We Do

A few months later…

A soft knock on the door could be heard before it being slightly pushed open to reveal Mark's mom's head peeking out of it, for her to glance around the bridal suite before her eyes fell on me.

"Is the bride almost ready?" Came the careful question from her mouth when sensing the heated atmosphere as mom was working on my hair and Cher on my make-up with little to no time left before I had to be at the chapel.

I was seated before a dressing table. Watching myself in the wide rectangular mirror, its edges ornamented with lightbulbs that illuminated my face. Cher, who was giving small touches to my lips with a rouge matt lipstick casted a pointed look at the sweet woman who was wearing a wobblily smile.

"Does she look ready in your eyes?"

"S-She looks gorgeous-"

"That's not enough" Cher cut Mark's mom, Elena, off. "She has to be mesmerizing, like drop dead gorgeous. She has to be the main focus point of today." She said in a serious tone, using her hand that was holding the lipstick to overemphasize her point, before going back to applying the lipstick.

Watching through the mirror I saw Elena's frightened expression. She wanted to say something else but feared that Cher would bite her head off if she ushered another word.

I chuckled and then said, trying to ease the tension, "We are almost done Elena. Cher is just prickly because of all the hormones, so don't pay any attention to her."

My eyes darted to the small bump that was covered by Cher's green dress. Few weeks after Cher got married she got sick. She couldn't stomach certain types of food and started to crave for food she would have never eaten before and became more emotional. Worried, Brandon took her to the doctor who happily announced that she was pregnant. We were all overjoyed upon hearing the news.

She's now almost five months along and we are all excited to see the bump growing everyday.

Elena gave us a slight nod, offering us an understanding smile before disappearing behind the door. When she was gone I gave Cher, who was now dusting blush on my cheeks, a look. "You do realize that, that was your boss' mom, right?"

"And you're soon going to be the wife of my boss, so I will live through another day," She tipped back my chin, with her finger to giver her better access. "Now hush before I turn you into a clown." She threatened which made me put an imaginary zipper on my lips to zip it close, so not to further agitate the pregnant lady here.

Another more minutes had passed and when I was about to lose the feeling in my bum from sitting too long Cher placed the make-up brushes down before letting out a sigh that sounded drained as she glanced down at her work pleased, "I'm done."

"Me too," Mom said. Over the past few months mom and I have been hanging out with each other a lot. Sharing a lot of profound deep conversations that had left us in tears multiple times but I could feel our broken bonds being slowly repaired to how it was before.

Gaining the flexibility to move my head leaned in closer to inspect myself better as I deliberately moved to the sides. I couldn't withhold the gasp of gratitude and amazement of what these two women had done to me. I looked like a total different person, like how the fairy godmother casted her spell on Cinderella. The make-up was light- covering the things that needed to be covered while enhancing my face features more.

And my hair was braided in a fishtail that went until my tail bone. Different type of white flowers decorated the fishtail and on top of my head was a crown of white lilies- attached to it a veil that draped until the floor.

"This is amazing." I breathed out in wonderment and stood up from the chair to turn around, giving Mom and Cher both at the same time a hug. "Thank you guys. I look amazing." I whispered thankful.

Hearing the words of appreciation coming out of my mouth tears threatened to escape Cher's eyes and she used her hand to fan her tears back inside, while still being stuck in my tight hug, having her chin rest on my shoulder. "Damn hormones." She grumbled between sniffs and I chuckled.

Clearing her throat abruptly Cher pushes herself away from the embrace. "We have to go before the groom thinks that his bride has fled." Cher said it jokingly, but I shook my head internally, thinking how he may indeed be thinking that.

When I made my way with mom and Cher to where the chapel was located, I saw Jeremy, mom's boyfriend, waiting for me a few steps away from the entrance. Flashing his smile at me he offered me his arm and I put my hand around it as I returned him the same smile.

Just like how I got closer with mom in the past few months the same way goes for Jeremy who had become the new pillar for me to lean on. Granted, our first meeting was awkward where only clumsy jokes were served, but as I spend more time with him I realized how truly nice and caring he was, treating and loving me as his daughter.

"You look beautiful, April," He complimented me, his green eyes smiling at me.

"Thank you, and thank you for walking me down the aisle." I said in a low voice, the gratitude that I felt for the man flowing out of it as I tried hard to suppress back the tears so not to sully the wonderful work that Cher had done to my face. How much I wished that my dad could see me right now, but I am glad that Jeremy is here with me instead.

Cher and mom who stood behind me made the hem of my gown and veil proper from behind before handing me over the bouquet and leaving me to go inside the chapter to notify the people of my arrival.

On hearing the music that came from the chapel Jeremy asked with a dashing smile, "Ready?"

Clutching on his arm tighter I took a deep breath before exhaling it and giving him a nod. "I'm ready." And we began to walk and stepped inside the room.

Entering the room I couldn't help but notice how bright and colorful the chapel looked as the rays of the sun penetrated the mosaic windows, soaking everyone in its brightness. It felt like God had given me his blessing to set forth with my decision and I walked deeper in the room. The guests had stood up on either side, watching me making my way on the path that had been carved out for me. I saw my teary-eyed mom standing next to Jeremy who had his arm cricled around her shoulder. Standing next to them was Brandon offering me a smile. I also caught sight of Mark's parents who were gazing lovingly at me, happy to receive a daughter in law.

But there were also many faces who I couldn't identify- making me wonder whether they were acquaintance of Mark. Before their gazes could make me feel nervous my wandering eyes met Mark's blue eyes who stood at the front, waiting for me to join him. His hair was neatly parted from the side and he wore a black suit with a white rose pinned to the lapel of his dark coat. Now that my eyes were settled on him I couldn't take them off anymore. He was like a beacon of light guiding me to come to him.

Every step that I took I could feel my heart stutter and I had to swallow back a nervous lump. Mark wore a subtle smile as he saw me steadily approach him. I held on to Jeremy's arm tightly until we reached the front. I handed the bouquet over to Cher and stood in front of Mark- getting lost in those deep blue eyes that gazed lovingly at me.

The priest that was responsible for performing the ceremony was an elderly man with receding gray hair. He announced, "You all may take your seat now."

He then opened his book that rested on the podium table and said, "Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Mark Moore and April Westwood in marriage…"

I felt my heart skip a beat with the way the handsome looking man in front of me gazed down at me. Looking at me as if I was the only person in the room, his entire mind focused on me. I am sure that he wasn't even listening to what the priest was saying. Momentarily I saw his eyes avert from mine to lower his gaze down to my deep v-line dress and his eyes darkened, desire dancing in them.

I can't believe this guy, I thought baffled before narrowing my eyes at him. Feeling my heated gaze Mark looked back at me before grinning rakishly at me as he knew what I was thinking.

Hearing the priest ending his long reading I heard him ask, "Do you both promise to honor and love each other, cherish each other for all days until death do us apart?"

"We do." Both me and Mark responded at the same time.

"Let's now proceed with the exchange of rings," The priest announced and at the same time someone came walking to him carrying a purple cushion on his hands where our rings were placed on. The priest took the cushion and reached it out to us. Mark took the ring and started to recite his vow,

"I, Mark, give you April this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you. I promise to be there for you whenever you need me, to sooth you when your heart craves for it and to protect you with my whole being from anything that may harm you in any shape or form." He then placed the ring on me before bringing it to his lips to place a chaste kiss on it. "I'll love you until my last breath and beyond."

I could feel my heart slip and stutter. The place that he kissed felt warm and I prayed that I won't stammer as it was my turn now.

"I, April, give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my enduring love." Because God knows that I am going to have to endure a lot things from now on. I brought the ring closer to Mark's hand to push it over his ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Declared the priest and Mark didn't waste a second as he stepped forward to circle his hand around my waste, bending down to capture my lips in a kiss.

I felt my heart catapulting out of my chest when Mark kissed me. Closing my eyes I kissed him back until he pulled away from my lips. I noticed a broad smile decorating his lips. A smile that told me that nothing could sour this day now.

He then, out of nowhere swept me of my feet, earning a squeal from my lips as he carried me like a princess. He inflated his chest with air before announcing to the guest in a loud voice that resounded throughout the whole chapel and maybe even beyond,

"Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you, my wife, April Moore!"

Everybody stood up and clapped tremendously, cheering loudly their congratulations our way. Not noticing my face that was clouded with red as it was buried in Mark's chest. Mark started to waltz down the path, carrying me in his arms. I looked up at mark who couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear.

So childlike, I thought but something about his expression was contagious as the corner of my lips pulled up in a smile.

I really became his wife, I thought amazed. Thinking back to how all of this started to where we are now feels like a sick twisted tale. Every now and then my moral side likes to peek around the corner to tell me how I am making the wrong the decision, how it is still not too late to go to the police or tell Cher the truth. But deep down inside of me, I've known from the beginning that this fight was a losing game. That I was only fighting to hang on to my feeble freedom, but if I had kept fighting him someone would lose their life and that someone wasn't going to be him. That thought alone was enough for me to sacrifice myself.

"What are you gazing so thoughtfully at, my sweet wife." Came Mark's voice, not able to contain his excitement of calling me wife. We were now walking out of the chapel to the limousine that was waiting for us.

I blinked a few times before offering him a smile. Wounding my hand behind his nape I pulled him down to me to give him a tantalizing kiss before whispering against his lips, "I'm looking at my husband."

On my own terms I came to love this deranged man, who had put my well being as his main priority, who had ironically made me make up with my mom whether it was for his own benefit or not, who treats me like a fragile eggshell.

I really pray that he will continue to keep his word, because my heart only beats for him and it will continue to do so until my last breath.

But if there comes a time where he lies and breaks his word, no matter what I have to do,

I will run away from him.