inside of the shelter, the shelter cook 🔥 is cooking 🍳 dinner Hotpot. and the Golden

Westland villages, the shelter cook 🔥 is cooking 🍳 dinner. Sichuan pork, and the golden Eastland villages. The shelter cook 🔥

is cooking 🍳 dinner Braised pork balls 🏀 in

gravy, " she is getting closer to having the baby 👶 Fen Ken. said, lady 👩 Ken. " by the time they got in their spots it is already dark 🔦 outside. " I don't know about you, but I could

use a dip in a lake, Said. Weiyoung Bay, " no, dip in any lake, Scorpion does not swim 🐠. Said, Hong Bay. " you know Weiyoung that does sound 🎵 good, said. Xaihui Wei, " I.

have to agree with Hong, no absolutely not Said, Wen Wei, " cool 👍 dip in a river be

wonderful. Said, Kanae Ken. " forget it, it's not going to happen, said Laing Ken. " what is with us going for a swim boys? Hou Tung Yi asked them. " It's dark 🔦 and the enemy could be anywhere I pointed out, said. Gong

Yi. " not so dangerous if the six of you stand guard, Cui Laing. " no dipping Cui, we need to stay on point ↖️, said. Bai Laing, " we do you want us to stay hot 🔥? asked, Xiong Qiao. " we not saying that Xiong, Said. Yuan Qiao,

" Then what are you saying then? asked. Xaihui Wei. " what 😦 are you ask me, love ❤️.

Asked, Laing Ken. " 戈 田日一廿 廿人 土人 火人口 日 木戈心, she said in their language. "

一戈, 中水廿 戈廿 土人. he said back ⬅️ to her,

" 木人一廿 水月水一 廿竹戈一大 日弓人山廿 戈廿 weiyoung.