Meeting Lisa Again

Shui took his time getting to the library with Fatty following behind him.

"So Boss, where did you come from?"


"Oh, I'm from Pemacreba. I was a bit of an outcast there so I came here to make a fresh start."

"Is that so. What about your family? Were they okay with you coming?"

"Well, yeah, my folks know that I can succeed wherever I am."

A drip of cold sweat went down Fatty's forehead but Shui ignored it.

"I see."

"Mhmm, back where I'm from, everyone called me the hope of the clan, you know. All of the girls wanted a piece of this!"

Shui barely held himself back from laughing while Fatty continued to boast about his past accomplishments as they got closer to the library. Soon, there was a simple white tower with four floors in front of them. There weren't many people here, but it wasn't empty either. Most of those here came for tier 1 and up spells, which required sufficient contribution points to look at. Like Shui, there were also a few who came for the regular books and tier 0 spells on the first floor which any disciple could see.

"Here we are." said Shui in front of the building.

"Hmm, this is the library, right? Are you here to exchange for a spell, Boss?"

"No, I'm new disciple like you. How could I have contribution points?"

While becoming a core disciple did allow one to freely browse the second floor that held basic spells of tiers 1-3, as an inner sect disciple he would have to complete missions handed out by the sect to get contribution points which could then be exchanged for spells, artifacts, pills, etc. Unlike Fatty who heard this from the elders after passing the test, Shui guessed it based off of his knowledge and what he heard along the way.

"Then why are we here?"

"Just for some light reading."

While new information was constantly pouring into Shui's mind, reading was still a relaxing hobby for him. He planned on studying blade techniques to further improve the Ethereal Blade Method, but he had little intention of making any serious effort for the time being. He still intended to make contact with Kate, but for the time being he wanted to stabilize his cultivation and do more work on his aura dilution technique.

Right as Shui was only a few steps away from the library, he heard a sweet voice calling him.


His aura was still diluted, but if it was someone that already knew him then they would easily recognise him once they spotted him. Otherwise, Fatty would have had trouble talking to him.


Both Shui and Fatty turned towards the well-endowed woman who came towards Shui with a bright smile. Shui no longer needed to be too careful with her since he was already an inner sect disciple, but there was no need to be rude either so he put on a smile as she waved at him. During this time, Fatty's brows were furrowed as he looked at the couple reunite, especially when Lisa embraced Shui.

"Mmm, I missed you so much you know." said Lisa as she rubbed her chest against Shui.

"But it hasn't even been that long."

Shui could resist the temptation but he had a wry smile as she showed a pouting face.

"It doesn't matter. From the moment I met you I just want to be by your side for as long as possible. Is that okay?"

Instead of responding, Shui gently patted her shoulder as if he was the older one and watched with an awkward expression as she looked up at him with a slight blush. As Fatty saw this beautiful scene, he seemed stunned, and then that turned into a pensive look.

'Can I learn how to do this too?'

The two's embrace lasted a couple seconds before Lisa slowly moved away from his chest. She used her finger to position her smooth hair behind her ear before looking at Shui coquettishly.

"So, what are you going to the library for?"

"Well, I'm an avid reader so I planned on checking out what books they have here."

"Oh, that's a nice hobby. No wonder you look like such a handsome scholar. Would it be okay if I-"

"Hmph, what scholar? The time spent reading books should be used cultivating. Aren't you a disciple of Storm Sky Manor?!"

Out of nowhere, a bold man with a slender but muscular body interrupted Lisa. Even though she had her back turned to him, Lisa grimaced as she realised who it was.

'Why did he have to show up now of all times?!'

"Lisa, this is?" asked Shui as he looked at the man who approached with a scowl.

"Oh, he's just my-"


The man inserted this word in the middle of Lisa's explanation, but she quickly turned her head and corrected him.

"Ex-lover. His name is Clyde and he's fairly strong among the inner sect disciples."

"Strongest, in fact. Lisa, why do you keep doing this? I said I was sorry, can't you just come back to me?"

"Your 'sorry' doesn't change anything!"

Lisa may have sounded harsh but since the man didn't show a hint of remorse, rather he seemed reluctant, it was fitting.

"So what, you're choosing him over me?"

"That has nothing to do with this! Just leave me alone!"


'Ugh, looks like I got involved in a love triangle.'

Seeing that this would be more trouble than it was worth, Shui watched as the arguement between the two got more and more heated and slowly escaped into the library. As he saw him escape, Fatty made sure he was right behind him. Once they were inside, Shui turned to Fatty and said, "Sorry you had to see that."

"No, um, when did you first meet her?"

"Yesterday, why?"

Even though it was just as he expected, Fatty Zain took a moment to accept this fact before he went down on one knee.

"Boss, please teach this subordinate the art of being popular."

"Sorry, for me it's ninety percent in the face."

"And the other ten percent?"


"Tch, damn it!"

As Fatty Zain seemed genuinely upset, Shui placed his hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, personality is also important."

"Bu-but, you didn't mention it."

"Well, yeah. You have to get them to talk to you first."

"So it doesn't matter then!"


Fatty Zain flinched. Since he got too heated, those in the library glared at him and forced him into silence.

'Damn it! How am I supposed use my personality if I get beat up for trying to talk to them!'

Shui looked down on his frustrated follower and swore to himself, that one day, he would help him on the path of finding a lover.