" When do we ever need a plane? Asked, Laing Wei. " never, but we are up against the Purple 💜 Turbine, said. Kanae Ken, " they study 📚 us. said, Hong Bay. " waiting for us to make the first move, said. Weiyoung Bay,

" So we make them attack, said. Gong Yi, " they not like ❤️ Asia 🎑 Gong, Yi. " said, Hou Tung Yi.

" The trick is to get them to come to us, any of you guys thinking 💭 what 😦 I am? Asked, Bai Laing, " easy said than done Bai. said, Cui Laing, Cheng Shuang ride up to the front of them, " Which one of you will talk 💬 to me? Asked. Cheng Shuang, " she wants to meet, said. Xiong Qiao. " let's not keep the lady 👩 waiting, said. Yin Qiao, She rides up to her, they are watching in the screen 💻

" (plane it well my generals.) Said, Yan Chao." (Cheng Shuang, is a strategic he goes by play ▶️ by play ▶️. ) Said, Liu Xingjuan. "( we have to be clever then he is our generals, ) Said. Cao Ning,