New Disciples

"Uh, thanks."


After injuring him for his hard work, Sheila went back to hugging Serina with Fatty's mother. Fatty didn't think everything was taken care of with this, but his heart did feel lighter.

The next day, Kane was there at the gate along with Serina. Fatty didn't know why he was waiting for them, so he approached with a suspicious expression.

"What are you doing here, Kane?"

"Oh, since you two are new I thought I should show you around for a little bit."

"Uh huh."

Fatty didn't believe the garbage coming out of Kane's mouth for even a second, but since Serina had already agreed to this he didn't raise an objection. That would only earn him some 'brotherly bonding time'.

The moment the three of them entered the sect, Fatty could notice several eyes on him.

"Looks like he's coming for revenge. Sacred yet?" Kane teased.

"Hmph, like I'll make that guy scare me anymore."

Fatty talked big, but Kane could barely hold his laughter back when he saw his slightly trembling hands.

"Yeah, sure. Well, keep up the good work."

Serina didn't understand what the two of them were talking about, but she wasn't that curious either so she didn't bother to ask.

Tico was one of those watching Fatty as he entered the sect. His desire for revenge was burning like a wildfire, but he wasn't insane enough to publicly attack him with Kane by his side. Though Kane was also an inner sect disciple, he was far more valued by the sect than a branch member of the Stein clan like him.

With the people he brought along, there was a high chance he could win, but the aftermath would be too much for him to handle.

'Just you wait you fat bastard. I'll definitely take my revenge for what you did to me!'

While they were still being watched, Kane brought Serina and Fatty to the sect library. It was a grand and simple building that looked more like a palace than a library.

Unlike in Storm Sky Manor, the only thing stopping a disciple from getting a valuable cultivation method or technique was their own talent and strength. As long as you were able to pass the test that was based on the rank/tier of the text that you wanted to borrow, you would be able to take it.

Kane wouldn't be able to take the test for them, but he could vouch for their power so they wouldn't have to do the test for scriptures suitable for their cultivation.

The library was rather barren, but that was because disciples were normally eager to test out their spells as soon as they learnt them.

"Serina, you don't have a good cultivation method yet, right?"

"Mhmm. I'm fine for now but I think it might become more of a problem as my cultivation increases."

Kane nodded in agreement as he led the way. Since they were looking for a cultivation method they didn't have to walk far as most of the sect's cultivation methods could be found near the entrance. The exceptions were either too precious or core methods essential to the sect. Not only strength and talent, contributions were also needed for those.

"What elements are your best?"

"Wind and metal."

"Hmm, then how about an earth-attribute method?"

"'Earth nourishes metal', huh?" Fatty added.

As cultivators they were all aware of the basic theories like the Five and Four Element theories so Serina and Fatty quickly caught on to what Kane was trying to suggest.

"That sounds good, but won't it be better if I just stick with one that matches my elements?"

"In terms of ease, yes. But this way you can draw out more power from your metal-attribute spells and arts."

"Hmm, okay. I'll listen to you Kane."

There was still a bit of hesitation in Serina's heart but she agreed to Kane's suggestion. However, both her and Fatty thought that if Shui was here he would be able to give an even better option.

"Well, that's that then."

After taking a cultivation method called the 'Rumbling Earth Scripture', they left the library after a quick check with the middle-aged man serving as the librarian.

"I got business to attend to now so we'll have to split up here. Are you two going to listen to some lectures?"

To the question presented by Kane, Serina looked at Fatty for an answer.

"What do you think?"

"Based on what I've heard it'll probably be a waste of time for us."

"Huh?! What are you talking about, Fatty? The instructors in the inner section are all at least in Sky Realm, so they all have far more experience than you and I do."

"Maybe so, but I happened to meet a friend that makes those old guys sound like juniors."

"That mysterious friend of yours again, huh? I know Serina wouldn't make this up but..."

"Wait, so what about MY credibility?"


"Don't ignore it!"

"I'm just saying that it's hard to believe that someone as amazing as you've described actually exists. Jumping a level or two is possible, but according to you four or five levels are nothing to him. Furthermore, you also tell me that he's knowledgeable in several fields and has a charm that can enrapture anyone he meets, it's as if you're describing some legendary figure."

"Hmph, even legends would bow before Boss."

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure to at least check one of the lectures out."

"Haa, fine. Let's go Serina."


After waving the two of them goodbye, Kane stayed behind and looked around while focusing on their stalkers.

"If it's a simple 1on1 fight then I won't interfere. But if you attack them with such a large group. Be prepared to get hunted."

There was no response however, a large portion of stalkers left. With that, Kane went on his way.

'The rest is up to you.'

The place where the lectures were held was a small arena-like space where circular rows of students watched the instructor from their elevated seats. When Fatty and Serina arrived, there was already an ongoing lecture but listening for a minute was enough for them to make their evaluations.

"I told you. A waste of time."

"Don't say it like that. Maybe this is just a beginner class."

"Hehe, beginners that have higher cultivations than ours, huh? What a joke."

"Hey, keep your voice-"

"What was that?!"


Serina's warning came a step too late as one of the disciples listening to the lecture heard what Fatty said.

Fatty flinched when he was shouted at, but he quickly got over that momentary fear and glared back at the well-built disciple. As they seemed to be one move away from fighting, Serina hurriedly tried to pull back Fatty.

"We're not here to fight, right?"

Fatty was fully ready to fight the man in front of him, but for Serina's sake he released his tension and stopped glaring.

"Sorry, it was nothing."

Fatty then tried to turn away and leave, but the man was fast to grab onto his shoulder.

"Wait there! You think you can say whatever you want and then leave?"

"...I'm not looking for a fight here."

"Well, that's not what it sounded like to me."

As the situation quickly worsened, Serina was in a panic trying to figure out how they could settle this without causing a scene.

'What should I do? What should I do?'

"Then your hearing must be defective. Why don't you get someone to check out your ears instead of bothering me?"


"What's going on back there?!"




Before the three of them were aware, the entire class had them as their focus and now even the brown-bearded elder who was lecturing the class had to address the issue.