To Win and Lose (2)

A few days later, Shui was trying to read in the library. The martial academy hadn't made any moves but that was only partially why he felt jittery. Emily had gone out to eat, but a few hours had past and she still hadn't come back yet. Although she did take the occassional detour, something felt wrong. And this feeling of his wasn't betrayed.

Before they could get close to the mansion, Shui sensed someone coming. The fact that they were approaching wasn't what alarmed him, it was the aura on the package that they had. The moment he sensed this aura, Shui dashed out of the mansion and went behind the approaching figure with a knife to his neck.

"Stop right there."

Judging by the lack of reaction, Shui knew he was dealing with a professional. He had already transformed into an ugly looking man so he had no fear of being recognised, but he wanted to act like his identity needed to be hidden.

"Can I help you? I have something to deliver."

Even with the blade touching his neck, he didn't show any fear.

"I know. Tell me why you have that."

"Oh, I guess you'll bring the message for me. Fine, I'll talk."

Soon after the man told him why he had something with Emily's aura, Shui dashed towards the martial academy. Apparently, Emily had been kidnapped and he had to go there if he wanted her back. He didn't think they would dare do anything to the little princess of the Valet family, but he knew that this couldn't be hidden from his master for long. And by then there would be a direct clash between Nikolai and the academy.

"Those little sons of bitches, if I see her even look sad, I swear I'm gonna kill them."

Since he was the one they wanted, Shui changed back to his true form. When he made it through the gate, there were instructors blocking his path as if waiting for him.

"Stop right-"

However, under harmonic trinity, Shui didn't even think about stopping. After slamming his right fist into one of the instructor's faces, he passed through them and continued towards where he sensed Emily's aura by mentally drawing 'Pinpoint'. His body cultivation was weaker in this state, but he could use his stronger soul to detect his opponent's weak points and with better control over his energy, contact alone was enough for him to disrupt the energy inside his opponent.

Without wasting time on each opponent, Shui made it through the instructors with brute force.

"What the hell kind of monster is this?!"

"Stop him!"

Shui didn't stop for even a second until he saw a certain figure in front of the administrative building where the headmaster's office was. Riley watched as Shui broke through the blockade without a scratch. Riley had heard the tales of Shui's strength but he never imagined that he could be this overpowering.

"Stop! Why are you rudely barging in here?!"

Since he had reached his destination and he knew he couldn't defeat Head Martial Instructor Riley as easily as the rest, Shui finally paused his steps.

"Bring out my junior sister. Now!"

Despite the fact that he was in the Earth Realm, the intense gaze that Shui looked at him with, caused Riley to take a step back.


"So you're Shui, you've sure caused a lot of trouble."

Just as Riley was about to ask what Shui was talking about, another figure came out from the building. This person wore a red robe and stepped with unchallenged confidence in his bones. With eyebrows sharp like famed blades and eyes that seemed to see through everything, this man stood in front of Riley to face Shui with a stern face. Although this was the first time they had met, he needed no introduction. This was one of the two deputy headmasters of the Cyrus Martial Academy, Rizer Lin of the Clay clan.

The moment he appeared, Shui was forced the resist the massive pressure from the domineering aura of a fifth level in the Earth Realm expert. It wouldn't be strange if he was on his knees by now, but Shui continued to glare at Rizer despite the ground below his feet cracking from the pressure.

"Where's, my, junior sister?"

Even though Shui managed to stand firm under his aura, Rizer showed no change in expression. He snapped his fingers and Shui sensed two sets of footsteps approaching.

"Senior brother!"

Once Emily saw Shui again, she jumped to him in relief and he spun her around in his arms. Although they didn't harm her in any way, no girl would be okay with being kidnapped. Seeing Emily safe and sound, immediately softened the expression on Shui's face. After spinning her around twice, he put her down behind him and faced Rizer once more.

"Let us go."

"And why should I let my guest leave? Why don't both of you stay here, I believe we have much to discuss?"

"There's nothing we want to discuss with you. If you want a reason to let us go, I'll give you one."

Even if he was furious, Shui wouldn't barge in here if he didn't have any cards to play. Shui took out a dark grey seal and slammed it on the ground. In response, the arrays that stretched across the entire martial academy, lit up. Finally, Rizer was surprised and tried to grab Shui with mental control, but there appeared to be a barrier protecting both of them that prevented him from interfering. The moment he caught her in his arms, Shui told Emily to take out a certain item since he didn't expect to get out easily.

Just like the seal which Shui used, this barrier was a gift Nikolai gave to Emily. It came from a pink gem that could create an protection array just by Emily instilling a little bit of nature energy into it. Shui knew that items capable of doing this existed, but the type of catalyst that could contain the energy of this array was not only rare, it was also ridiculously expensive. The seal Shui had was a device used to take over someone else's array, but it generally could only be used when the person who created the array allowed it. In other words, not only was it much cheaper, it was also not as useful. However, in his hands, this device was priceless.

This device allowed his mind to connect to every array on the area it was placed. These arrays all had safety mechanisms to prevent them from being tampered with, but Shui had no need to change the arrays. Instead, he followed the lines and found the cores of the arrays. Once he found the cores, he extended thin threads of his nature energy towards them in order to commence the hijack.

In under a minute, Shui had complete control over the school's detection, protection and offensive arrays. Even Nikolai wouldn't be able to do the same task since the one who had created these arrays was on a higher level than him. But though in terms of ability Shui was comparable to Nikolai, his knowledge of arrays was on an entirely different level.

With the arrays under his command, Shui stood up and faced Rizer.

"Now then, is this good enough of a reason, or do you need a demonstration?"

Anyone in the Soul Realm could detect what he had done, and Rizer was even clearer on the matter. He could no longer look down on the boy in front of him.

'I must kill him!'

"Not bad, but I see through your bluff. Your soul can't possibly be strong enough to use these arrays to defeat me!"

"Maybe, but I can definitely use them to slaughter some students and instructors."

Like Rizer said, even if he could control them, only the detection array could be fully utilized. Both the offensive and defensive arrays could be used against Sky Realm experts, but his soul wouldn't be able to handle all of that power. Still, he could use it to stall the Earth Realm experts while he killed everyone else.

Rizer shouted as his expresson turned ugly, "You wouldn't dare!"


The light on the ground grew brighter and terrified screams of students came from all over the school.

Head Martial Instructor Riley looked at Rizer, "Deputy Headmaster..."

"I know!"

Both of them knew that Shui was capable of carrying out what he threatened to do. Even if he didn't have the guts to do it now, they couldn't risk him doing it once he was cornered.

"Fine, but only the girl can leave."

"Deputy Headmaster!" Riley shouted but Rizer raised his arm to block him.

This wasn't up for discussion, he was determined to take care of Shui. Shui also knew that if he didn't take this offer, he wouldn't get a better option so he turned to Emily and patted her head.

"No! I'm staying with you senior brother."

Shui smiled at her face as she held back tears. She already felt guilty for forcing Shui to come here; if he died because of her...she didn't know if she could handle that a second time.

Shui held her in his embrace and apologized before knocking her out with a hit to the back of her neck.