James & Alessandro Part 4

James POV

"Poison?" His voice that came out was calm but wasn't able to hide the uninhibited anger that came along with it was chilling, paralyzing my body with fear as I took him in with a wobbly smile and water eyes.

Alessandro brought his hand to my face, and I flinched, squeezing my eyes shut as I was bracing myself for the torture that he would inflict on my body.

I felt instead a warm hand soothingly cupping my left cheek, the rough pad of his thumb stroking it. I hesitantly opened one of my eyes into a slit to see what was going on. Both of my eyes sprung wide open when Alessandro's mythical eyes looked at me with worry impaled in them, scanning every corner of my face for any discomfort.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a haste, panic filling his rich deep voice. Both of his hands were now cupping my face as they turned my head sideways, up and down, letting him inspect everywhere.

'What the hell is wrong with him. Isn't he going to kill me?'

Folds appeared between my eyebrows, not understanding this unprecedented behavior that he was showcasing, and I jerked my head out of his hold, giving him a sideways-glare. "Of course, I am okay. Why wouldn't I be? This isn't the first time that I have done something like this."

Alessandro scowled at that and reached swiftly for his phone in his pocket. He dialed something on it before placing it against his ear, letting the phone ring.

"What are you doing?" Weariness together with confusion marred my voice.

Not saying anything, he only glared at me. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the person from the other line pick up the phone.

Alessandro kept his eyes on me as he begun to speak in his authoritative voice "Yeah, it's me. There's someone who I want you to do a full body check up on, so come now." Alessandro commanded and without waiting for the other person's response, ended the call and shoved the phone back in his pocket.

My jaw dropped. "Did you just call a doctor?" I asked, mystified.

He silently looked at me, not denying my assumption.

I glowered lowly at him. "I am fine." I said slowly, putting the emphasis on 'fine'.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "We will see when the doctor gets here."

I threw my head back, letting out an aggravated groan. I would have face-palmed myself if my hands weren't chained up right now.

I brought my head back and let out a heavy sigh. "Listen Mafia boy, I have been doing this ever since I was small. My body is immune to the poison. No need for a doctor."

A sour expression took over Alessandro's face. "Ever since you were small?"

Closing my eyes, I nodded. "Yes, yes. Just like how I have been selling my body ever since I was a child, I have been eating poison to survive."

Losing my parents at an early age and with no relatives to turn to going to an orphanage was the only option. But wicked people that got off by abusing children ran that orphanage. I got most of my scars thanks to them. They would starve us for days, leaving us no choice but to eat the plants from their garden. Not a smart choice, as it left us with intense stomachaches. Most of the times it was so bad that we had to go to the emergency room earning us another hundred whips from our caretakers when we get home.

Few years later I was adopted. I was singing praises, thanking God for releasing me from this hellhole, but I soon realized after being adopted that I was thrown into an even worse of a hellhole. I was being used as a tool to appease the sexual urges of my adoptive parents.

Another few years went by and I ran away from home, leaving me stranded on the streets. I had no choice but to sell my body to survive until someone from my corporation took me in and brought me up as a killer.

All that shitty experience shaped me into the person who I am today. A person who will only trust and rely on himself.

I looked at Alessandro. Sadness clouded his handsome features. I let out an elongated sigh, averting my eyes from the eyes that seemed to look at me with pity.

'I fucking hate that look.' I don't need anyone's pity. I don't want nor do I need anybody to feel sorry for me. My past may have been a huge shit-stain, but I am living an outstanding life right now. The moment I became strong enough, I took the liberty to kill my old caretakers at the orphanage and my adoptive parents.

The corner of my mouth went slightly up as I tried to suppress my grin. Ah~ it fills me up with exhilarating happiness every time when I think about their snot-covered faces as I tortured them to death. I became really well off as my killing targets became more expensive and, as a bonus, a steamy, sultry night was waiting for me if I was able to seduce them.

As my beautiful thoughts enthralled me, Alessandro used his hand to grab my chin, making me look back into his eyes. His before saddened face was transformed with awe as he looked at me, smiling proudly at me. "You've done well."

"Huh?" I voiced out, shocked as my eyes went round.

Alessandro's expression then hardened, lines marring his forehead. "But that ends now. You never have to do that again. I will not allow it." He said resolute through his gritted teeth as he placed his forehead against mine.

"You're mine." He growled possessively.

My brows furrowed, displeased. "No." I said, disgruntled, and jerked my head away from him. "I am not yours. I will not stay here."

I will not let this bastard take away my only freedom.

Alessandro drew back, locking his eyes with me, and my heart stopped beating. I swear he took my breath away with the possessive and dominant look in his eyes. My body went on an immediate strike.

"Wrong response, Bambino." He said with a smug expression and dipped his head for a searing kiss. His lips were morphing perfectly against mine as his tongue and mine were fighting for dominance. A fight that I was sourly losing. I felt my mind going mush as I wasn't able to focus on anything, moaning in delight as our saliva became one.

Alessandro broke the kiss before taking my bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling and suckling on it. He released my bottom lip and stared at me with his eyes that were smoldering with pure lust. Bringing his lips to my ear, he whispered huskily, yet authoritatively,

"Become mine. Tell me you belong to me."

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and gave him a heated glare. "Like hell I will!" I snarled, trying to pull myself free from the chains again.

His eyes twinkled with mirth. "Let's see how long you keep on with that stubborn act."

"Wha-!" I gasped as I felt his lips leaving a trail of butterfly kisses down my neck before sucking and nibbling the interjection of my shoulder and neck. He used his hand to tug roughly at the back of my hair to get better access to my neck.

I hissed. "I swear to god mafia boy, if you don't sto-"

Alessandro snapped his hips forward, grinding callously against at my bulge, rendering me totally speechless.

"Oh, God." I moaned, feeling the blood pooling in my groin at the delicious friction that was exerted on it.

Alessandro stopped moving, and I mewled in protest, wrapping my legs around his hips to bring him back, but he resisted. From my hazy gaze, I could see his damned smirk as he gave me this knowing look.

"Say it." His voice was strained and full of desire. I bit down on my lip, refusing to give in to him. After a moment, realizing I would not respond, he upped his game. My breath picked up as he traced his finger lusciously down my ribcage, down my abdomen to the rigid form in my shorts, clasping his hand around it.

My head shot back as I let out a cry, bucking my hips under him. He lazily pumped his hand up and down my shaft as his mouth was paying attention to my chest, his hot tongue flicking the tip, swirling around it and grazing his teeth with.

My body betrayed me by giving itself over to the overwhelming pleasure. I was about to come when he suddenly ceased his movements. My eyes shot wide open and a protesting sob escaped my mouth as I tried to move my hips so that I could still relief myself, but mark used his hand to keep me steady.

"W-Why?" I whimpered.

"Say it and I will let you come." He purred.

I furrowed my brow at him as I gritted my jaw. Don't give in, don't give him the satisfaction. Don't you dare give in, James!

"Fuck you." I spat lowly.

The corner of Alessandro's lips was pulled into a vindictive smile. "Gladly." He said deviously before ripping my shorts off of me, leaving me fully naked. He lets out a guttural growl and positioned himself between legs. I shivered, feeling his hot breath against my shaft.

"W-What, what are you doing." I stammered, scared, as I looked down at him. My body was trembling with anticipation, knowing what will happen. But my mind, which still holds some sanity, was terrified that I would yield myself completely to this dangerous man.

"I am going to do something that I have been wanting to do ever since I have chained you to my bed." His voice was thick with lust and want that left me chocked in silence.

Alessandro took my shaft in his mouth, wrapping his hot tongue around it as his head bobbed promptly up and down. My back arched and my arms trashed against the chains at the welling feeling that was about to burst, bringing tears to my eyes. But Alessandro released my length from his mouth and I whimpered.

"Say it Bambino." He growled.

I turned my head and screwed my eyes shut, refusing to relent. If I wasn't chained, I would have already escaped and would have at least giving him a good beating, but I could do neither of them. So, I kept silent, hoping that he would get tired and stop.

But he just kept at it, keeping me on the edge and flustered. Pushing me over the brink millions of times just to leave me high and bothered. He even seemed perfectly content, enjoying every piece of it.

Finally, after what felt like eternity, he prods at my entrance with his middle finger, pushing it slowly in. His finger found my sweet spot and I cried, feeling my inwards clenching down on it as his head was still bobbing up and down my shaft, sending electricity through my body. Sensation exploded through my body, and it was the last straw. My mind snapped.

Heat consumed me as I trashed and screamed. "Okay! Okay! I'm yours! Fuck, please!"

I felt his growl vibrating through my body as he picked up the speed, pushing me over the edge.

"Oh, God!" I convulsed under him as a wave of burning ecstasy crashed over my body, releasing myself in his mouth.

He lapped my groin as if it was a lollipop while my body was quacking from the prolong orgasm. "You taste so sweet Bambino." He groaned.

My ability to speak had abandoned me as I was still coming down from my high, my body laying limply on the bed. Alessandro chuckles at my lethargy, and sat up again, shedding himself from his suit and undoing his belt as his hungry stare held me in place.

"You're fucking sadistic." I murmured lifelessly, having not even the energy to lift a finger.

He let out a hearty laughter that tickled my heart. "You don't know the half of it, my sweet Bambino." He crooned and reached for my cuffs, injecting the key that he took from his pants inside the keyhole, freeing my hands from their imprisonment. They fell limply next to my head.

My head was still in a daze and didn't even notice what was going on, and then the head of Alessandro's cock was nudging against my entrance, his hands coming down to my waist as he drove mercilessly his whole sheath inside of me.

My mouth fell open in a silent scream. Writhing at the sensation, my arms wounded over his shoulders, letting my fingernails dick into his skin, forming half-moons on his back as I clung desperately on to him.

He let out a groan as he felt my warmth clamp from all sides around him and soon pounded in me, his hips snapping powerfully forward. I tossed my head back and forth as I resisted, refusing to climax again. Alessandro growled and redoubled his effort, refusing to relent, and soon wrung another climax from my unwilling body. The power catches me off guard and I let out a keening cry. Soon after, Alessandro released his own essence deep within me, snarling like an animal, his muscles rippling and clenching as he rode the waves of pleasure.

As we collapsed back onto the bed, Alessandro held my shaking form close, his fingers wounding themselves in my hair. His body heat soothing me as my mind drifted off.

I could hear his voice vaguely being whispered in my ear before everything faded to black.

"Sweet dreams, Bambino."