
During the banquet that was held to celebrate Cruz's visit to the Heaven Clan, Nalos along with some influential elders were especially courteous around him.

"I hope you're pleased with this show of gratitude."

"It's acceptable."

Even compared to when they were in Suiri's shack, he was more arrogant. Regardless, Nalos and the elders had no choice but to bow their heads. Cruz was born of the Valet merchant family. Though his family was very rich, that wouldn't be enough to make them so subservient. However, not only was Cruz in the Earth Realm like the Patriarch, though weaker, his nephew was also a disciple in a famous sect as well.

"I'm sorry that unfilial daughter of mine treated you in such a manner. Of course, I'll get her to agree even if I have to be a bit forceful."

"No, it's her choice. There's no point in forcing her."

That was what he said, but Nalos and a few others were still determined to 'persuade' Suiri to go along with this wealthy master.

In a secret room, Nalos along with two elders of the same generation had a discussion.

"So what should we do?"

One of the men, a prominent elder in the clan started their discussion.

"We need that girl to make herself useful. She can even bring her bastard with her, why won't she agree?"

"It doesn't matter."

Nalos looked at the other two in the room.

"We need to get her to agree, but we can't force her too much. She's already sick so if we're too rough she might die faster than expected."

"I know. We should threaten her with that bastard of hers. If we say that we'll kick him out of the clan if she stays, I'm sure she'll listen."

Nalos thought on this suggestion and made his decision.

"Okay, we'll go there tomorrow."

The next day, while Shui was doing his training, Lilia was with Suiri. When his mother initially became bedridden, Shui refused to move away from her, even bathing was something that he was reluctant to do alone. However, once Lilia found out about their situation she offered to come over whenever she was free, and as a housewife she was free a lot. Her presence allowed Shui to leave the house in peace, though he still tried to come back as soon as possible.

On this day, Lilia was peeling fruit for Suiri as they talked about everyday matters like her sex life or how Kate had been lately. These daily conversations were something that Suiri cherished, something that kept her going. But on this day, they were interrupted.

Nalos barged in with the two elders he discussed with, Corin and Eclos. Corin gave the impression of an old gentlemen with his long beard and gentle expression. Eclos on the other hand, seemed like a common thug despite his orderly attire.

"Uh, Patriarch, what are you-"

As Lilia attempted to ask for the intentions of this group, she was suddenly silenced by Corin's spell. Though this spell was as easy as waving his hand, to Lilia with her Mortal Realm cultivation, it was insurmountable.

Once she realized she couldn't speak, Lilia panicked but spread her hands and stood in front of Suiri.


Nalos ordered her to move but she remained stubborn despite her trembling feet. Even against the Patriarch, she wouldn't abandon her best friend so easily.

This scene touched Suiri's heart. This was a true friend, however, she couldn't allow her to get hurt. Suiri pulled Lilia unto the bed and grabbed her arm. When Lilia looked back at her in confusion, Suiri shook her head before turning towards the intruders.

"What do you want?"

"Why won't you go with Sir Cruz?"

"Ha, so it's about that. What does that have to do with you? I just don't want to."

As he looked at this daughter of his, Nalos let out a sigh. She was the youngest of his three children and the only girl he had from his late wife. When his wife died, he could still face his clan as their leader because she was there. However, after being seduced by that damn outsider, she turned rebellious. Before she would never question his orders, but now she didn't even treat him like her father.

Not that he could put the entire blame on her.

Instead of Nalos who went silent, Eclos continued the conversation.

"You little girl, you should be grateful! Do you know who the nephew of Sir Cruz is? A direct disciple of an Elder at Lava Stream Sect!"

Though the Heaven Clan wasn't officially under the umbrella of any force, they had a similar relationship with the Storm Sky Manor, an average-level high-rank force which was an entire level above them. The Lava Stream Sect was a force on par with Storm Sky Manor. Despite hearing this, Suiri's decision hadn't changed.

Whether it was the keepsake from her husband or her own body, she had no intention of giving up either of them.

Seeing her as stubborn as ever, Eclos continued.

"Little girl, you shouldn't be like this. Think about your child, as his mother shouldn't you want better for him?"

When Suiri heard this elder dare to speak such words in front of her face, she couldn't hold back her indignation any more.

"And whose fault is it that he can't get better?! It's you and the other dirty old men who don't want to treat him as part of the clan. And I'm not begging you to accept him either, I just don't want to hear your garbage."

As she said these words, her heartbeat followed the rage in her mind and her face almost seemed to turn a shade redder. Lilia was worried about her but she felt powerless in this situation, she just hoped that it would end soon.

"You little-! Since you say we don't consider him part of the clan, we might as well throw the bastard out into the woods."

"Don't you dare touch my child!"

"Who do you think you're talking about?! I ought to throw you onto Sir Cruz's bed so you can use that dirty mouth of yours."

At this moment, Nalos thought that both sides were getting too heated and planned on intervening, but a sight froze him along with everyone else in the room.

Suiri, who was just about to hurl a barrage of insults at Eclos, coughed spurts of blood.

Immediately, while in a distressed state. Lilia held onto Suiri.

"Suiri, Suiri!"

She didn't realised that the spell on her voice was lifted, instead pouring all of her attention on Suiri. After watching her continue coughing blood for ten seconds, before finally settling down and weakly lying in bed, Nalos left with his hands tightly clenched, followed by the two elders who were now anxious.

When they left the shack, Corin asked, "Should we call a doctor?"

While walking, there was no sound until Nalos replied.

"...Call for the doctor who did the delivery."

Not long after Nalos and the two elders left, Shui returned and noticed Tein in the house.

"Huh? Doctor Tein, what are you doing here?"

His voice alerted Tein and Lilia who were attending to the unconscious Suiri. When he saw the two of them with solemn expressions, he felt a clenching pain in his chest.

"What, what's wrong?"

They didn't want to say anything, but they also knew they couldn't hide it either. Tein, suddenly seeming much older despite not having a single white hair in his head of brown, chose to be the one to break the news.

"Your mother's condition has gotten worse. She doesn't have much time left."