Gang Troubles (2)

"What do you want?"

These words came from Ryan, who was tied to a chair in a bleak, empty room along with Lily who was in the same position. They were cultivators, but tools to restrict ones as weak as them were too many to count. They were captured from their house by a group of people in the Soul Realm and trapped in here. Since they were still alive, Lily didn't think they were planning on killing them yet. However what worried her, was what they planning to use them for.

In front of the siblings, was a well-built man with a rough yet dignified aura, along with two men who stood solemnly behind him. They were residents of Cyrus so they obviously knew of this man though they never thought they would face him. He was one of the strongest people in the town, and though his strength was inferior to the mayor of Cyrus, their influence was about equal. Additionally, he was well-known for his cruelty and cunning that allowed him to have complete control over the underworld of Cyrus. The fact that such a man was right in front of them was almost unbelievable, especially with the smile that only came off as ridiculing when on his face.

"I just need some hostages is all. You see, my poor friend Rut's been killed so I need to drag out the culprit."

Rut's name shook both of the siblings but they tried not to show it. Ulus didn't care for their reactions either, he had already done his research so he knew that the two before him were nothing to worry about, only the mysterious Shin had his attention. He was registered as someone at the seventh level in the Mortal Realm, yet not only could he make Rut submit, it was rumoured that he also defeated a beast spirit by himself. Even a fool could tell that he was special.

While looking at Ulus as he stood in front of them with confidence radiating from his being, Lily and Ryan released depressing sighs inside their hearts. Parts of them hoped Shui wouldn't come, yet they also didn't believe he would abandon them. However, if he gave up on them and took care of their younger siblings then they would have no regrets.

'Mr. Shin, please don't lose your life because of us.'

Shui had discovered the building where the siblings were kept. It was red with three storeys and seemed like a pleasant place, but it was blatantly avoided by residents. Before reaching here, he had to shake off those who were watching the house of the siblings', but it still didn't take long for him to reach here. Even so, he couldn't recklessly break in. He needed information, preferably from someone without any backing.

And so, Shui stood in an inconspicuous area and scanned every person that entered his vision until he locked on a target. He followed a destitute young man into an alley and then kicked his knee joint from behind. The young man stumbled to the ground and Shui caught his neck before pressing a dagger at his throat.

"Don't make any sudden movements."

He couldn't see his face, but since Shui didn't have the effect of the 'Confuse' symbol, his voice was high-pitched. Additionally, his hands were too small to be an adult's. The man knew that it was a child threatening him, but the firm intent and strength of this child wasn't something he could resist.

"Wha, what do you want?"

"I'm new here so I want you to tell me everything you know about that red building."

"You, mean the headquarters of the Red Ravens?"

From the man, Shui heard about the Red Ravens. It was basically the gang that ruled the town from the shadows. Such an existence would normally be the arch-enemy of the mayor, but once the current boss of the Red Ravens took over, less citizens were harmed and killed without any reason. In other words, the town's public order had improved so the mayor was reluctant to act. This was especially since the boss of Red Ravens was at the peak of Earth Realm. Even with the mayor at the second level of the Sky Realm, he was too old to ensure that he could wipe out the remnants of Red Ravens. If he acted carelessly, the town could be plunged into total chaos.

This wasn't an enemy Shui could go up against without a plan. He needed something he could rely on before he went into that building. The thought to abandon the siblings was certainly gaining momentum inside him, but not enough to make him carry it out.

"If it's a gang they must be making money somehow. What's their main business?"

"Uh, besides the usual protection money they apparently have this pill. It boosts a cultivator's power and stamina, but once you start using it you can't stop or else you become crippled."

The pill sounded like it could give a hint as to how he should handle his predicament so Shui pressed for more information.

"What else about the pill?"

"Uh, um, I heard the mayor's trying really hard to limit its distribution ever since one of his sons got addicted to it. The pill has a unique aura so as long as you use your spiritual sense it's easy to find it."

'This is it!'

With this last piece of info, Shui felt he might have a chance of achieving his objective and staying alive. Maybe with some added benefits as well.

"Okay, you can go."

Before the man could look around and spot him, Shui had vanished. The man looked around for a few minutes, and when he was sure that Shui was gone he turned around and headed to the Red Ravens' headquarters.

'If I tell them someone's looking into them, maybe I can get some change.'

This was the last wishful thought the man had before something went straight through his skull.


Shui wasn't hell-bent on killing him; he would have let him go had he merely kept his head out of this business.

After leaving the corpse in the alley, Shui walked to the building of the Red Ravens'. After entering, it still seemed like a respectable establishment; if you ignored the hooligans acting as guards anyways. There was no point in acting covert now that he was here, so Shui boldly walked to the counter where a surprisingly innocent-looking young woman sat. However when he got closer, he confirmed that her innocence was a mere facade. This woman's smile was a fake made to look as authentic as possible, and her eyes showed nothing but scorn and greed.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"I'm here for my friends that you got here."

"May I have your name?"


As soon as he said that name, the guards who were only watching at first, blocked all paths of exit. They were now visibly glaring at him, but that didn't faze Shui. He remained facing towards the woman who then stood up.

"Please come with me."