
The Primordial Library was always full of mysteries and surprises, but Shui was sure that this was the most shocked he had ever been. While he still struggled to comprehend what he just saw, more lines of words appeared.


Possessor of the Sage God Eyes of Wisdom or Sage God Eyes of Intuition.

Finding the Primordial Library.

Cultivates in energy, body and soul.

Soul cultivation at nebula two-star before 10, nebula three-star before 13 or nebula four-star before 20.

Perfection in one of the first three energy cultivation realms.]

Even though he had passed them, Shui was stunned by how harsh the requirements were. Putting aside the Sage God Eyes and Primordial Library, Shui was well aware that he could only make the last two requirements because of luck. Without that flash of inspiration he knew it would have been impossible for him attain Mortal Perfection. Even better geniuses with plenty of resources to boost their soul cultivation wouldn't find it easy to reach the perfect limit in any cultivation realms, much less just the first three. On the Engrasia Continent where the Alterna Kingdom was, even including the legends that seemed fake, the amount of figures who were said to have achieved perfection could be counted on both hands. Shui couldn't begin to imagine how rare it was to find someone who met all of these requirements.

Instead of hurting his head by continuing this line of thought, Shui focused on the new term that was revealed to him.

"What are the Sage God Eyes?"

[The Sage God from the Time of Beginning separated his inheritance into three parts. The Primordial Library, The Sage God Eyes of Wisdom and the Sage God Eyes of Intuition. For reasons that can only be told to the primary successor of the Sage God, the Sage God Eyes of Wisdom can only be possessed by those of great talent born in the lower planes like yourself. There can only be one person in possession of each of the Sage God Eyes alive at a time and by possessing both, one will unlock the core miracle of the Sage God.]

'So there are still restrictions on what I can know. I have a bad feeling about this.'

Shui was absolutely ecstatic to learn that his eyes were part of the inheritance of a god. The history of this world was passed on in ancient legends so Shui was aware of the Time of Beginning. That was when the Origin Law gave birth to three powers energy, force and astral will, and five Primordial Gods, also known as the Prime Gods. They were the Sage God, the God of Space, the God of Time, the God of Chaos and the God of Duality(Ying-Yang). Unfortunately, not much more was known about the Time of Beginning that preceded the Age of Gods.

However, Shui knew great power, especially the power of a god, would come with immeasurably great responsibility, so this new information also made him more worried. But since he had the Sage God Eyes of Wisdom, he was already doomed to take this responsibility so he figured he might as well take as many benefits as he could get.

"What would I get if I pass the trail?"

[The potential primary successor will have his body reformed by the natural energy in this space in order to push their vessel to the divine body boundary. They will also gain:

The core inheritance of a Divine God.

The core inheritance of a Primordial God.

Full control over the Primordial Library and its contents.]

The first reward was enough to make Shui's lower jaw drop. It would not only solve all of his current problems, it would also boost his strength to a completely different level. Just the chance to gain a divine body was enough for him to attempt this trial. The other rewards were so unbelieveable to him that his mind just stopped working and he only absentmindedly looked at the words. Even with how strong his soul was, this sort of temptation was so bad that it took him several minutes to regain his wits. However, that was only because another line of words appeared.

[Would you like to attempt the trail?]

Shui gulped down the drool in his mouth and stared at this line. He was one tiny step away from impatiently agreeing to take the trail. Luckily, he barely remembered to ask a very important question.

"In my current state, what's the chance of me passing the trail?"



The odds of him of passing the trail were comparable to the chance he had of surviving being thrown into the middle of Malirin Forest that was crawling with high beasts. With such a reality shoved into his face, Shui quickly calmed down.

"Would that value change if I got back to perfect condition?"

[The trial mainly focuses on one's mental capability. Therefore, the only trouble affected by physical limits is that of doubt and cowardice caused by these limits.]

'In other words, if I don't care about my injuries they won't affect the success rate of the trail.'

Shui knew that he couldn't say his wounds didn't bother him, which was surprisingly a good thing.

'If I get back to perfect condition, I might have a better chance of passing the trial.'

After the terrible events he had gone through, Shui now had a new goal to work towards besides living freely and meeting with Alice again.

"How much time do I have left in here?"

[You may experience 212 more hours within this space.]



...Shui no doubt had his mind blown once more by this response. So much so that he wondered if he should make this an anniversary of the day his mind was blown repeatedly.

"Since when could I spend so long in here?"

[The amount of time simulated in the Primordial Library changes based on the strength of your soul. You may stay in here for either a maximum of 300 hours, which is equivalent to one hour outside, or 450 hours, which would be equivalent to two hours outside. Which would you prefer?]

"Hmm...,I'll pick the first one this time?"

'I don't want to make Cin wait for too long or make anyone worry when they find out I'm not in my room.'


'Huh? Why do I feel like I'm starting to get okay with being almost crippled.'

With all of the gains he had made as a result of the trip to the ancestral lands, Shui was actually getting into the mindset that losing his cultivation and the corrosion of his muscles wasn't even a fair price. Frankly, people would likely try to kill themselves to be in his position.

'What should I do next?'

With all of this free time he had on his hands, Shui looked around him before his eyes stopped on his satchel. He opened it and took out the two items that he got from the assassin from the Tower of Killers. These two items were the black seal and jade plaque. When he had first pulled them out, he hadn't noticed anything off about them, but now that he had a nebula two-star soul, that changed.

'A tracking imprint.'

There were many uses for soul imprints besides making slaves. One very popular use was to brand an artifact with your soul imprint so that you would be able to track it. This was done, not only by cultivators for their own artifacts, but also by strong forces for any important item. When Shui killed the assassin, his imprint would quickly fade, but the imprint left by the Tower of Killers on these two items still remained. It wasn't impossible to wipe off such imprints, but that was only if his soul was stronger than the one who left the imprint, and that wasn't the case this time.

'This soul is about nebula three-star, probably a Sky Realm expert or maybe a Master. Still, I doubt they can track it in this space. If I layer two 'Seal' talismans, it should be fine.'

Just putting the items away in his satchel or the storage ring wouldn't stop the person behind the imprint from finding him, but he had 'Seal' talismans which were the best at suppressing auras. As long as he used 'Seal' talismans on a container with them in it, they couldn't be found by anyone who didn't possess a galaxy astral state soul. Furthermore, ordinary Kings wouldn't necessarily have such a strong soul so Shui was rather confident he would be fine.

After putting the two items in a knapsack he emptied out and layered two 'Seal' talismans on it, Shui looked around the Library.

"Now then, what should I study?"