Meeting the Riot clan

Since three days still wasn't much time, Shui wanted to get started on Serina's training as soon as possible, but they needed a proper setting first. It was then that Fatty suggested that they use his cultivation room in the Riot clan mansion. Shui was just going to rent a room in one of the high-class inns and fix it up, but this way would save time so he agreed.

On the way back to the Riot clan, Shui strolled with Serina holding his right hand and Fatty strutting confidently on his left. A certain woman who he had met earlier that day had caught a glimpse of him, but he didn't think there was any reason to greet her so his steps continued without pause.

Once they reached the gate of the Riot clan's residence, Fatty opened it without waiting for the guards and led the way. There were plans to introduce Shui to his family, but Serina took priority. They quickly walked past the beautiful scenery of green and the soothing sound of a stream to arrive at the tall mansion where Serina, Fatty and his family lived.

"We're home."


"Please tell my parents and my older siblings that I've brought a guest."

Fatty commanded the servants who greeted them at the entrance in a relaxed tone that fit his stature before moving on. Shui thought that they were in too much of a rush but he didn't realise how impatient Serina was to get stronger and that Fatty could empathise with this impatience.

Without slowing down they went up to the second floor and then entered the third room on the left of the long hallway. The room was empty and was entirely coloured in the shade of natural brown, but the moment they stepped in they could feel the difference in the concentration of nature energy.

"Will this do?" Fatty asked.

"Mhmm, but allow me to tweak it first."

For the first time since entering the city, Shui opened his eyes to look at the room. This didn't provide any burden on him, but now he was able to clearly see the lines of the array built into this room. After a few seconds of looking, Shui found a suitable spot to make his adjustments. He took out a large square piece of fabric along with a jar of high beast blood and secured the piece of fabric to the floor with a simple adhesive spell. Then, he drew a spirit gathering array in such a way that allowed it to be layered on top of the original array.

"There, that should do it."


While Shui was taking out his materials, Serina and Fatty had looked at each other in confusion.

'He couldn't be that multi-talented, right?', they thought. However, the moment Shui's array was complete, the already concentrated nature energy was sucked towards the space above it. Neither of them were experts in arrays so they were only impressed by how quickly he was able to set this up, but an array master would be frozen in shock because adjusting someone else's array was far more difficult than making your own.

"You can look impressed later. Serina."

Once her name was called by Shui, Serina hastily went over and sat down on the fabric with the array. Shui sat down in front of her and placed his right index and middle fingers on her forehead.


With his fingers making contact, Serina closed her eyes and prepared herself to receive the method he would pass on to her.

'Like a swallow cutting through breeze, sharp without ferocity. Like a sharpened blade easily slipping through flesh, swift and graceful. Let your heart be your sword and glide your way to the promised land.'

After Serina memorised the main mantra of the Sword Bird Manual, Shui then helped her comprehend it. It would be more preferable if she gained her own insight but they lacked the time for that.

"Now, imagine the feeling of flying through the sky."

"I'll try."

Of course it wasn't possible for her to instantly get into the correct state of mind, but with his nebula three-star soul Shui was able to completely control the way someone thought, so helping her build an image was rather simple.

In a few moments, Serina felt as if her heart had slipped out from her chest and was flying away. Both peace and excitement existed in harmony along with the urge to explore.

'Like a swallow cutting through the breeze, sharp without ferocity.'

Less than a minute later, a sword-shaped glow appeared on the spot of Serina's forehead where Shui's fingers were touching her.

"Good. You'll need to remember that feeling."


With Shui's help Serina was able to take her first step in learning the Sword Bird Manual, but this would only be a temporary status if she didn't make that feeling her own. Therefore, Shui left the room with Fatty so that Serina could focus. Fatty seemed a little worried but he still left the room since he wouldn't be of any help.

Once they were outside the room, Fatty asked, "Boss, I trust you but, will this really be enough?"

So far the only solutions Shui had offered were having Serina learn this new cultivation method and helping her use her sacred treasure. He knew it would definitely make her stronger, but Fatty felt that it wouldn't be enough.

"It'll be fine. You're right to assume that this won't make her strong enough to beat him, but you don't have to worry. I have no intention of letting this be a fair fight."

Shui's expression as he said this was unchanged, but Fatty imagined an evil smile on his handsome face.

"As expected of Boss! Let's go to the red-light district for an early cele-"

"Fatty Zain, get your ass down here!"

The sudden shout that seemed to shake the building immediately put a damper on Fatty's mood. Since it sounded like Sheila he could guess why she was so angry and so he was even more afraid to meet her. But then he remembered who was beside him.

"Boss, I need your help!"

"Is it about that shout?"

"Yeah, it's my elder sister. She probably found out about Serina's match and got angry that I didn't stop it from happening."

"Hmm, well you did fail to protect her."


Fatty looked like he just swallowed a bug but his expression got better from Shui's next line.

"But I suppose I can at least stand beside you while you get yelled at."

"Thanks so much, Boss! And um, if you could would you mind..."

"I'm not seducing your sister."

"Don't say it like that Boss. I don't want my sister to get a broken heart either. Just flash her a smile and that unpopular sister of mine will surely back off."

"Who are you calling unpopular?!"


The moment Fatty realised that Sheila was at the staircase behind him and heard what he said, the crafty smile on his face was replaced by terror as he quickly hid behind Shui. Shui sighed in exasperation but he still stood and faced the well-shaped woman before him.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry for the unannounced visit. My name's Shui. I'm a friend of Serina and Fatty here."


"Hmm? Is there a problem?"

Once her eyes had a clear view of Shui, Sheila seemed to have been frozen in time, Instead of responding she only stared at him with the same stern look.

Shui wondered if he had done or said something offensive but then he noticed a faint blush on her cheeks.

'Wait, no!'

It was at that time that Shui realised his eyes were still open.