The Path of Martial Arts

Unlike when he was a baby, Shui was able to get over this fever in a single day. This relieved Suiri, but also left her with many questions.

"Doctor, do you know what's wrong with him?"

"He seems to have overloaded his mind. I'm not sure how or why, but for now it would be best that he keeps his eyes closed."

He couldn't open his eyes yet he could still see. To the doctor, this was a mysterious phenomenon, but for Suiri, she was only glad that this wouldn't be too much of a burden on her child.

Once his condition stabilized, Kate came with her mother to see Shui. In order to prevent him from accidentally opening his eyes, they were covered with white bandages.

"Aunt Suiri, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You didn't know."

"But, it's because I asked him to..."

Tears came to Kate's eyes as she remembered how it happened.

'If only I hadn't asked him.'

Seeing the little girl in tears, Suiri looked at Lilia who shrugged her shoulders. Suiri bent down to Kate's level.

"Then, Kate, can you promise me something?"

"*sniff**sniff* What is it Aunt Suiri?"

"Can you stay by Shui's side so that he doesn't need to open his eyes?"

"Of, of course!"

Kate rubbed her face with her chubby hands and looked at Shui with a determined gaze. When Kate saw him sleeping soundly on the bed, she made an oath. An oath that she would protect this little brother of hers.

By the time Shui regained consciousness, Kate and her mother were gone and only his mother remained by his side.


"Oh Shui, you're awake. Are you hungry?"

The appealing scent that reached Shui's nose reminded him of his hunger and so he nodded in response.

"*cough* Okay, it's almost ready."

Despite being the only daughter of the Patriarch, the two now lived in a little shack that could fit in what she previously had for a bedroom. However, Suiri was fine with this life. As long as she could stay by her little boy's side as he grew up, that would be enough. That was her sole wish as she fed the steaming soup to Shui, while perfectly hiding the blood on her hand.

After noticing something wrapping his eyes, Shui asked his mother about it.

"So I can't take these off?"

"No, you have to keep your eyes closed. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry, Mom? Isn't it still the same as before?"

As he said, there was no need for Shui to open his eyes in the first place, but Suiri still felt bad that her child couldn't be the same as other kids.

"That's true but, ah, is there anything you want?"

"Well, not really but, anything?"

"Yes, as long as Mommy can handle it."

"Umm, then, can you bring me with you the next time you go to town?"

Though she was no longer the Clan pearl, she still had her connections from those days along with a little shop in her name, and so Suiri would go to town every month or so to check on things. When she went on this trip, she would leave Shui in the care of Lilia but he was always curious about what the town was like.

"Uh, well,"


The town wasn't exactly a safe place so she was reluctant to bring him, but the fresh bandages and his pleading voice did enough damage to make her surrunder.

A week later, the mother and son were in a carriage heading to Cyrus, the nearest town. It was a distance that could be walked, but since there might be luggage to carry back, she normally went in a carriage driven by one of the clan's servants. On the way, Shui was excitedly looking at the surroundings despite there being nothing but trees and bushes on both sides. Seeing him watching at everything with such fervour, Suiri already had a smile on her face.

"Are you having fun?"

"Mhmm, I know all the plants and bugs from the books I've read, but they're more detailed in person."

This son of hers, little over five years old, was a frequent visitor of the library, reading more books than majority of the clan had even touched. She hoped that with his talents, he could make a peaceful living as a scholar or researcher, but she wouldn't take away his freedom of choice so early.

Cyrus was surrounded by thick stone walls on all sides on an open plain. There wasn't a very long line in front of the gate and the guards were also familiar with Suiri so it didn't take long for them to enter the town. During this time, Shui was completely focused as if he was afraid to miss even a split second of this experience. Unlike in the clan where he mainly saw people in hanfu-styled clothing, the people in Cyrus wore various dresses from suits to gambesons.

In a slow pace, the carriage eventually reached a clothes store with a sign that said, 'Fairies' Wardrobe'.

"We're here. Stay by the carriage, okay Shui."

"Uhuh, Mom."

Suiri got off the carriage and made her way into the store. As soon as she was out of sight, Shui climbed down the carriage and looked around without going too far. Though the coachman saw him do this, he refused to call out the boy unless he went too far or got into trouble.

When the upper levels of the clan heard that he could see without his eyes, they thought he was somehow using his spiritual sense, but his complete lack in talent for cultivation denied that. In the first place, only mortal spirits could activate their spiritual sense and trash like him would never reach the Soul Realm, so it would be impossible for him to have such accomplishments.

Some of them also considered taking out his eyes, but this was quickly shut down since it would be too cruel and they couldn't be sure if the eyes would have any powers once removed. In the end, he was just seen as a creepy kid, especially now with the bandages always wrapped over his eyes.

Meanwhile, Shui spotted an interesting sight. A begger that was either ignored or laughed at. was shouting something on the side of the street.

"Those so-called cultivators have lost their path! Obsessed with the power gained by simply relying on innate talents and superior cultivation methods, they have forgotten the foundation of their ancestors! They have forgotten the true way of cultivation. Before, without training for tens of years, it would be impossible to make major improvement, but now they simply sit down and rely on external sources to increase their cultivation. This is a mistake! They have forgotten the basis of cultivation. They have forgotten to master the martial arts of mortals before attempting to ascend to become immortals."

The begger's speech was the same everyday, crazy ramblings that he spouted off the top of his head and the residents were already used to this. One day he was talking about the conspiracies behind the government's plans, and the next day he was saying the world was ending.

However, for Shui, these words would open his path to cultivation.