She Spits Fire Part 1

My eyes broadens and I shook my head. Crap I forgot about the blood on my gown!

"I need words kitten." He growled lowly his temper getting the best of him.

"N-No." With force I tried to yank my hand free from his imprisonment but my struggling only earned a vicious look from Mark.

"Then please explain to me how it looks like that you had decided to roll and bath yourself in red paint."

I really don't want to delve in the whole 'I almost got assaulted so I killed someone' thing especially because I am trying so hard not think about it and telling Mark will only make him go on rampage and that's something that shouldn't happen.

I shrugged. "Maybe it's because I did roll and bath myself in red paint. I did stop at a storage room after all. See?" With my arm still raised up against its will I used my other hand to gesture at the waist tool belt that sat snuggly around my waist.

Mark finally darted his eyes from my face and looked at the tool belt. The corner of his lips pulled up and if it was even more possible he pulled me closer to him, sneering at me. "Stop lying April, I can smell the blood. Why are you so adamant to not tell me the truth? Who are you trying to protect?"

"Protect!?" I yelled incredulously. I yanked my hand again and this time he lets go, his cold eyes studying mine expression. "Who am I supposed to protect in this blasted building!? I don't know if you have heard it yet, but people are chasing me like I'm some sort of wild gold goose!" I retorted angrily. "I literally went straight to you! Getting myself in multiple dangerous situations to rescue you and here you are accusing me of- what's with that face?"

Folds appeared between my brows as I was confronted by Mark's gobsmacked expression. His widened eyes staring unblinkingly at me. "What?" I reiterated.

"You came to rescue me?" He sounds those words out carefully his face frowning in confusion as those words felt foreign to him.

"Yes?" I drawled. "Why else would I be here?"

Disbelieve contoured his face and knitted his eyebrows together as he cast his eyes on the ground before he shook his head, "No," He brought his skeptic blue eyes back, staring intensely at me with his head tilted to the side. "why would you rescue me? You could have escaped by yourself. It was the perfect opportunity to get rid of me too."

The shock that flashed by my face didn't go unnoticed and Mark took a slow step towards me, his sky blue eyes boring in to my soul. "You didn't realize it?"

I blinked blankly profusely before lowering my gaze as my mind started to wander off. I didn't. That's right Casper did say that I win the game if I get to Mark on time or escape the building before the alarm goes off, but my mind was only drown with thoughts of getting to Mark and escape together. I could have easily vented out of the building, so why did the thought of escaping by myself never cross my mind?

My mind was in turmoil, but the thudding sound of my heart only increased by each second enveloping my body in heat. My cheeks were on fire as I raised my eyes to look at the smug eating grin of Mark; his sky colored eyes gleaming with mirth telling me that he knew what was going through my mind.

I was about to combust from embarrassment. "And what's so bad about it? Am I not allowed to rescue you?" I asked defensively and added as I folded my arms in front of my chest, "and besides isn't it the queen's task to protect her king?"

"Oh?" He hummed pleased, closing the distance between us with his long legs in an instant. Raising his hand up to let his fingers caress my cheek softly, but his eyes smoldering with restraint heat intensified the blush on my cheeks. "So I am your king?"

"No!" I denied hastily, but the redness in my face refused to subside. "I mean- aren't we like partners in crime at this point? I can't leave my partner behind."

He arched his eyebrows, his lips spreading in an even wider smile that revealed his pearl white teeth showing how he reveled in my attempt to rectify my words and commended with a voice that was laced with amusement, "Partner? I prefer the term husband, but I'll happily oblige with that synonym if it ease your heart."

I exasperated annoyed while closing my eyes. Why does he has to reform my words into his advantages? I sighed defeated inwardly. I feel like I keep digging my own grave every time I open my mouth against this obnoxious man. Grimacing I glared petulantly at Mark who awaited with excitement for my response.

"So you're not hurt." I grumbled in attempt to deviate our conversation to something else.

Mark chuckled lightly, "You're so lovely when you don't know how to response. Alright I will play along with you." He opened his arms, "As you can see I am unhurt."

"Yeah, I realize that it was stupid of me to worry about you." My eyes shifted past his shoulder to look at the door that was agape before glancing back at the dead man next to us. The man wasn't wearing a mask, so I assumed that he was a guard with a task to guard Mark. Why did he unlock the door and go to Mark?

As if he knew what I was thinking Mark scoffed and said in a gruff voice, "A while after you broke the camera I decided that I really had to get out of here so that I could go and find you and decided to act like I was choking and like an idiot he bursted through the door checking on me- the rest is history."

Scrunching up my face I nodded thoughtfully. Poor man dying at the hands of Mark.

"But are you okay? That's really not your blood?" The mirth was dropped from his voice and was replaced with concern, earning my attention back as he brought his hands up to cup my face. His deep sea eyes taking in every facet of my face trying to discover any small scar that may be present on it.

I rolled my eyes as I used my own hands to clasp around his. "It's really not mine. I can take care of myself you know?" Prying his hands off I offered him a slight smile

He harrumphed and shifted his hand around to engulf my small hands- his thumb stroking the back of my hands, "I plight the difference. You've got a pretty long criminal record of getting yourself in trouble whenever I'm not watching. Maybe I should lock you up in a different country this time." He muttered the last part lowly under his breath, but my ears still managed to catch it and I felt the small hairs at the back of my neck raising, feeling highly disturbed.

"Can we just leave already?" I groaned.

He nodded in agreement, "Yeah for sure, let's get the fuck out of here."

He changed his hold from my hands to my arm, grabbing it to lead me faster through the door. "Do you know where the hell we're going!?" I asked as I followed Mark in to various of corners.

"I have memorized the maps of every hotel that Casper is managing! There should be a parking garage down this hallway!" He responded. "We have to be quick, Casper can notice any moment now that I am gone!"

"But I have already noticed it my dear Mark~" a condescending voice sang and we both halted our steps, snapping our heads around to see Casper behind us surrounded by his bodyguards and behind them were the masked men. Noticing the frazzled expression on my face he answered the question that was roaming my mind. "Did you already forget when I told you that I had hung cameras in every room? If I say every room then I mean every room." His pale hand gestured at the security camera that was in the end corner of the hallway.

"I must say you're a pretty nifty woman. You almost had me there when you took the liberty to destroy one of my property and decided to crawl through my vents like a vermin. It was a pity that I coincidentally caught you on camera when you came out of the vent in the storage room."

I messed up. I didn't take in account that he would also put a camera inside the storage room.

I clutched my hands into a pair of fists. But that shouldn't matter anymore as I got to Mark on time. "But in the end I won. I got to Mark on time, so you have to let us go." The flow of my words were even and careful as I eyed him wearily.

Casper's chuckles lowly, his shoulders rattling slightly as he closed his eyes. "Oh. Oh. Oh," He started and slowly revealed his crimson colored eyes again. "when does the bad guy every play by the rules? This game was solely meant for my amusement and if I could see Mark in absolute despair that would be a bonus!" The tone in his voice took a sudden turn, the mirth in his eyes dissolved to dust turning them pitiless. "But somebody had to defile my precious game. Not only didn't I get any amusement out of it Mark is even okay! So the best thing that you can do to repay me is to give up your life."

With the snap of his fingers his cronies started to stalk in our direction while pulling out their guns. The tip of my fingers started to turn cold, feeling the anxiety sipping through my skin.

I felt a pressure being applied on my arm and glanced sideways at Mark whose cautious gaze was leveled on Casper. "When I give the sign run as fast as you can to the parking garage." He said it in a whisper loud enough for only me to hear.

What? I stared at him incredulously and before I could answer him he dashed straight for Casper. The men aimed their gun at Mark and start firing their bullets at him, but as fast and agile he was the bullets didn't even manage to scratch him and the shooters met their retribution as Mark shot at them rapidly. Their screams echoing through the hallway.

Stunned by Mark's actions the men were petrified with fear, not daring to take another step leading to a breach in their circle. Mark took that chance and started to advance faster. Before anyone could react in time Mark had already tackled Casper to the ground- positioning himself on top of him while his hands took Casper's collar in a tight grip.

Mark turned his head around, looking over his shoulder as his urgent eyes locked with my bewildered ones; yelling, "Now!" and turned his upper body back around to keep the struggling Casper in check. The combed black hair of the man who resembled the snow got disarranged with few fringes falling in front of his eyes. Every time he tried to get up only to get pushed back down by Mark caused a fury to surge through him, turning his pale cast close to charcoal black.

"Run April!" Mark yelled when he still saw my unmoved body. I jolted. Run? You really expect me to just run and leave you behind? My consciousness wouldn't allow it.

I shook my head, whimpering to him, "I can't."

"Just go! I'll be fine!"

Feeling overwhelmed by the sudden situation I stumbled a few steps backwards, before turning around doing what Mark wanted me too; run. I wasn't able to get far as I only took three quick steps before Casper's roaring voice demanded my utmost attention.

"Take one more step and Mark's head will be adorned with gaping holes!" My feet were rooted to the ground. My torso turned slightly to the side and I gasped at what I saw. Mark and Casper were still in their wrestling positions, however the armed man that hovered above them had their gun aimed downwards at Mark.

Mark's back faced their guns and he said through gritted teeth. "Don't listen to him April."

Casper cackled evilly, "Sure don't listen to me. It would be my pleasure to end this fool's life, now."

Mark tightened his hold on Casper's collar and pulled him closer to his face as he glowered dangerously at him, "Shut up, before I break your twig-like neck."

I didn't know what to do. I felt so lost like the walls were steadily enclosing on me. There's no way that I could leave Mark knowing that that psycho may gun his head to the next life and now that I think about it whether I move or not he will still try to kill us it's just a matter of how fast he will do that.

I eyed skeptic at Casper. Our eyes met and I saw how the corner of his mouth got pulled into a smirk. His condescending look confirmed my thought and I drew my lips between my teeth out of frustration.

Or we die fighting or we die doing nothing. And I decide to fight. Pulling out the gun out of the tool belt with an unwavering stance I aimed at the group man with a dangerous glint in my eyes, yelling, "Don't move or I will shoot!"

They all turned their shocked gazes towards me before they all burst out laughing except for Mark who glared at me; his gaze asking me what the hell I was doing.

"Hahaha! A noob like you threatening us!? This is hilarious!" Casper body convulsed from the laughter and he had to clutch his stomach to sooth the pain. Mark shot him a glare but that didn't stop his laughter. "You're more likely to shoot Mark then us!"

All the men snickered at his remark. I felt my cheeks burning at his statement which was correct. I am not even sure if I was aiming correctly, but I kept a stoic expression, because I was never planning to shoot I only wanted their attention. "You're right. I don't know how to use a gun, but I sure as hell do know how to use something else."

I placed the gun back to where it came from and let my hand roam inside the big pocket hanging in front of my waist. They all ceased there laughter, their eyes gleaming with curiosity as to what I would pull out next.

As I pulled out the object from the belt Mark's thick brows started to meet each other bit by bit, vertical lines appearing between them as confusion settled on his face. And that goes for everyone even Casper's face had a frazzled expression on it.

"A deodorant spray? Are you serious?" He scoffed in disbelieve. "What are you going to do with that? Spray our evilness away? It's an axe spray at that too!" He laughed as he noticed the brand name. "Are you going to axe our neck?"

Everybody tittered at the pun. Only disgust and cringe could be found on my face before I shifted my eyes to Mark who stared at me as if the bullshit meter was ticking inside the red zone and mouthed at him, "Prepare to run." He narrowed his eyes but slowly broaden them again when he saw what I pulled out next, his lips twisting into a smirk.