The Old Man


Jian Tian and Jian Xue both walked outside onto the hot prairie. "Since you're still a child, why don't we practice the basics for now" Jian Xue suggested since a two-year-old probably does not have the proper muscles or strength to do the more advanced sword techniques or skills.

"Un" Jian Tian nodded. Jian Xue then went on to explain the basics of Swordsmanship with detail, and Jian Tian listened and acted as if he was interested and surprised, of course, Jian Tian had already known all of this, but he could not just tell his mom that a two-year-old knows the basics of swordsmanship without using a sword or reading a book about a sword. That would just cause too many problems for Jian Tian's life.

After Jian Xue had finished explained everything about the basics. She demonstrated it in front of Jian Tian so that he has a better idea of what to do.

'Her footing is wrong, she swung the sword too early, she's doing too much unnecessary movements, her movements are too large, and she is over complicating everything' Jian Tian inwardly rated how Jian Xue did. 'Not bad overall' If people from Jian Tian's world had heard what Jian Tian had just commented inwardly, they would have a heart attack from the sheer amount of shock.

When Jian Tian says that someone was not bad, that means that they have the talent to become the top 100 cultivators in the entire world, yet Jian Tian had just said that a girl without a working dantian was not bad? This meant that if she had a Dantain she could probably become the strongest in Jian Tian's world.

"Alright, now try to copy my movements, and if you can't get it right the first time, don't worry it's very natural for you not to be able to do it the first time. I even had trouble doing it when I was a kid" Jian Xue said.

"Un" Jian Tian nodded, then he stood up and grabbed his ranked 8 spirit sword, and prepared to perform what his mom had just performed.

Jian Tian started to perform the basics, but when he did it, it felt intoxicating every swing, every movement was intoxicating. It felt as if everyone was a moth and Jian Tian is the light.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

Each time Jian Tian swings his sword, it was fierce yet elegant, smooth, and fluid almost as if every move he did connect to each one and another, there were no flashy movements or unnecessary, only simple and effective.

Jian Xue looked at each of Jian Tian's swings as if it was the heavens demonstrating swinging the sword not Jian Tian, each movement as if it was a legendary assassin moving through the forest. She was mesmerized, she never knew that some simple movements from the sword could look as fluid and fierce as this.

After a few more swings Jian Tian was finished. "Mom?" Jian Tian noticed that his mom was dazed from his swords play. 'Is this world's swordsmanship this bad?' Jian Tian thought. Of course, there is some truth to those thoughts, since he had only performed using 20 percent of his whole sword comprehension and usually, in Jian Tian's world 20 percent was the norm, but in this world, it seems as if he was a divine swordsman that came from the heavens.

After Jian Tian had called out his mom's name, she snapped out of her daze and came back into reality. She immediately rushed over to her son, then asked "Where did you learn that swordsmanship from? And what was it?"

"Mom, I don't know what you mean. It was just the basics, the same thing that you performed..." What Jian Tian said is the truth. It was only the basics, but of course, how could Jian Xue believe that. Those moves had helped her comprehend some of the Swordmind that was in the note and helped her general understanding of the sword, if basics could do that then wouldn't everyone become a Swordmaster?

Jian Xue scoffed at the idea that this was just the basics, it must be an immortal sword technique that came from the heavens! "Jian Tian, you don't have to lie. If it's a secret I will not force it out of you otherwise what kind of mother am I?"

"It's just the basics" Jian Tian once again said. "And It's not a secret, you can learn it if you want" Jian Tian calmly stated

Jian Xue immediately started to get excited 'If I could learn this immortal grade sword technique I could probably become the strongest sword cultivator alive!' But, another part of her still doubted him.

"Mom, I have a something to tell you" Jian Xue turned towards Jian Tian, and the cold glare that he gave off felt as if she could see right through her, and that gave her a chill down her spine 'Is this really just a two-year-old" Jian Xue could not help but think.

"Alright what is it?" Jian Xue said as she gulped down a large amount of her saliva. She was prepared to hear something like this; her son was taken over by a really strong cultivator, and that's the reason why her son could do this swordsmanship.

"I had a dream, where an old man taught me things. Like swordsmanship" Jian Tian said in a calm manner. He could already see the doubt on Jian Xue's face.

"So, that old man taught you this swordsmanship?" Jian Xue is kind of relief that her son did not tell her that he was taken over by a strong cultivator, but now her son told her something even more strange. 'A dream can make someone this strong?' Of course, she still had her doubts, but she wanted to trust her son at the same time.

"The old man only taught me the understanding of the sword. " Jian Tian said in-a-matter-of-face tone. Of course, this was all bullshit that Jian Tian had to make up so that her mom would not be suspicious of him in the future.

"Understanding? So the Sword technique you just performed was really just the basics and wasn't some immortal grade technique?" Jian Xue was still of course doubtful.

"Mhm," Jian Tian nodded without any hesitation, almost as if everything was going as planned.

"Then can you perform what you just did again?" The only reason why Jian Xue asked this was because she wanted to see how Jian Tian moved. Before she was too dazed to memorize the movements, but this time she was more prepared.

"Mhm," Jian Tian nodded and got ready. He took a deep breath in and then got into position.

*Swoosh* *Tap* *Woosh* Jian Tian performed everything perfectly and as same as last time.

'That really is the basics!' Jian Xue couldn't help but exclaim inwardly. The movements, each swing, and every turn were the same as what she performed except it had better comprehension, and without her mistakes. 'How is that possible?' Jian Xue then remembered what Jian Tian had just told her 'Does that old mean actually exist?' Jian Xue couldn't help, but start to believe what Jian Tian had just told her.

"Jian Tian come over here" Jian Xue gestured for Jian Tian to go to her. Jian Tian nodded.

When Jian Tian arrived next to Jian Xue, "Tian'er, did that old man teach you about anything else?"

Jian Tian nodded his head once more. "But, he said I couldn't say what he taught me. I can only talk about the sword" Once again this was bullshit that Jian Tian made up.

"That's fine, but Tian'er if anyone else asks how did you learn about the sword, don't say that it was the old man alright? try to make up a story" Jian Xue said with a serious tone.

"Un" Jian Tian nodded.

Jian Xue smiled and inwardly thanked the old man for teaching her son all of those things. "Alright, that's enough for today." Jian Xue said as she picked up her wooden chair and sword. Jian Tian did the same and picked up his ranked 8 spirit sword. They both went back into the wooden house and relaxed. It was a tiring day for both of them, mentally and physically.
