"Okay so one penthouse suite for a 'Princess-Mage Lizzy.' Okay you are good now that will be ¥20,465" Blaise said smiling.
"Actually she has these coins to pay with." Riley said handing them over.
"Are those-" Blaise started.
"Rubys? Yes they are" Riley said interrupting him.
"Can I go see my room?" Lizzy said. "I wanna see the bed."
"Yeah here's the key 'My Lady'" Blaise said, hiding a smile.
"Oh you don't have to say that, I'm not queen yet," Lizzy said smiling, "But thanks."
Blaise went onto his social media and added to the post 'The girls name is "Princess-Mage Lizzy of the Kingdom of the Rainbow Sands!" and apparently she's next in line for the throne so be nice!'
When Lizzy got to the room she looked at the 'key' dubiously and asked "How do I unlock a door with something like this?"
"Like this," Riley said and tapped the keycard to the 'lock' and it opened.
"Woah! How does that work?" Lizzy exclaimed passionately.
"You just set this on the light and it will open. But it will only unlock this door so don't go trying others." Riley said warningly.
"Okay!" Lizzy said and laughed. "This is really cool!"
"Yeah. Now go ahead and get some rest and go talk to Blaise in the morning if you need anything." Riley said and left.
"Whoo! This is great!" Lizzy exclaimed and jumped on the bed "Wow! This is so comfy!" She said giggling.
Then she snapped her fingers as she figured out something. I should find another wizard that can help me get home tomorrow!