She Came Earlier Than Expected Part 2

Mark's POV

With a quiet trembling voice, she said it like she was in a trance, not being able to fathom what she was seeing right now. I glanced at April before returning my gaze back at the elderly woman in front of me with a bored expression, humming inwardly, 'She came earlier than I expected.'

I was so kind enough to enclose April's address to my mother-in-law; anonymous of course. Even though I regret not killing her back then and I still want to rip off her head for putting April through such harrowing experience. I had an inkling that she was the key to unbidden the shackles surrounding April's heart. The key that I needed to finally have April in my grasp. I did say after all that I was going to speed up my courting process no matter how underhanded the method that I am using was going to be.

Holding the handle between her folded hands April's mom opened the umbrella. Letting the canopy shield her from the drizzling rain as she took a few steps out of the awning. "April." She breathed the name out that she hadn't said for years while trudging closer to us.

When she finally stood few feet away from us her eyes went round from shock at the sight of her daughter's appearance. She reached out her hand in a haste wanting to inspect if the horrifying amount of blood was her daughter's. "Good lord what happened to you-!"


As if waking up from a long dream and realizing that this was reality, April smacked her mother's hand away. Her eyes brimming with fury as she glared at the woman who gave birth to her. "Why are you here? How did you even find me?"

The woman staggered back from the sudden slap, bringing her hand back; clutching it against her chest. Her eyes were about to release tears from her daughter's harsh rejection, but she forced it back in.

"I-I wanted to check on-"

Before she could even finish April cut her off with her booming voice. "Check on me!? You wanted to check on me!?" She laughed dryly. "What do you really want? Money? I don't have money so go away."

Her mother shook her head. With her feeble voice that carried turbulence in it she said, "N-No. April please." She begged, wishing to be heard by her daughter. "There was never a day that I didn't regret what had-"

But again, April didn't let her mother say her peace. "Are you still with him?" She asked, her eyes narrowing at her.

"No." The woman's voice came out like a soft whisper as she added with her head hung low, "I ran away from him."

"Ha! Now that his punching back had ran away, he had to aim his anger at you. You couldn't handle his way of love anymore?" April snarled having the woman flinch under her cold stare.

Trying again the woman opened her mouth. "April I'm so-"

"I don't want to hear it." Turning her head to the side April refused to let her eyes linger any longer on the woman. She balled her hands, clutching them tightly against her sides, her nails almost breaking through the skin of her palms.

The volume of her voice kept increasing as she kept spilling the painful contents that were locked away in her heart. "You don't have the right to tell me you're sorry! You ran away? No matter how much I begged you to ran away with me to leave that man behind you didn't even lift a finger! With a smile you would brush my cries away telling me that it will get better. Every time he would beat me you would tell me that it was his way of showing love! If that's the case then why didn't you stay with him to receive the same kind of love!?"

With a downcast expression the mother didn't respond causing April to snap her raging eyes back at her demanding an answer. "Why!?"

"That's enough for today." Not wanting to see April getting more worked up and wanting her out of this showery weather as soon as possible I took it upon myself to interject myself in to the heated conversation- whisking her off the ground in one swoop. I started to waltz towards the door of the building complex carrying her in my arms.

April went wide-eyed and immediately started to squirm in my hold, uttering her words of protest against me. I quickly shut her up by giving her a warning glare. She instead folded her arms in front of her chest and started to mumble under her breath which made me chuckle.

As I was about to walk past the woman who calls herself April's mom, I felt a pair of hands on my arm making me stop mid-step. With an unbothered expression I glanced down at the anxious face of April's mom. "W-Who are you to take away my daughter like that!?"

Not wanting to waste my breath on her I only gazed at her coldly. Daunted by my stare she hesitantly let's go of me; her mouth opening and closing as she wants to say something but couldn't. Good, it doesn't seem like she has recognized me. I did torture her and her man few years ago, but I was like always in a disguise. I would be impressed if she had figured out my identity, not like it would matter. It would only give me a legible reason to free the earth of one more waste. Retracting my eyes from the old woman I proceeded to walk in to the building with April in my arms.

My heart was wrenching knowing the pain that the woman had caused and left in April's heart which made me almost regret letting that woman know her address. We will see what the outcome will be of this meeting and knowing me I will make sure that the outcome will be positive.

Standing in front of her door while keeping April steady with one arm I used the other one to pull out the replicate key that I had made out of my pocket, injecting it in to the keyhole. As I heard the clicking sound, I turned the doorknob, pushing the door open. I closed the door behind me as I waltzed inside the dark filled hallway. Raising my hand, I pressed the light switch that was located on the side of the wall. The lamp flickered a few times before illuminating the hallway.

I placed April carefully on the ground. She was shivering from the cold like a cat that fell in to the cold lake- its fur stuck to its skin as it somehow managed to crawl out of the lake. "Thank you." She whispered while her hand lingered on my forearm for support. She removed her hand and used it to stroke her arms in attempt to create some warmth. "You can leave now. I will see you tomorrow." She said through chattering teeth. It was laughable how she tried to dismiss me while looking like that.

"No." I deadpanned.

She pursed her cute lips as she furrows her eyebrows. "You promised."

The corner of my lips pulled into a smile as I leaned closer so that our eyes were on the same height. "I never promised anything my sweet kitten. I only gave you permission- permission that I can take back anytime."

There was a flicker of betrayal in her eyes and her scowl deepened. I chuckled lightly as I let the palm of my hand stroke the top of her drenched head. "Don't worry I will leave as soon as I have made sure that you're okay."

Confusion contoured her pale face. "But I am okay."

"I'll be the judge of that. Now go and take a shower and after that let's have some tea together." I ordered.

Displease washed over her face as she scrunched up her nose. Her eyes gleamed with desire to retaliate at me bringing a smirk to my lips. "Seeing how you are still standing here I'll give you two options." My hand glided from her crown to her nape earning a sharp breath from her. "You'll listen to me and go take a shower or" I drawled, letting my fingers slowly trail further down her neck until I got a hold of the zipper of her dress. Bringing my lips closely to her ear I whispered huskily, "I can undress you and we can take a bath together." before nibbling her earlobe lightly.

She released a gasp and as if she was getting burned by my touch jumped away from me, using her hands to clasp around the flushed ear that I whispered in to. "You're such a beast!" Her face was bright red, her pupils whirling around as if she was getting dizzy.

So adorable, I thought. My brow arched in amusement. "A beast? I was only giving you options to choose from. If I was truly a beast, I would have act on instinct. Shall I show you what my instincts want me to do?" I smiled rakishly seeing the shiver that rolled down her body at the sound of my sensual voice.

She whimpered a 'no' shaking her head gingerly while taking a careful step back. Not allowing her to widen the distance I took a big step forward, stalking to her like a predator who had decided on its pray.

Her eyes grew alarmed and she weakly stammered as she pointed behind her in the direction of her bathroom. "I-I will take a shower. Bye!" like a cat she run away with her tail between her legs; the sound of her slamming the bathroom door resonated throughout the apartment, causing my lips to spill laughter.

I wouldn't have really pounced on her, not now at least. I just really want to make sure that when I leave this building that she is cleaned up, warmth up and tucked in bed. Knowing her and knowing her coping mechanism whenever it came to her mom or step-dad I know for a fact that she would neglect her health. She would have slept in that grubby, drenched appearance if I didn't make her take a shower.

Turning on the kettle I took place on the small grey couch. Crossing my legs, I leaned back as I folded my arms; thinking about the next steps that I have to make to deal with Casper for making my April go through that. First of let's dump that car of his at a junkyard. I should call Snake to take care of that. Hmmm, it will take a while before he makes his next move as one of his hotels is in shambles, so I have to strike now while the iron is still hot. I thought, stroking my chin.

After a while of being deep in thought I heard a relieved sigh coming from my side. I glanced up and my jaw went slack. My lips parted slightly and simultaneously with my raging beating heart the whistle sound of the kettle went off indicating that it was done as I settled my gaze at April who was standing at entrance of the living area. Closing her eyes while smiling pleased, she tilted her head to the side- gathering her hair to one side and used the towel to gently pat it down from her roots to her ends, catching every water drop. Her lips that looked pale before were now rosy and full of life again. Her cheeks were dusted with red from the steamy shower. Water drops trailed from her still wet hair down her flushed skin. The top part of her pajama was adorned with buttons in the middle where she left the last three one open, revealing her belly button.

And I had to hold back a growl from escaping when my eyes laid their sight on her nipples that were protruding through the flimsy fabric that was supposed to cover it.

Feeling my eyes on her she opened her innocent green eyes to peer in to my darkened ones. She quirked her eyebrows. "What?" She asked wearily not knowing the friction that she had caused between my legs.

I cleared my throat. Reaching my hand out to her I said, "Give me the towel, I'll dry your hair for you."

"I can do it myself."

"Since when did I ever care whether you're able to do something yourself? Are you going to come here and let me do your hair or shall I come to you?" I challenged with a lopsided grin.

She groaned annoyed and stomped reluctantly my way- plopping herself down on the ground in front of me with her back aimed towards me, allowing me to have better access to her hair as she settled herself between my legs. Humphing she trusted the towel in my hand. I took it and started to dry her head, gently letting the towel glide from her roots to her ends, gathering the strands of the ends in the towel to scrunch them up. Repeating that motion a few times I saw her strands that were first straight as a bone slowly regaining their luscious curls back.

April's head was lulled back, her lips releasing slow breaths as if she was about to fall asleep. "Mark." She called her voice soaked with sleepiness.

I hummed in response working my fingers through her scalp. "I am about to fall asleep."

"Don't fall asleep yet." I told her and pushed with my thumbs the fringes that laid on her forehead aside, leaning my head down as I gave it a chaste kiss.

April's eyes flew open and she scrambled away from me, using her hands to cover her forehead. Narrowing her eyes at me she said annoyed, "Is there something else that you can do except finding every opportunity to kiss me?"

I grinned teasingly in response. "You're awake, now aren't you? I will get us some tea so go sit on the couch." I stood up from the couch walking to the kitchen counter. I took two tea cups from the cabinet situated above me and poured the steaming hot water inside them. "Any tea flavor that you desire?" I asked as I opened a different cabinet to only see a small box with mint flavored tea-bags.

"I only have mint as a flavor." She answered.

I chuckled lowly. "Then mint shall it be."

The tea-bags were placed inside the cups, the essence of it spreading in the water like paint, staining the clear liquid with a murk color that darkened the longer the tea-bag stayed inside. Removing the tea bag and adding two sugar cubes to my kittens cup I stir it thoroughly before bringing it to where April was situated.

I handed her the cup earning a small thank you as she grabbed it with both of her hands. Pouting her lips, she puffed out small air to cool down the tea. With a smile I took my place next to her, crossing my legs as I rested an arm behind her- my hand draping over her shoulder while my other hand was holding the tea.

Bringing the cup to my lips I took a sip while observing kitten through the corner of my eyes. Thinking that she cooled down the tea enough she brought it to her lips. She took a sip carefully before hissing out in pain, "Ouch!" She rapidly waved her hand closely to her tongue in an effort to sooth down the stinging pain.

I couldn't help but laugh as I commented, "I know that I call you kitten, but are you perhaps really a cat? How's your tongue so sensitive?"

She shot me (cutely) a side glare, pouting her lips disgruntledly. "How can you drink it hot like that?"

"I was born with a fridge in my mouth." I said jokingly as I took another sip of my tea, the warm liquid gliding with ease down my throat.

Watching me gulp down the tea as if it was water she winced again, feeling secondhand pain. Perturbed she scrunched up her face, grumbling, "You're giving me more reason to think that you're not human."

I smirked against the edge of the cup before placing it down on the small coffee table. Turning to face April with a fixed smile I said with a mischievous tone, "Shall I share some of my inhuman powers with you?" Bringing my hand up I cupped her chin, letting my thumb glide over her supple lips. My eyes locked with her shocked ones, surveying how her pupils were quacking. "Who knows maybe I'm able to cool down the inside of your mouth when we share a kiss."