The History Of The Gods

Long long ago, before time and space were even concepts, there was nothing but a mysterious omnipresent power. With nothing to interact with but itself, the power did not show many properties but it would continuously gather to a singular position. When all of this power gathered to a single point, it transformed into three different powers. These three powers were first called aeios(energy), chia(force) and xinakh(astral will). Along with these three powers, there was also the first natural law to exist, the Origin Law.

This origin law used the purest form of the three new powers to split itself into five different laws and bestowed one of them a will. The law born with a will, discovered the other laws and decided to help them gain wills as well. These five laws became the first Primordial Gods also known as the Prime Gods. This period was known as the Time of Beginning.

The one who was born with a will was the Sage God, who governed the primordial law of mind and self. Among them, It was the first to feel the emotion known as loneliness. In the small space they existed, there were only the five of them for an untold number of years. At some point, the Sage God asked his fellow gods if they would like if It expanded their world. As gods, there was nothing in this empty world that they didn't know so they were all interested by the idea of a bigger world.

By borrowing the power of the other gods and the three powers, the Sage God created the world as well as the new laws that were needed to establish it. As the one who created the first universe of life, named Dalax, along with the first one hundred Divine Gods and the first thousand Profound Gods, the Sage God gained the titles of 'Creation God' and 'God Father'. This was the start of the Age of the Gods.

As the world continued to grow, more laws were birthed and the Sage God would bless these new laws with wills so that they could communicate. The other Prime Gods left to explore this new world while the newborn gods stayed with their 'Father', though the concept didn't exist yet. As the most perceptive Prime God, the Sage God was the first to discover the way in which the laws naturally interacted even without interference and It linked this back to the Origin Law. Once the total number of gods reached ten thousand, the Sage God stopped interfering and allowed the other laws to develop naturally.

At this time, the gods had no physical form since there was no need for one, but the Sage God eventually discovered the presence of divinity from a physical entity in the form of a small cell. Even this strange being still felt reverence the moment it met the Sage God but it could not answer how it was born, only that when it came into existence it could hear a voice in its mind. The name of the strange being was Arius.

Since It was an omniscient god, the Sage God looked forward to a mystery in this world he created. Although It could discover the reason in an instant, the Sage God purposefully took Its time finding the answer.

Eventually, It came upon one of the myriad lifeforms that were birthed into the world. This species excelled in no aspect, but, it sensed something nostalgic from this species. It eventually discovered that due to this nostaligic energy, this species could create god-like beings based on the imaginary deities that they worshipped. The Sage God deemed this power too dangerous so It quickly sealed this power inside the species, which ended up transforming them into beings with the strongest potential among all other lifeforms. The Sage God called them, Deus(beings closest to gods) and named the gods that came from their prayers, Idols(ones at the vague border of godhood).

Unlike the other gods, idols were not born with control over a specific law, instead they could borrow the power of different laws based on what stories the Deus had associated with them. The gods born from natural laws still had the greatest authority over their law, but the Sage God detected danger from this fact, however since there was no friction between the gods and the idols, he left it alone. Around this time, a member of the Deus who would eventually become the Martial God was born, but his story is for another time.

After enjoying eternity for a long time, the gods started to seek out ways to tame their boredom. While some liked to play with the lifeforms that were born, but without going too far because of the warnings he gave, there were others who copied the other lifeforms. The Divine Goddess of Life with the assistance with the Divine Goddess of Sound fused their powers in order to form a new entity. The Goddess of Life carried this new entity for several decades before it was finally born. It was an abnormality born between two gods, and having both of their powers. Unlike the gods, this new entity was born with a physical shape based on the physical form of its parents and the powers that made it up. This was the first 'child' born between two gods, and was known as an 'angel'.

After the first successful case of an angel being born, many others created their own angels, including the Primordial Gods, and some even mated with the lifeforms of the world, creating demi-gods. The angels and demi-gods gave the Sage God a premonition of the eventual end of the Age of Gods, but It thought it was fine. Even a god's eternity would eventually cease. However, even the Sage God couldn't predict the chaos that would be caused by the angels and demi-gods.

There were very few records left of the Divine Uprising, but it was well known that the one who caused it was the angel born between the God of Space and Goddess of Travel. This angel believed that all lower lifeforms should be slaves to the gods and advocated for the annihilation of filthy aberrations such as the idols and demi-gods. Of course, the Sage God condemned this suggestion but then this angel led a revolution with other angels and gods who shared his beliefs.

The legends of the end of the gods' era, the Divine Uprising, were particularly scarce. Not just because of the immense chaos that was prevalent, but also because the Sage God kept hidden, all records of the battle in his personal artifact.