Red Ravens

This question from Jeanne was one he saw coming, but Shui still sighed. Just as he remembered, he was still the owner of Fairies' Wardrobe since his mother left it for him before she died. Since Jeanne was the one who built it up and took care of it, he wouldn't be surprised if she was adamant about making him sign it over to her. However, just like in the trial, she wasn't the type to forget everything that Suiri had done for her. Even if he sold the shop and forced the women out of a job, she would probably convince the rest to listen to him. Additionally, she likely had enough savings to start up a new business.

"I'll do what you want."


"I don't know about Mom, but I didn't play any part in managing the place, and I'm not desparate for money either, so, tell me what you want me to do. I can even sign it over to you."

Shui's answer was slightly unexpected to her, but by staring into his eyes, Jeanne remembered.

'He really is her child.'

Most of the girls who worked in Fairies' Wardrobe were orphans, neglected or homeless and had to resort to stealing, selling their bodies or whatever they could do to get by. However, Suiri was the one who changed that. She whimsically picked them up and give them a place where they could live and earn money. Many of them didn't trust her at first, but over time she became an important person to all of them. She was more of a family member compared to what most of them had, and up to her last days, she was what they aspired to be.

With a warm gaze and a faint smile, Jeanne held his cheeks and pecked him on the forehead with her lips.

"Thank you."

This 'thank you' seemed to be for more than just the shop, but Shui didn't ask. He gratefully enjoyed this moment. Unfortunately, trouble chose this exact time to interfere.


"I know."

Shui sensed about four presences at the entrance of the tavern, all of which were in the Soul Realm. He knew where they were from and why they were here, but couldn't help but become irritated at their presence. Parting from Jeanne's hands which were on his cheek, Shui stood up.

"Shui?" Jeanne asked in a worried tone.

"I just remembered I have something to do. I'll come by the shop tomorrow so we can continue our talk."

Shui turned his back to the table that was full of empty dishes and bottles and went to the exit.

"Get them home safe."

"Of course, Master."

After entrusting Lily with their safety, Shui walked out. Both Jeanne and Lilia were worried and hoped that Shui wouldn't get into anything too distressing.

Outside of the tavern was a group of men with red handbands.

"Well, lead the way."

The four of them were proud members of the Red Ravens so they didn't like how casual Shui treated them, but they didn't act overbearing since the boss had warned them to treat him courteously. With two in front and two behind, Shui was led to a certain red building, where he went up the stairs and was welcomed into a familiar office room.

"It's been a couple years since I was last here but it's still the same, huh Ulus?"

The dangerous man who sat behind a desk with two other stone-faced men beside him, was the ruler of Cyrus' underworld and someone who Shui used to do business with. Ulus looked at Shui and was honestly surprised by him. He thought that the boy would have been flustered or at least tense, but no, it was as if he didn't see anything that could threaten him.

"I guess we don't have to waste time with you playing dumb."

"Yeah, I figured you would call me eventually, though I would have prefered if you waited until tomorrow."

Shui expected that Ulus would find out about him entering the town but he was a bit irritated by his timing.

"I was planning a better welcome for you, but the situation's changed. Firstly, don't you need to apologize for not keeping up with what was promised?"

"Oh please, nowhere in our agreement did we state for how long I would continue selling talismans to you. Besides, I'm sure you've come up with an alternative by now."

Knowing how much of a crafty person Ulus was, Shui was sure he had found a way to hide the aura of his drugs, and he was right. Although he couldn't recreate talismans, he managed to find inscriptionists who could draw the symbol of 'Hide' directly onto the box. However, this method made the cost of hiding the drugs' aura, approach the cost of the drug itself, so naturally Ulus wanted to rely on a cheaper method.

Alan, who was by Ulus' side, put his hand on the axe on his back, but Ulus stopped him. Although he wanted to threaten him with force, there was something about Shui that made him wary.

"Fine, I guess we can talk about that another time. There's a party for some elite members of the young generation going on tomorrow and I need you to attend."

"Huh? Why do I have to do that?"

"I just need you to make an appearance there so I can send some of my people with you. I'll pay you."

"Well, that's sounding better but you should know, I don't really need money."

Even though he hadn't sold any artifacts for a couple months, Shui's assets were definitely comparable to Ulus' after saving it up over the years. Besides, mortal currency wouldn't be of much help once his cultivation was strong enough so he was satisfied with his current wealth.

Ulus knew that he wasn't lying, but he, as well as the ones beside him, started becoming angry with Shui for his attitude.

"Oi, kid. It looks like you're acting bold cus you can take care of yourself, but can you protect your friends and family too?"


Right after those words left Ulus' mouth, a cold finger seemed to slide down his spine. Shui didn't say anything and his aura didn't change much either. All he did was squint his eyes and that nearly made Ulus' heart stop for a moment. If he hadn't experienced as much as he had, he might have died just from that instant. The two by his side were in similar states but they froze due to the fear. They all managed to stay firm but cold sweat ran down their foreheads.

Shui considered killing all three of them, but then there were still the ones who led him here. If he didn't properly wipe out the roots then revenge targeted at him might get those he cared about instead. Ulus might have sworn an oath not to touch the siblings, but he could definitely go after Lilia and the women who worked at Fairies' Wardrobe.

'Hmm, I'll let them off this time.'

Once Shui relaxed his killing intent, Ulus hurriedly regained his composure and wondered what scared him for that brief moment because he didn't believe it could have been Shui.

Of course, he couldn't have known that Shui experienced three years fighting for his life on a daily basis. His killing intent might not be as refined as an assassin's, but it was sharpened enough to frighten the weak of heart to death.

"Fine, I'll do it."

Ulus cleared his throat and replied, "Of course. I'll send someone to pick you up later."