying that if you keep on being scary like that then Ms. Westwood may never return your feelings and will try to run away from you again." Unfazed by Mark���s threatening glare he calmly asserted with a gentle-like smile.

I felt the muscles of Mark's arms twitch under the thin fabric of his sleeve as they protectively tightened their hold around my shoulders, enclosing me even further in his embrace. My ear that was pressed against his chest could hear his heart that was beating erratically and the slight rumble that occurred in his throat.

"Fine…" He murmured.

'Wow.' Amazed by how Snake handled Mark I glanced at him in the rearview mirror. He glanced back at me. His glance, as conspiratorial wink managed to put a small smile on my face as I mouthed

"Thank you."

His smile broadens.

"Hey." A tone stiff and surely boomed throughout the car as a colossal hand suddenly came in view; obscuring my sight before a growl could be heard from above my head. "Stop looking at her." Mark grumbled annoyed.

Snake chuckled lightly and did as Mark commanded. I groaned as I used both of my hands to pull Mark's hand down, allowing myself to peek over it as I aimed my gaze back at Snake.

My curiosity for Snake started to get peaked. He seemed so normal- too normal and too nice to be some psycho killer. I was never aware of his presence before Mark decided to latch on to me. He was like a mirage- he was there but was also not there. Like a fog that could dissipate any moment in to thin air.

My eyebrows furrowed as I was enraptured in my thoughts. I am even guilty to say that I have never looked carefully at his face before- how he had a medium long caramel dyed hair that was neatly confined in a low ponytail or how he had a pair of dog-shaped eyes that were filled with hazel brown that were also peering through rimless glasses.

His face was cleanly shaved compared to Mark's, letting everybody know how his jawline was perfectly carved out. And especially his smile- the smile that seemed to be permanent etched onto his face leaving no trace of other emotions behind.

How did a man like that end up working for Mark? Is he really a killer? Is he also a nut-job? And why did his parents name him Snake? It's kind of weird to call your child a snake.

I can already imagine how he got teased with that name at school.

So many questions were swirling inside my mouth, bouncing up and down everywhere- forcing my lips to part open slightly but-

"May I ask why you are ogling at my secretary?"


A hoarse whisper that was warred with annoyance and anger managed the pull me away from my thoughts. My furrowed brows relaxed and I had to blink copiously before I shifted my gaze towards Mark's peeved expression. He had a lopsided-smile, but the corner of his mouth that was pulled up was twitching as if he was suppressing his anger. His eyes were closed, smiling; but they didn't hold any warmth.

And a vein was pumping aggressively at his temple.

I let out an awkward cough and turned my head away from Mark's face as I said in denial "I wasn't ogling at him."

"Oh really~?" He asked skeptical as he drew out the "y" before snapping his gaze towards Snake. "Is that true?" He queried.

"Her heated gaze almost created a crater in my head, Mr. Moore." Snake reported stoically.

My mouth went agape and my eyes went wide in shock. Traitor!

"Is that so?" Mark asked in a high tone voice. The cracking sound that came from Mark's neck as he slowly craned to look at me again made the muscle in my leg clamp up and my shoulders stiffen up. I didn't meet his vicious eyes and only threw a glare at Snake as I bit down on my bottom lip.

Snake caught that and shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly. "I didn't want to die yet Ms. Westwood."

I narrowed my eyes at him accusingly and then twirled around to look Mark straight in the eyes with a wobbly smile. "I didn't ogle at him I looked at the road he was just in my view." A lie.

"Ah, is that so?" He sang.

I vehemently nodded my head.

Mark's smile then spread into a mischievous one. "Then you must have also noticed that we have arrived at work, right?"

I nodded frequently. "Yes, yes I have noticed that we have arrived at work- hmm?" I blinked copiously as I finally understood what he just said and glanced out of the window next to us to see a flock of people scrambling in to the tall building. There were some other clique of employees that were standing outside the building. Some chatting up with their friends with suitcases in their hands, some taking a smoke and the other part were standing in wait for the people inside the expensive looking car with tinted windows to come out. Some of those people were my colleagues.

And I am sitting inside of that expensive car. I am still sitting on Mark's lap inside that expensive car.

"Oh God." I peeped terrified. I placed my hands promptly under the headrest of Snake and leaned forward so that my lips would get closer to his ear; feeling the resistance of Mark's arm on my lower belly. "Say, Snake" I tittered. "how about you drive a little bit further down the street and go around the corner." I suggested, my voice shaking with nerves.

'Please don't let me go through this humiliation! Don't let them see me like this!' I whined inwardly sending the message to Snake with my eyes.

But not only was my plea ignored I felt a force being exerted on my waist basically catapulting me back against Mark's Chest.

"No, no, no, kitten" Mark tutted, his eyes twinkling with mischievous. "let's enjoy our love parade." His smile was coated with a devilish glint, leaving me teary-eyed quivering on his lap.

"N-No." I stammered, shaking my head vehemently.

"Yes~." Mark sang, nodding his head promptly with an eerily smile.

Gnashing down on my bottom lip I glowered at him from beneath my eyelashes. Screaming my frustrations inwardly

'You devil!'