Returning to the clan

Before Shui left the stage, Kalos appeared beside Rune and checked his body. The wounds inside him were so intricate that even he wasn't sure if he could injure someone so well without killing them.

Though it was difficult to pour nature energy into an opponent's body, that was only if they noticed it. By mastering martial intent, cultivating in the Primordial Library and perfecting his energy control, Shui's nature energy was so pure it could slip past the senses of a Mortal Realm cultivator in small quantities.

"Stop there boy!"

After being briefly impressed by Shui's cruel technique, Kalos shouted at him and locked down on him with his aura. Though this aura wouldn't kill him, it should have been enough to force him to his knees. However Kalos was surprised to see Shui calmly turn towards him. The pressure was definitely tough to endure, but it actually stimulated his body's potential so he didn't mind withstanding it for a bit longer. Just as Kalos was about to increase the pressure, Nalos stepped in and stopped him.

"That was a bit immature don't you think Kalos? Are you really planning on messing with the younger generation like this?"

"He nearly crippled my clansman!"

"Your point? He's alive isn't he? Why don't blame his weakness instead lashing out?"

Though the Heaven clan was weaker than the Clite clan, if they fought the Clite clan might not necessarily be able to defend themselves from the Glaize clan afterwards. Additionally, Nalos wasn't any weaker than Kalos. While watching the battle-hungry gazes of both the Clite and Heaven clans, Kalos reluctantly restrained himself. He wasn't uncontrollably angry, he was only upset that he couldn't take the chance to snip the dangerous bud while it was still young.

"I'll remember this. Both you and the boy will pay for this one day."

After leaving that line, Kalos returned to his seat. As Shui looked at Nalos' back, he scanned through the memories of this grandfather of his, but this was likely the first time he had directly helped him. Though he knew this was a calculated act to protect the clan's pride and honour, he still felt a small amount of gratitude.

'If there comes a chance, I'll repay this debt.'

Although they were disappointed in Shui a few moments ago, once they saw the results the Heaven clan, with the exception of a few ugly faces, welcomed him with bright smiles. Kran and Nathan were worried that this event would cause people to start considering Shui as the next Patriarch. However, the bandages on his face helped restrain this anxiety.

The results of the overall competition had Heaven clan in last place as usual, the Glaize clan in first place and the Clite clan in second place. That same day, the Heaven clan returned to their home and held a party in celebration of Kate's and Shui's victories. Though many who had stayed back were sceptical of Shui's victory, they didn't openly express it during the party since it was said by the Patriarch himself.

During the party, Shui's fellow apprentices gathered around him. Besides Yur, they were surprised to find out that their junior was actually a cultivator, but they were able to accept it easily. Prior to this, they always wondered how an eight-year-old that looked as delicate as he did could do the work of a blacksmith so well, so the fact that he cultivated made sense to them.

"You really pulled one over us. To think you were a cultivator this entire time."

Gus slapped Shui's shoulder while drinking beer and laughed heartily. He wasn't thinking about holding back so despite how lightly he did it, Shui had to consciously circulate his nature energy to stop himself from stumbling. Broc also nodded while drinking along with Yur. Though Yur already guessed it, he didn't say anything to the other two because he didn't feel the need to. Whether they knew Shui could cultivate or not, that wouldn't change anything. Shui was already one of them so such details didn't matter.

To Yur, what did matter was the increase in amorous gazes directed towards Shui. Though he was still a child, Yur knew that there would be more women trying to tie him up with marriage besides the fans he already had. After all, despite the reputation he had as a bastard child, no one could refute his talent and potential.

As the festive atmosphere pervaded the clan, there was one house it didn't reach. This house neighboured the central structure of the clan, where the Patriarch lived and the core events and resources of the clan were kept. In it, a woman in traditional robes and of refined beauty directed her stern gaze toward the injured body of her son. Despite being in her early forties, she still maintained a slender figure and appearance that could be likened to a cold blue gem.

"So he came in this miserable condition without anything to show for it?"

Iris, the mother of Nathan, looked down on his body with unconcealed irritation and disappointment in her eyes. The doctor who tended to him couldn't even raise his head when confronted by Iris.

As the wife of the Patriarch's eldest son, few dared to mess with her to begin with. Additionally, she was known for being calculative and cruel and that didn't change after giving birth.

"And you say that bastard child was the one to win the competition."

"Yes Madam."

"Hmm, if it wasn't spread by the Patriarch himself I wouldn't have believed it. I may have to make some moves myself."

Though he didn't see her face, the doctor was sure a malicious plan was being formed. Within another room of that house, Kran met with Nate, the eldest son of Nalos. They were also discussing the events of the competition and how to deal with the new information that was revealed.

"Do we have any idea who trained him?"

"No sir, with his skills and talent it should be someone of renown but we don't have a clue who it could be. I suspected Bartos but Shui's style seems to focus more on technique than power. And his control over aura and energy isn't something I've ever seen before in a Mortal Realm cultivator."

"Hmm, is it safe to say the one who taught him isn't connected to the Clite or Glaize clans?"

"Based on how he acted, I think we can rule out the Clite clan. But I'm not sure about the Glaize. They might have some master in the clan that we're unaware of."

After listening to Kran, Nate put his index finger and thumb to his chin and rubbed his neat beard. Before worrying about whether or not Nathan would be able to become the next Patriarch, he had to assess the danger of Shui. Though it wasn't certain, considering the fact that Shui didn't reveal his power until Kate was injured, he most likely didn't care too much about his status within the clan. With that being said, if they couldn't bring him onto their side he might end up as an enemy. With the state the Heaven clan was in, they couldn't afford to make another enemy.

"Keep a close watch on him. We must find more information about him. But be careful, don't do anything rash in case he has a powerful master nearby."

"Yes sir."

Nalos might have been the Patriarch and Nathan was the prime candidate as his successor, but Nate was the one who took care of gathering intelligence and defending against external enemies so he had gained much respect from the elders and influential members of the Heaven clan. Even if Shui was more talented, it wouldn't be easy for him to become Patriarch.