Gathering of 'Geniuses'

Shui then followed Cin to where he set up the centre of his territory. In the few years since Cin entered in the forest, he had already defeated many other beast spirits and ruled over his own area. He always hid his heritage since it would draw unnecessary attention, but even while holding back only high beasts could be considered as opponents.

When Shui saw where Cin lived, though it wasn't his first time here, he couldn't help but shake his monkey head. There were many other canine-type evolved beasts lying around in his den that was a very large cave. However, among these evolved beasts was not a single male.

"Really big bro, don't you have any restraint?"

"Huh? What do I need that for? It's not like I'm gonna get any of them pregnant, I'm just having a little fun. Enjoying my life."

"Fun? Just make sure you don't endulge in it too much."

"Tsk tsk, you really need to stop being such a virgin little bro."

"Virgin?! What makes you think I'm still a virgin?"

Cin paused his steps and turned to look at Shui, "You're not?"

"Well, I am."

Shui didn't like being teased by Cin about keeping his cherry, but he didn't want to put up a front that could get him teased even more.

"That's what I thought. Really lil' bro, you're a big boy now aren't you? You should get yourself a human girl and do some dual cultivation, if you get what I'm saying. Hahaha."

Shui really couldn't deal with his big brother when he was like this, so he just rolled his eyes and followed behind him as they got deeper into the cave. Since Cin already told those in his pack that Shui was like a brother to him, even though he looked different his familiar smell ensured that no one thought he was suspicious. Even if they did, none of them would dare go against Cin who could give them both pleasure and protection.

Once they reached the deepest area of the cave, where Cin had his treasures and other spoils of battle scattered around, Shui told him everything that happened in the past several months. Besides the fact that he had gained the inheritances of gods, he basically said everything, more than he had ever told anyone else. They might be from different species, but the two of them were true brothers who knew each other's secrets so he was comfortable with telling him this much.

"Woah, you really got some great luck. Looks like I'll have to search for some opportunity to get stronger if I don't want to be left in the dust."

"You got that right."

By the time the sky was beginning to get an orange shade, Shui returned to Cyrus and was quickly found by one of Ulus' men.

"It's time."

"I see. Lead the way."

This time, the one who Ulus sent was courteous and had a carriage ready to drive Shui to the venue. The carriage stopped in front of a large, luxuriously decorated mansion that was owned by the mayor of Cyrus.

'Looks like I'm about to enter into something troublesome.'

Before he stepped out of the carriage, the one who brought him here started explaining about the event.

"Many famous geniuses of the young generation from the surrounding cities have gathered here tonight because someone from an average-level high-rank clan has arrived from Silver City. Tonight is just a welcoming party so it's not very formal but there are certain points you should pay attention to, such as-"

"Okay okay, I heard enough."

It sounded like he wouldn't stop talking for a while so Shui used 'Silence' on him. Leaving him, who tried to talk but couldn't make a sound, Shui got out of the carriage and went towards the mansion. He didn't know if Ulus sent people to sell drugs or collect information, but he didn't intend on getting involved.

The Alterna Kingdom had a very rich clothing culture due to once being the centre of the continent and being washed by several different lifestyles, but it was customary for cultivators to wear loose-fitting attire like robes though they would dress practically for battle. However, without even bothering to take out the robes he wore when he dressed up like a scholar, Shui strolled down the polished hall of the mansion with just a blue jacket over his white shirt and black pants.

However, even in such casual clothing, the prim and proper ladies who had strict policies for protecting their purity, couldn't help but take a glance at him. Many of them wondered why he was dressed so casually, not because it was against customs, but because they wanted to see how good he would look in different clothes.

Normally, Shui wouldn't put much emphasis on these sorts of glances, but due to the conversation he had with Cin he was becoming more conscious of them.

'What's wrong with being a virgin? Even if I can get stronger through intercourse, shouldn't I wait until I find someone who I'm compatible with? Honestly, with my current strength I could kill them if I'm not careful. Actually that's pretty horrifying now that I think about it. I should work on restraining myself later.'

While Shui was preoccupied by his own thoughts, he had completely ignored the jealous male gazes that were directed at him. Since anyone who got near him would quickly be glared at by the female audience, they held themselves back, but a sudden shout changed that.

"It's you!"

Knocking even Shui out of his own thoughts with his loud voice, was a familiar young man who happened to be the star of this event. It was the same young master who had almost ran him over, along with a group of prominent male geniuses, with his legs back to normal. Unlike the other groups, this one couldn't be stopped by the frustrated glares of females.

Even after being outnumbered by this group, Shui was unruffled.

"Do you want something from me?"

"You, you, you know what you did wrong!"

This young man thought that Shui was the one who broke his legs, but he couldn't allow a stain on his reputation by shouting about that in public. Still, his image already took a hit since it seemed as if he was bullying Shui for no reason. None of the women wanted to go against him, but they all gave him the stink eye.

Once the group around him realised that he had a bone to pick with this pretty boy, they took advantage of it to teach him his place.

"Hurry up and kneel to Sir Trin of the Wailings Clan."

"That's right, and slap yourself too."

"Can't you hear us? Why aren't you on the ground yet?"

In front of these boring sycophants, Shui released a sigh. He was dropped into this party without being interested, but how could he endure this sort of noise? Ulus might have thought that he could control him but he should have known that Shui wasn't an obedient little pup.


"You guys, stop!"

Right as Shui began speaking, a strong yet appealing voice touched their ears. All of them turned to see a pair of mountains heaving up and down as a stern face approached. The woman that interrupted them had blue hair and blue eyes, which weren't unusual among cultivators but stood out in this party. She was also blessed with a sensual figure that caused several gulping sounds across the room.

As they enjoyed the sight of this beauty, not a single one of them spoke until she stood in front of Shui and folded her arms.

"M-m-miss Cleia, why are you interfering? Don't you see that this man has angried Sir Trin?"

Although not comparable to Trin, Cleia was also from a powerful force that many among the sycophant group didn't want to offend. After all, the local tyrant was more intimidating than the distant king.

Seeing the group around him quickly become meek like mice before a cat, Trin stepped up to face Cleia.

"Miss Cleia, I don't believe you have any relations with this man so I would suggest that you withdraw yourself from this issue."

"Hmph, do I need to be related to him to help?"

"No, but it makes one wonder if you have ulterior motives in helping him. If you want some late night fun I'm certain many of the gentlemen here would be happy to help you."

"You!!!" Cleia's face went bright red as she tried to restrain herself in front of Trin. His accusation was not only very serious to a young lady, it also resulted in amused snickers from all over the room.

"Guess she wasn't as pure as she liked to act." One spectator said.

"Do you think I should ask if she wants to taste a real man tonight?" Another suggested.

Watching as Cleia lost to shame, Shui placed his hand on her shoulder and wiped away the tear beneath her eye with his thumb when she turned to look at him.

"Thank you, kind miss. Allow me to take care of the rest."