
"I guess this is all for now."

The sun was rising but Shui hadn't managed to reach the Accustom stage of the Omniscient Eyes method. In the end, the eye was a sensitive organ so if he strained it too much he could damage it, but there would be no point if he was too soft.

"Master, I'm about to make breakfast. Do you have any requests?"

The first face Shui saw after coming downstairs was Lily's, as she put on a blue apron. Her face seemed oddly flushed but since he couldn't detect anything off about her he ignored it.

"No, I'm fine with whatever you decide to make."

"Very well. I promise to do my very best."

"No, you don't have to get so serious about it."

"I'm afraid I can't agree to that. I can't have Master eating anything but my best work."

'Is it just me or is she more hyper than before?'

Shui didn't get why she seemed more passionate since a few months ago, but he didn't really pay attention to it since she was also crazy enough to swear a heaven and earth oath to him. For Shui, those few months were filled with hardships and growth, but Lily also endured a hole in her heart the entire time. Although she would try to seem okay in public, she would always have a sad smile when she was by herself. Her siblings also noticed that anytime Shui was brought up in conversation, there would be no hiding that melancholy.

However, as absence made the heart grow fonder, the moment she reunited with Shui that accumulated depression transformed into euphoria. Lilia was actually the one who was supposed to cook this day since Lily cooked the day before, but Lily begged her to give her cooking duty this morning. Lilia also wanted to cook breakfast for Shui for the first time in a while, but she was overwhelmed by Lily's passion and eventually gave in.

The sight of Lily working in an apron filled Shui's heart with a peaceful and nostalgic feeling. He got the feeling of finally being at home when he saw her cook with a brilliant smile. When he exited the Library, all he saw was ruins but now, in this familiar space, he could truly feel at ease.

The two of them somehow formed a special space for themselves that made it hard for the other siblings to enter the room. The peaceful view of Shui with a gentle expression and Lily who was even humming in happiness was just too much for them.

"Why are all of you here?" Lilia asked.

She just came back from bathing Matthew, but found everyone stuck at the kitchen door. The siblings turned to her and then pointed at the scene they were watching. Once she saw it, even Lilia, a veteran at making similar scenes with Bartos, found it hard to enter that space. However, since she was the oldest one, she had to lead by example.

Although it hurt her heart, Lilia cleared her throat and said, "Good morning."

Shui had already vaguely sensed their presences, but once Lilia spoke up he fully came escaped his nostalgia.

"Good morning Aunt Lilia."

With the space broken, the family could finally gather at the dining table. While she fed Matthew, Lilia asked Shui a question.

"Shui, I'm working at the shop your mother owned. Do you want to come see it with me?"

When Lilia mentioned the shop his mother owned, the memories of Fairies' Wardrobe from the trial came rushing back to him so he stayed frozen for a moment and couldn't respond.


"Uh, yeah, but I have somewhere to go first so I'll visit later."


Shui wondered how the shop was and if his 'big sisters' still worked there, but before he went there, he had some other things on his schedule.

After breakfast, Sia and the twins got ready for school and were about to leave.

"Well, we're going." Sia said.

"Wait, remember to bring 'Protect' talismans."

This one comment from Shui reminded them that they were still in danger. Lily went for the dwindling stock of talismans they had and gave each of the three five 'Protect' talismans. Once they left, Lily looked back at Shui with a worried expression.

"Master, may I-?"

"Don't worry. I'll take care of them."

Since she was assured by Shui, Lily touched her chest and sighed in relief. She didn't doubt that he would be able to protect them no matter who the enemy was. Shui also left shortly after the kids. Lily was a bit reluctant to see him off, but she didn't show it. She didn't know for how long it would be like this, but she had to cherish the time that he stayed here.

Shui didn't plan on taking action until the other side did, so he used his time to visit another place he remembered from the trial.

"Empty, huh?"

When Shui made it to Nikolai's mansion, it was just as how he remembered. He didn't know how close the trial was to reality, but Nikolai and Emily should have lived here a few years ago.

Shui found a nearby shopkeeper and asked them if anyone lived in the mansion recently, after dropping a silver coin of course.

"Oh yeah, I think there used to be some kind of rich scholar living there with his disciple. But they left a few years ago."

"Is that so."

Shui looked back at the mansion, and sighed.

'Even in the trial they left earlier than this, of course they wouldn't be here.'

Shui knew that there was no connection between him and Emily in this life, but he still wanted to meet her. The trial in the Primordial Library might have been in a constructed imaginary world, but based on what he knew, it was likely based on reality. He wouldn't have the same relationship with them anymore, but that didn't mean he couldn't build a new relationship.

Shui stood in front of the gates and stared at the house. While recalling his memories from the trial, Shui stayed still and drowned himself in reminiscence.

"You, get out of the way!"

While he was in the midst of enjoying his peaceful time, a carriage was swiftly approaching him. Shui had already noticed the carriage, but only when the coachman shouted at him did he bother to face it. Shui was near the edge of the road so he couldn't wrap his head around why he should be the one to move, and to make it worse they were the ones who interrupted him. Therefore, instead of obediently listening to the coachman, Shui turned around and waited to see if the carriage would really hit him.

The coachman thought the pretty boy in front of him would quickly get out of the way, but they actually dared to stay in place.

"Hmph! Fine, I'll run you over."

Considering the carriage's durability and the beasts spirits that drove it, he didn't think that running over this fool would even shake the vehicle. The young master that was in the carriage sensed everything that happened, but he gave his discreet approval. How could he allow this sissy to think he could dare block his path?

Those who watched the carriage about to run over Shui, shook their heads. Even the boys and girls who wanted to rush out and save him could only sigh at his stupidity and bravado.

From the animals pulling the carriage, they could tell that even someone at the peak of Mortal Realm wouldn't want to stand in front of that charge. The two beasts looked like horses, but with blue skin and sharp teeth. Even if they were weak for beast spirits, they weren't creatures ordinary people could contend with.

Right as the beast spirits were about to collide with Shui, and the onlookers got their hearts prepared for the gruesome sight that would soon appear, Shui sighed.


There was a loud sound that proved that a collision happened, but that much was expected. However, while everyone else thought there would be a splash of blood, what splattered was the remains of the carriage.

The scene contained two beast spirits neighing in agony, a surprised coachman who hurriedly attended to the young master who had his expensive clothes dirtied, and a single young man that could make both girls and boys fawn with just a look standing in the center as if it had nothing to do with him. Even without being in full control over his body's strength, Shui's base defense was unbelievable. Maybe the carriage could be fine with running into a rock, but definitely not into Shui.

"What a bother."

Shui dusted himself off before he started moving away from the scene, but a furious voice shouted at him.

"You! Stop right there!"

He could have kept going, but Shui chose to look back at the young master with a displeased expression.


By now, the coachman had realized that the young man in front of him wasn't someone they should mess with, but he couldn't stop his young master from getting into trouble.