Silver City Collapses

"What is this?!"

The majority of the city's inhabitants had the same reaction. Earthquakes were rare, but the cultivators could instinctively tell that this was different. The chill that went down their spines warned them of imminent disaster. It was so creepy that those who had extreme trust in their instincts immediately prepared to leave the city.

As the tremors continued intermittently, the leaders of Storm Sky Manor, Lava Stream Sect, Maiden Academy and the mayor of Silver City met up above the sky of Silver City.

"Does anyone know what's causing this?" the mayor asked.

"No, I've asked the ancestors but all they can say is that something seems to be trying to break into our local space," the sect master of Storm Sky Manor responded.

"Hmph, acting like you don't know the cause."

The other three all turned to Lava Stream Sect's sect master who had scoffed. Irritated by what his words were implying, Storm Sky Manor's sect master asked with a threatening tone, "What are you trying to say?"

"You know what I mean. It looks like you've been trying to hide the specifics, but it's basically an open secret that you encountered an unbelievably strong monster inside the Spirit Nest that forced you to abandon the place."

The Silver City mayor and Maiden Academy headmaster seemed to have also heard of this so they looked back at Storm Sky Manor's sect master suspiciously. He didn't like the position he and his sect was being put in, but he knew any shameless lies would only put them in a worse position since Lava Stream Sect's sect master was eager to make him stuff a loss.

"...We're not sure what that was or if it has anything to do with what's happening now, but there was indeed an especially strong creature found in the Spirit Nest."

Normally Lava Stream Sect's sect master would show a smug smile at this time, but once they got into the details of what Storm Sky Manor's sect master knew about the creature, all of them had grim expressions.

"I understand that you might feel the need to blame us, therefore we are prepared to be exiled from this city to at least attempt to make up for this incident."

Storm Sky Manor's sect master did a good job at playing the part of the sinner ready to face judgement, but Lava Stream Sect's sect master didn't buy it.

"Ha! Drop that stupid act of yours. If we assume that the one trying to break into this space is that beast, then the breach will most likely be at your sect. You're only 'willing' to be exiled because you know that if it crosses over, your sect will be the first to get destroyed anyways."

"Hmph, believe what you will. Rather than arguing here it's better for us to hurry up and make a decision."

"You're right. We need to prepare for battle just in case."

The Silver City mayor spoke up to lead the conversation down a productive path, but the moment he brought up 'battle', the other three leaders looked away. The men had thick skin so they did this without any awkwardness, but the Maiden Academy headmaster had a faint blush on her slightly wrinkled face.

With squinted eyes, the Silver City mayor looked at each of them closely.

"Is there a problem?"

After exchanging glances with the Maiden Academy headmaster and Storm Sky Manor's sect master, Lava Stream Sect's sect master cleared his throat and faced the Silver City mayor.

"Well, let's be realistic here mayor. I'm sure all of our forces have hidden ancestors and secret weapons that we're reluctant to reveal. However, if this creature can not only survive in a broken space, but also force its way here, then it's at the very least on the level of Masters. And taking the Storm Sky Manor's report into consideration, it won't be comparable to early stage Masters."

"So, you're saying we should abandon the city!"

"Hmm, well, wouldn't it be better if we at least evacuated the citizens first?"

"And what about this land? Is this not your home? Will you really surrender it so easily?!"

The Silver City mayor was infuriated by their reluctance to put their lives on the line against the incoming invader, but they weren't moved by his sentiments. While none of them wanted to give up their base here, their lives were obviously more important.

Much deliberation later, after the citizens of the city were hastily evacuated, it was decided that the strongest ancestors of each force would stay back to gauge the strength of the invader. This was the most the other leaders were willing to compromise for the Silver City mayor. In exchange, the Silver City mayor would gain more indirect authority over them and their forces if they managed to protect the city.

The minor spatial quakes caused by the incoming threat never fully stopped, but luckily they were given enough time to evacuate the citizens before the next sign of its emergence appeared.


From a huge, dark tear that opened above Storm Sky Manor, a roar was heard that that convinced every hesitating loyal citizen to leave. As a single one of its eyes peeked from beyond the tear in space, even those in the Earth Realm felt bone-freezing chills. The three main sects of Silver City had already evacuated their younger generation, so only curious vagrants could possess such cultivations and still wait here.

"What is that?" asked the Lava Stream Sect's sect master.

"I don't know either," responded the Storm Sky Manor sect master.

Even though one of their ancestors had personally seen the beast, they couldn't be sure whether it was a gremlin or an evolved beast. For now, it was simply called chimera lord.

"Ancestor, what do you think?"

While looking at the eye of the chimera lord, the Silver City mayor nervously sought advice from an old man with a cane. This was the same old man who had fought against the crown panther beast lord of Malirin Forest, and was the oldest ancestor of the mayor's clan still alive.

"I'm not sure. It seems to be some sort of ominous creature but I don't think I've ever encountered anything like it before."

"Do you think we can subdue it?"

"...Tosen, promise me that no matter what happens, you'll ensure that our Silver City re-emerges from the dust."

"...Yes, ancestor."

Tosen, the current mayor of Silver City, couldn't believe that his ancestor who was always a source of pride for him, would be so resigned to the card that fate had played for the city. He understood that things weren't looking pretty considering the massive threat that the beasts of Malirin Forests were becoming, but he didn't want to accept that the city would be destroyed in his generation.

As the four current leaders and their respective ancestors waited for the chimera lord, more and more onlookers couldn't endure the sinister pressure it was giving off and left the area. Before the sun went down, several spatial cracks had appeared above Silver City, and the chimera lord took a single step inside the city.


Like the sound of glass shattering, the space between and around the spatial cracks broke apart and when space stabilised again, the chimera lord stood proudly on Storm Sky Manor. Those who would face it had hoped that it would have sustained serious injuries during its time in space, but besides a few scorched tips of its fur, the chimera lord was unscathed. Furthermore, it was even stronger than when Shui faced it.

'Damn it!'

While the puny humans looked at it with anxiety and fear, the fallen only searched for the one who managed to escape it in the Spirit Nest. When it spread its spiritual sense, even those in the other four cities and the crown panther beast lord of Malirin Forest felt their hairs stand up.

"Tch, just when I thought I would be able to crush those humans, a more troublesome enemy has appeared."

The beast lord felt a little relief as it glanced at the winged snake beside it, but it knew that even the forest wouldn't be able to escape the approaching change.

After stretching its spiritual sense to the limit and still not finding its target, the fallen grunted in disappointment before lying down. The ancestors in the Master Realm felt fury as they saw how the creature disregarded them, but they weren't arrogant enough to give up on this chance. Each ancestor executed their strongest attack on the chimera lord at the same time.


On that day, four attacked and four watched, but none were able to leave.