Serina vs. Tico

With both cultivators and the judge present, everything was in place for the beginning of the match. Everyone who wasn't participating took one of the seats that spread radially from the stage. There weren't many disciples here, but it was still more quiet than expected because there was nothing to discuss. The victor was decided before the match began. Though Serina had made some progress in her cultivation and was close to breaking through, that was a minor improvement considering her opponent was still several levels above her.

However, in addition to Fatty, there was another person who didn't think this match would be plain and simple. The woman who came to see Shui, Halka, sensed something strange when she looked at Serina. If she had to describe it, it was like she was looking at an adorable rabbit about to fight a tiger. But, she felt that she needed to be wary of this rabbit. The rabbit seemed completely harmless, but that was what bothered her.

'Hmm, could I be imagining it?'

She only wanted to see Shui or ask them about him since he wasn't here, but now she felt a bit of interest in the match itself.

"Are you both ready?" asked Marco in a relaxed tone.



Tico gave a energetic response while Serina was stable. Serina managed to stand firm on the stage, but Tico only saw it as a strong front.

'Sorry little girl, but you can only blame yourself for being close with that piggy.'

"Then, begin!"

Though Elder Marco announced the start of the match, neither of the two fighting made a move. However, while Serina prepared to face him, Tico was so confident in his victory that he puffed out his chest and said, "Come! I'll give you the first hit."

Since she knew that she wasn't his match, though she couldn't fully appreciate the offer, she took it.

"Thank you."

Serina took her whip and held it with both hands while slowly dragging it back with her right hand and pouring energy into it. When her right hand went as far back as it could go, she released her left hand and swung the whip at Tico who nearly flinched due to the danger he sensed from it.

'No, I have to stand firm.'

Tico quickly convinced himself that his senses were off as there was no way her attack could harm him even if it was her strongest attack. However, he could only have this thought because he didn't know that the whip about to land on him had become a flexible sword.


With blood staining its tip as it left his skin, the whip ripped open his chest and left a ten-inch diagonally long wound. Many among the audience gasped at this result, but Fatty snickered.

"That's what you get for underestimating her."

Although Tico hadn't thrown away his defence, if he had seriously faced Serina's attack then she wouldn't have been able to wound him so badly.

None among Fatty's family thought that she could beat Tico, but Shui promised that she would at least be strong enough to wound him, and this was proven sooner than he expected.

'As expected of Boss.'

While Fatty laughed at Tico's pathetic state, Serina narrowed her eyes as she sensed anger overflowing from his body. He glanced at Fatty and wished that he could go up there and shut him up, but he gritted his teeth and turned his head back to Serina. He felt more ashamed as he noticed Elder Marco shaking his head at the corner of his eye.

'Damn it! I took her too easily.'

There was still no doubt in Tico's mind that he would win, but now no matter how harshly he defeated her it wouldn't wipe away this disgrace. Even so, he was now eager to pummel her into the ground.

"Not bad. You did more damage than I expected, but, this will be the last wound you leave on my body."

As Tico put on his gauntlets, Serina took a deep breath and readied her whip. She didn't expect to be able to land that hit a second time, but as Shui had explained to her, her role was to put all of her efforts into defeating Tico. He would handle the rest.

"Here I go!"

Tico charged at Serina with loud steps that caused her to flinch for a moment before she swung her whip. She didn't mean for this to be a serious attack but though the whip would only lightly brush against him, Tico purposefully stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Then, before she could think to let go, he dragged the whip in his direction and waited with a clenched fist for Serina whose body was also dragged forward.


With flexible movements, Serina managed to regain her balance and avoided his punch by leaping over him, however, Tico stomped on the ground to produce a spike of metal that aimed for her chest as she flew through the air. Fortunately, Serina was able to dodge it by pushing her body away with a burst of wind and she also pulled her whip out of Tico's grasp.

So far the two still seemed equally matched, however, Tico smirked at the sight of blood dripping from the side of Serina's mouth.

"I won't lie, that first attack of yours got me good, but you're still not my match."

In that previous confrontation, though Serina had avoided any direct attacks, Tick had forced his energy into her whip which injured her when she tried to get it out. However, this didn't mean that Tico was particularly impressive, rather this was just the difference between someone at the second level of the Soul Realm and someone at the sixth level.

The difference in their ability to control energy made it hard for Serina to directly confront him.

'But I already knew that.'

She already knew that he wasn't an opponent she could defeat with just three days of training, but rather than belief in herself, it was her trust in Shui that kept the light in her eyes from disappearing.

'I know I'm not his match, but even if I can't beat him, the least I can do is keep standing.'

As Serina wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, Tico frowned. He couldn't stand that determined look in her eye, as if she actually thought she could win.

'Tch, I guess I shouldn't play with her.'

This time, instead of waiting for his approach, Serina unleashed a flurry of lashes that rode the wind to strike Tico. It was a simple yet effective technique, but Tico didn't choose to do anything except the most straightforward way of beating it.

With his firmest barrier, Tico confidently walked towards her, unaffected by the sharp winds that aimed at him. Even when Serina increased the power and frequency of her lashes, his pace was the same. A couple seconds ago she believed that she would be okay with just staying on her feet, but as he slowly approached terror began to fill her heart.

Watching Serina as she unleashed reckless attacks, everyone in the audience was sure that this was over. Even Fatty could only believe in Shui.

'Please, please be here!'

Serina tried her best, but once Tico was within five feet of her she hastily used the barrier spell.

"Hmph, a worthless move."

She hoped to buy some time to come up with a plan while protected by the barrier, but a single fist from Tico shattered it while another fist charged at her face. Serina flinched and raised her hands to defend while trying to prepare herself for the incoming blow. Tico felt pleasure in seeing her like this and he thought that he would love it even more once smashed through her arms. However, the moment he caught a glimpse of the pitiful expression behind her hands, his fist diverted off-course and went right by her.


While Tico and the crowd were surprised by this, Serina opened her eyes, realised that this was her chance and quickly took it. With the sword symbol glowing on her forehead, she held her whip like she was drawing a sword and swung it horizontally.

Tico retreated as fast as he could, but a red line was still left across his abdomen.