The Inter-clan Competition Begins.

The mansion that they were staying in was supposed to have servants attending to it, but when they got there it was empty and dirty. When the adults saw this, many speculations and whispers circulated between them.

"Did they get killed?"

"Did they betray us?"

"What should we do?"

The longer they went on, the noisier they became and the more anxiety spread. Knowing that this couldn't continue, Nalos accepted the situation and decided what should be done next.

"Quiet down. Everyone except the elders and the chosen participants, clean up and prepare dinner. The elders should come with me."

Though there was much dissatisfaction due to having to do chores the moment they arrived in the city, none of them refuted the Patriarch. Kate was also bothered by this situation, but since Shui volunteered to help Lilia clean, she joined in as well though she didn't have to.

In the backyard of the mansion that only consisted of wilted flowers and broken furniture, Nalos and two elders had their conversation. Of the two elders, one was his brother and Nathan's master, Kran, while the other was Nalos' closest associate, Corin, and one of the only four living people in the clan to reach Earth Realm. He had also tried to become Kate's master but was refused by her. Her exact words were,

"I don't mind learning from you, but I won't accept you as my master."

Since then, he quietly held in the burning anger and indignation he felt at that moment.

"What do you think happened?" Nalos asked the two.

"It's most likely the Clite clan. They love playing petty tricks like this."

Kran responded to Nalos' question, but all of them already knew this truth. Nalos only asked to confirm they were all on the same page.

"Indeed, we even left some clan members here but they were probably bought out as well."

"Should we have left more loyal members?"

"No, we can't afford to have people like that wasted here."

The three of them weren't too shocked by this event. Though it was never to this extent, it wasn't the first time that the Clite clan bought or intimidated members of their staff. Normally there were a few that stayed but the situation must have changed enough for them to reconsider. As he thought of this, Nalos displayed a pensive expression.

"Do you think it might also have something to do with the Ron clan?"

"Well, they have been gaining more influence lately." Corin replied.

The Ron clan was a clan under the Clite clan's protection. In recent times, they had been making much progress and were on the verge of being on the same level as the Heaven clan. To them this was terrible news, especially since they were already losing to the other two clans. Though they and the Clite clan usually didn't have any conflicts besides minor incidents such as this, if the Ron clan rose to power that might change. At the current pace, they might get replaced by the Ron clan in Crystal City. Though the Glaize clan shouldn't want this to happen either, they wouldn't form an alliance with the Heaven clan since they looked down on them. In simple terms, they were in dire straits.

"We can only hope the kids do better this time and win us back some face."

To Kran's words, the other two nodded.

By the time the mansion was cleaned and dinner was almost done, the sun was already sinking so Shui and Kate had to give up on exploring the city. After eating dinner and bathing, they went straight to bed. Families of the participants would stay in the same room as them while the Patriarch and elders would have their own personal rooms. With this being the case, Shui was stuck with sleeping together with Kate. Though there was a wide bed and multiple bed sheets for them to use, Kate latched onto his arm and refused to let go. Even with his one-star saint body, he found it hard to tear her off him so he reluctantly slept on the bed with her.

"Shui, are you asleep?"

"...What is it?"

"I can't sleep."

"Then read a book, that always puts you to sleep."

"Ughh, no. I want to talk with you until I get tired."


Shui was already used to Kate's stubbornness so instead of wasting energy arguing with her, he meekly complied.

"Do you think I'll do well tomorrow?"

"You'll do fine."

"Really? But this is the first time I'm fighting a stranger."

Once he heard Kate's concern, Shui turned his head to her and rested his free hand on her head.

"You'll be fine. Just try your best, I believe in you."


With a sweet smile on her face, Kate clung tighter to him and rubbed her head on his chest.

Shui was slightly surprised that Kate would be anxious, but he could understand. Though there was only a small chance, it was indeed possible that an accident could happen.

'I'll watch closely so I can protect her.'

Shui didn't plan on exposing himself, but he definitely wouldn't watch helplessly if there was a chance Kate would take a serious injury. At the same time, Kate thought while hugging him.

'I have to show my cool side tomorrow.'

A thought so carefree that it seemed to mock the worries that Shui thought she still had. She wasn't actually worried about being hurt, she just wondered if she wouldn't hold back enough against her opponents. Kate was already determined to win the competition.

The next day, the clan moved out at dawn towards the stadium at the center of the city. Once they entered, they noticed many other figures waiting on top of an elevated stage in the middle of the stadium.

"Look, the last place is the last to arrive."

A slim man with a neat mustache walked towards Nalos. This was the Patriarch of the Clite clan, Kalos, and he gave off a quiet yet dangerous vibe. In order to confront him, Nalos also stepped up.

"I think you mean the best arrives last."

"Oh, I didn't know you could joke."

Though neither of them showed any sign of irritation, the same couldn't be said about the Heaven clan members. Majority of them were upset because of Kalos' harsh words and also because they knew they weren't good enough to refute him. Of course, these clansmen didn't even enter Kalos' sight. In his eyes, the Heaven clan were nothing but bumpkins drunk on their former glory. In the past the Heaven clan were the strongest of the three, but after their former Patriarch died, their younger generation also became less talented. In the end, those who couldn't adapt would simply fall.

"So for the competition, I suggest we use the same rules as usual. The first round will have three people per match while the rest of the tournament will be 1v1 knockout style. If you get knocked out, give up or removed from the stage, you lose."

"That's fine."

The Matriarch of the Glaize clan also nodded at his suggestion. She always wore a white mask, but it was said that her beauty was unmatched among the three clans. The soft apples on her chest, the seductive curve of her buttocks and those plump thighs supplemented this rumour. And since she was a spinster with no children, many believed she was still an unplucked flower, causing majority of men to foster lustful delusions of obtaining her.

"Okay then, let us begin!"