Fairy Tail 3

After Mystogan left I was talking to Makarov when the others woke up. "Hey Lizzy? What happened?" Natsu asked me rubbing sleep from his eyes.


"Oh. Ok."

"Oi! Next round's on me!" I shouted, smirking at the fact everyone seemed so eager.

"Thanks Lizzy!" Cana said grinning.

"No problem!"

"Oi! Why are you getting them all drunk?" Natsu asked me.

"Cause I can."

"Hmm. Ok! I wanna drink too!"


"What? But!" Natsu said disappointed.

"Nope. To young."

"But! You're the same age!"

"That's what you'd think. But I'm actually like 30."

"30? Wow! You're old!" That earned him a slap across the face from me and Lucy.

"Oh hey Lucy."


"Oi! Lizzy! Rematch! Without that stupid sword this time!"


"But! Please?" Erza and I shared a look.

"Once. But if you fail to beat me I won't fight you anymore."

"Ok!" And so we ran off me prepping my magic and him just trying to keep up.

"You're slow!" I say then do a backflip onto my cloud.

"What! Hey that's cheating!"

"No it's not."

"Yeah it is!" He says then triggers one of my many traps. "Wa! Woah!" Natsu was now trapped in a net I made precisely for trapping a dragon slayer.

"You can't escape that. Not even a dragon could."

"What? You saw a dragon?" He said his eyes going wide.

"Haha! Now I see what Erza meant! You look like an idiot!"

"What! Rude!"

"Call me rude again and I'll give you a black eye. Just ask Laxus. I promise I'm not bluffing."

"Laxus? What do you mean?"

"Oh. When Mystogan visited I saw Laxus and punched him in the face. When I pulled my hand away it was already bruising. He's scared of me now."

"Yeah... You're scarier than Erza."

"Sometimes! Oh and you get to hang there for the rest of the day. I'll send someone to cut you down tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What!"

"Yep!" I say and run off.

"No! Don't leave me!"


"Hah! You beat Flame Brain with a simple net trap!" Gray laughed at the demise of his companion.

"Oh. That. Why don't you try one?" I say and push Gray into another trap I had made.

"What? How did the others not trigger that?"

"If a wizard has a certain kind of magic they will get caught by a certain kind of my traps."

"Oh. Wow."

"Yep!" I say and ask for a drink.

"Here you go Lizzy!" Mirajane said smiling.

"Thanks Mira!"

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Gray shouted.

"Hmm? Oh I forgot you were there." I smirked. "Who wants to go see Natsu?"

"Let's go!" Lucy said grinning.

"Follow me!" I say then run off into the forest. "Oh and watch your step." I say after some of them triggered traps.

"Hey! Don't leave me behind!" Erza shouted after triggering a trap.

"Nope! If you get trapped you're stuck till I go free Natsu!"

"Wait! How?" Loke shouted. "You shouldn't know what kind of magic I wield!"

I got up close to him and said, "I know your secret Leo."

"How?" He said eyes wide.

"Magic!" I say then run off again.

"Why are you back again Lizzy?" Natsu asked.

"I brought people to see you."

"No you didn't. There's no one with you."

"Oh." I say after glancing behind me. "I suppose there isn't. Guess they all got trapped."

"In the same trap as me?"

"Yep. Bye!" I say and run back to the guild.

"Why are you back already?" Makarov asked.

"They were all netted."

"Ah. Like Gray right?"


"Hey." Laxus said and dodged a punch to the face. "Please stop trying to kill me every time you see me."


"Because I don't want to die."

"Fair point. How about I leave and you can stay but I better not see you when I get back. Oi Makarov! I wanna go on a century quest!"

"Uh what?" He asked.

"I wanna go on a hard quest."


"Especially since the other quests are to easy."

"Alright. Just go."

"Thanks!" I say and pick a fun looking one. Although I think I should probably go somewhere new. "Hmm. Yeah let's disappear again. Oi! Makarov! Let the others free in the morning!" I shouted.

"Alright!" He shouted back.

"Now I can go. Atarashī basho to jikan ni tsureteitte kudasai!"