Gene medicines

Teacher Mark has always been a strict teacher.

The first half of the class was the homework time. Teacher Mark always called students to answer the questions in the homework in front of the class.

Teacher Mark would give students that failed to accomplish that extra homework this cycle would continue for 3 days after that they have to stay late in school to complete their homework.

As the class continued,teacher Mark punished many students. Ader was   surprisingly spared. He gave correct answers.

Vash and Noah also submitted their answers, the teaching aid checked which.

Teaching aid was an AI created to assist teachers while teaching, grading papers, taking attendance, monitoring students to determine their attention towards the topic to keep the teachers informed was one of the few functions of teaching aid .

Students hated it, teachers loved it. This classroom dynamic is the same throughout the galaxy.

 Teaching aid made use of cameras for monitoring student focus patterns and writing habits, then notifying the teachers in case of inconsistencies elevated the standards of classroom teaching.

The class soon proceeded towards the teaching part. Today's topic was Quantum physics study of quarks .

Vash has always enjoyed the physics class. Understanding the principles of the universe was like an adventure to Vash in which he found consolation for his paraplegia.

By making the pursuit of physics a grand adventure and a noble undertaking teacher, Mark was able to successfully influence many students including Vash ,Ader and Noah to fall in love with physics.

Vash was planning  to pursue a career in either Physics or Gene medicines.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the class.

Different classes went on till 1 pm .

At 1pm teacher Mark once again entered the class. "Form in a line and proceed toward the auditorium in an orderly fashion"

Spanning over 10,000 sq meters. Orion academy had one of the biggest auditorium in the education district.

They gathered the entire student body of Orion academy in the auditorium.

Being in the middle school, Vash's class was seated on the first floor.

 The auditorium had an enormous stage in front . There was a sitting area 5 meters away from the stage and two balconies one at first floor ,second at the second floor .

After 15 minutes, the principal entered the stage. Principle Stark was an amicable person in his early sixties.

" Today we   graced by Mr Reaves arrival at Orion academy . "

"  Mr Reaves is a Senior geneticist, he is also the head of gene meds  in Carola pharmaceutical industries."

" Behave properly teaching aids are viewing each one of you any indiscipline would cause deductions from your credit score."


" Here Mr Reaves" principal Stark spoke while  getting down from the podium.

A handsome man in mid-50s entered. Walking towards the podium, he waves to the students who were applauding in excitement.

Mr Reaves wore a black suit with a red tie . A classic dress-up to exude authority.

Standing behind the podium, Mr Reaves adjusted the mic .

He turned towards principal Star " Thank you principal Stark for the warm welcome."

" I was also a student of Orion academy 50 years ago making all of you my juniors ."

 "Today I would primarily focus on gene medicines during this lecture  ."

" So all of you are aware of the importance gene medicines have in our life. Each day everyone of us can absorb O particles according to the absorption rate of our gene class."

" The absorbed O particles increase you evolution levels. But The O particle purity differs throughout our universe. The grater the gravity greater The O particle concentration and purity."

" We can absorb O particle but much are we able to use in increasing our evolution levels?"

" This depends upon two factors 1. O particle purity 2. O particle assimilation percentage."

"Assimilation percentage is important, but it  comes after O particle purity. If the of O particles  purity is 20% like planet Assan then we can only use the 20% of the absorbed O particles."

"Gene  evolution is a race against time. We live around 150 years and after the age of 75 the assimilation percent decrease to 0."

" So after 75 years our evolution levels stops decreasing."

" Let this sink in, this is the reality we live in. This is reason higher class people can reach higher evolution levels"

" It is not true that a class C human can cultivate beyond lv 40. But even in the best circumstances he can only reach level 40 at 75."

" Remember in the best circumstances! Only black holes have O particle purity of 100 percent , att planet Assan he could not even tech lv 20."

" This is where Geneticists come for rescue.  O meds that we create provides have up to 90 percent purity of O particle now that man can go beyond lv 20 he can even  reach  lv 35 if his assimilation percentage is high enough." 

"All this can be achieved only by O meds, Gene medicine compromises of both O meds and Genetic meds." Mr Reaves spoke in excitement.

" Genetic meds can do wonders, Geneticists specialising in Genetic meds are nothing less than magicians they that help that man even achieve lv 40 in his life time."

" Sir can he achieve Eminence stage " a student inquired.

" Son, going beyond lv 40 for a Class C is not possible ."

"  I am a Senior Geneticist meaning, I can manufacture O meds of purity 40% and above for humans at Eminence stage"

" Sir, is it safe to assume you specialise in O meds "  Noah asked

" Yes, most of the Geneticists are specialists of O meds . Genetic med specialists are  rare."


" Genetic meds are custom designed for individuals and needs a lot of research in the individuals Gene sequence . As most of them are recruited by the super families they Very rare outside of superfamilies."

" Gene medicines is a booming industry  in any part of the Human alliance .As Gene Medicines require different materials from rare elements to parts of top level animals. You would come in contact with Gene medicines."

"Therefore I advise you to pick courses related to Gene medicines. This will help in future employment."

" Students with mind domain Gene sequence could become Geneticists. This is a noble profession with limitless job opportunities and it is one of the highest paying jobs."

" Even if there are no customers at the very least you and use your products on your selves." Mr Reaves joked.

Vash raised his hand.

" Yes your name is ? " Mr Reaves asked

" Sir, Vash "

 "Ok ask your question "

" Sir , you said Geneticists who specialises in Genetic meds  are rare and only work on individuals because of different Gene sequence."

" Continue" 

" Sir ,then what is stopping us to become Genetic meds specialist who only create Genetic meds for our own Gene sequence."

" You can do that . But what about the monetary aspect of it. Research on Gene sequence takes money, equipments are expensive, materials for Genetic meds are expensive, so much so that only super clans can undertake it. "

" Sir a Geneticist can manufacture O meds to earn money to further research his Gene sequence. A Geneticist with hire tier genes in Body domain can hunt  animals on his own to get the required materials."

" An excellent point but you forgot one thing Time. It takes time to become a good O med specialist. It takes time to train in techniques so you can hunt high  level animals . And the most important point is it takes time to research on a gene sequence. Even the best Geneticists of human kind can explore 10% of gene sequence within their lifetime"

" Members in super clan share approximately the same gene sequence and they have centuries of research on those genes only them are they able to create genetic meds for themselves ."

" What you said Is  not wrong, every Geneticist researchers his own Gene sequence to develop Genetic meds. But the results are far lower than a Genetic med specialist."

" In Genetic meds most important aspect  is research next comes the creation of meds of every evolution level."

" You can study previous research in O meds but in Genetic meds you have to create your own way."

" I am getting of the topic now, by the way good question Vash"

Mr Reaves complimented

" You can be Geneticists or can work in Procurements industry . We need different materials from all over the galaxy. New materials are being discovered even now . And Geneticists are racing to create alternative Gene medicines."

" Procurement industry is a wonderful choice for Body domain humans . Material detection, Monster hunting, material preservation, material storage  etc are the course you show start paying focus on right now."

"As Gene medicines comprise both mind and body domain humans.  Start preparation from this moment is very important if you want to get into university related to Gene meds." 

" I hope you could learns something new today"

 " Gene medicines is a fascinating field you should consider it carefully"