Tragedy of the Three Clans


Shui stood still staring at Kate who no longer radiated with intense emotion, but she walked back to her house without explaining herself. Shui considered leaving, but since he was already here he just followed her.

'What a troublesome girl. You would think she would become less violent after growing up.'

When Shui entered her house, Kate was starting to prepare tea. He was partially surprised that she was capable of doing something like this, but he quickly hid that surprise since he didn't want her to find out. Since Kate worked without revealing any joy or rage, there was only a slight tension in the air due to the fact that neither of them tried to start a conversation.


When Kate came to Shui with two cups of tea, he expressed gratitude while taking one cup. Since both cups shared the same simple design, Shui believed that she got them as a set, but in truth these cups were a pair that she bought in the first year of entering Storm Sky Manor. It was originally meant as a birthday gift for a certain someone but she changed her mind and never gave it to him.

'Hmm, it's not bad.'

He made sure that it didn't show, but Shui was surprised once more by the fact that Kate's tea was decent.

'Then again, she's lived here for so many years, of course she would learn how to do things like this.'

Little did Shui know that Kate was only coaxed into learning how to make tea after listening to the gossips of her few friends, but that was an unnecessary detail.

After about three sips, Shui returned the teacup to the saucer on the table beside him and looked at Kate.

"So, how have you been?"

In response, Kate also put down her cup of tea.

"Better than you I hope."

"Uh, make any friends?"

"A few, I guess. Not many I can trust here."

"Hmm? Did something happen?"

"Something? Well, more than that. When I first got here I caught the eye of someone troublesome but that's not too important,"

'No, that sounds pretty important to me.'

Shui felt the urge to interrupt her, but as he saw a dark cloud cover her expression, he held himself back.

"Have you seen anyone you recognize since you've entered the sect?"

"Hmm? No, not really."

Shui didn't mention Nathan because he had a feeling that she was referring to a specific person.

"Isn't that odd? Don't you remember those kids that came in my group?"


Shui hadn't thought about it all this time, but once he was reminded by Kate, he realized how weird it was that he didn't hear about them. He was bewildered at first, but once he used his brain to contemplate, that pensive expression turned into a grave one.

"It seems you've realized."

"...What happened to them?"

Before answering the tense Shui, Kate took a sip of her tea.

"It was two weeks before news reached about what the Clite clan did to the other clans. They used to always be in conflict but eventually the kids from the three clans started working together to defend their place here. At that time me, Nathan and Rune were all core disciples but only Rune kept in contact with the rest. So when they wanted to try a big mission outside Silver City, he was obviously the one to lead them. Looking back, I wondered if I could have changed something by keeping in contact with them, but unless I had reason to doubt Rune, I probably wouldn't have been able to change anything."

Kate expression betrayed none of her thoughts, but the ripples of the tea that was in her hand proved that she wasn't fully over it.

"...What happened?"

"According to the official report, they were ambushed by a group of beast spirits and all died, but only some of their bodies were found. However, once news of what happened to our clans came back, everyone knew the truth. Even if they were ambushed by beast spirits, it wasn't by coincidence."

As Kate tried to restrain the emotions that threatened to boil over, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Shui who had come beside her at some point.

'It's just like back then.'

While feeling reassured by his presence, Kate put her hand on top of his.

"...Shui, do you think, I can take revenge one day?"

"What are you talking about? It's we, isn't it?"

Much like when they were kids in the Heaven clan, Shui could make her feel safe and also push her to reach higher places.

After Kate settled down, Shui went back to his seat and she asked him about what happened to him when the clan was under attack. Shui gave her the same story that he gave Lilia, but like Lily and her siblings, Kate thought there was more to it.

"I heard that there was something that awakened our ancestors in the sanctum, was that you?"

"...I won't deny that I had something to do with it."

Shui was partially worried that she would criticise him for disgracing their ancestors but she only nodded in acceptance. Shui sighed in relief but he had to suck that relief back in at her next question.

"By the way, were you the one who sent two people to help me during the hunt?"

"Uhh, yes."

"Mmm, thanks."

"It was nothing."

Accepting that he was just overthinking, Shui was relieved once more, but then his chest tightened again.

"What are their names?"

"Ryan and,... Lily."

"Oh, are you close to them?"

"...You could say that."

There was nothing strange about her questions or her tone, but when Shui thought about Lily he couldn't help feeling sort of guilty in front of Kate. He wasn't in a romantic relationship with either of them, but he felt as if he had committed some wrong when he was before her. And due to this feeling he ended up causing Kate to notice that something was weird.

'Why is he so nervous?'

Thinking it over, Kate realised that he was particularly jumpy when he talked about the woman that saved her.

'Could it be?!'

When Shui felt the gaze from Kate suddenly get sharp, he realized that his fears had come true. Shui started getting very worried, so much so that he froze up when Kate sighed.

"You don't have to be so nervous. It's not like we're in a relationship or anything."

"Really? You're not upset or anything?"

"No, I'm upset. I just can't come up with a good reason to scold you."

'That sure didn't stop you from attacking me.'

While there was still a heavy weight on his chest, Shui felt slightly better knowing that Kate didn't try to blame him. However, Kate didn't plan on dropping this topic.

"So, did you two have sex?"

Shui was stunned speechless by Kate's question, but since he had absolutely no intention of answering he quickly took out something to change the topic.

"Hey, I made this for you."

Kate furrowed her brows as Shui hastily tried to shift her attention away but she allowed him to when she saw what he took out.