Nice to meet you?

Alchemists and array masters have always been respected in the cultivator world. One strong cultivator could fight off an army of weaker opponents, but an expert array master could defend a land for several centuries while a master alchemist could produce pills that could change a mortal into a Master. Each had their own paths but it couldn't be denied that they were all capable of great feats once they reached far enough on their paths.

However, just like not all cultivators could become experts, not all array masters and alchemists were worthy enough to be respected. One apprentice array master who knew this very well was sitting in a carriage with her companion beside her. Her attractive face was hidden under a black robe, but the other passengers could tell that she was different. She used to feel proud to receive the curious and admiring gazes of others, but not anymore. Everything changed after her master died.

'Master Nikolai...'


After about a month, the crystal amalgamation surrounding Shui finally cracked. The next day, there were two more cracks, and the day after that there were three more. This trend continued until a week later, Shui's body shifted and the crystals were blown off him. The moment after he was freed from the crystals, his skin had a shiny gleam to it. That metallic shine soon faded, but Shui could still feel his new strength as he clenched his fists. He was especially pleased once he noticed that he had broken through, not to the first level of the Earth Realm, but the third! While Shui was still enjoying this feeling, an exasperated voice reached him.

"You're finally out, huh?"

At the sight of Shui's emergence, a mesmerizing maiden in a dull red gown sighed. Her long hair, eyes and even her skin had tinge of red, but that gave her an exotic beauty. When Shui looked at the maiden, he could tell that she was familiar, but he couldn't put a name to the face.

'Damn it! How could I have forgotten a beauty like this?'

While Shui cursed himself for not being able to tell who she was, the maiden raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?" she asked.

Unable to stay silent before her gaze any longer, Shui hesitantly asked, "I'm sorry but, could you remind me of where we met?"

The maiden squinted at his question, but then a playful smirk appeared on her face.

"Oh? Could it be that, you don't recognize me?"

"Uh, well..."

Once again, Shui saw something familiar in her expression but he couldn't tell who she resembled.

'Damn it! I just achieved Soul Perfection so, why can't I remember her?!'

While Shui was frustrated with himself, the maiden thought of a prank to play on him. As she gently laid her hand on his cheek, Shui flinched and slowly looked at her in apprehension.

"To actually forget about me, did I mean that little to you?"

"No! No, I'm sure that's not it, I just-"

"It's fine. I know of a way to make you remember soon enough," she whispered in a steamy tone.

With a pink look in her red eyes, the maiden's hand slowly slid down. Shui felt his heart rate increase at this sudden suggestive interaction, but as he stared at her, no not her chest, he finally noticed how red she was.

'Wait... could it be?'

Right before her hand was about to touch his awakening spear, Shui muttered, "Miss Spirit?"

At the mention of that name, the maiden froze before clicking her tongue, "Tch, if you stayed oblivious a little longer you might have gotten such a nice present."

"For some reason, I don't think I would like your present very much."

It was a shocking confirmation, but somehow he could believe her. He didn't know why she became bigger, but it likely had something to do with her regaining her former powers. With a deep frown after realising what a dangerous spot he was in, Shui got up and started stretching. Even though he had been stuck in the same position for over a month, besides a little stiffness he felt refreshed.

"Hoh, it seems that you've attained Soul Perfection and entered True Earth Realm," Miss Spirit said with an appreciative nod.

"You can tell?"

"Of course. It may be rare now but back in ancient times anyone who could be considered a genius had to go through this process."

"Hmm, is that so. By the way, shall I continue calling you Miss Spirit?"

He wasn't sure if she was making herself appear visible to others now, but it felt a little awkward calling her 'Miss Spirit' in her current state. When he asked her if he should keep using it, memories from her past came to mind, but she shook her head to forget about them.

"...Alia, you can call me that."

Shui knew that there was a story behind the name she chose, but he pretended not to notice.

"Okay, Alia. Let's go."

All of the elemental crystals had been sucked dry by the two of them, but Shui saw value in the empty crystals so he took the ones of the best quality.

"What are you going to use them for?" Alia asked.

"Forging artifacts."

"You're a forge master?"

"You could say that."

Although his artifacts were well known in Cyrus and the five cities, as someone who was taught by his uncle, Shui wanted to go as far as he could on the path of being a blacksmith. Therefore, he couldn't be satisfied with the spear he gave Lily or the gloves he made for Kate, after all, no matter how revolutionary they were, they were only spirit-rank artifacts.

"Interesting, I look forward to seeing what you can create once your heavenly flame is born."

After breaking through to the Earth Realm, Shui could feel his heart flame evolving so he also looked forward to what it would be like once its evolution was complete.

"So do I."

Outside of the cave was as desolate as they expected. Now that they had taken what they came here for, there was no reason to stay here any longer, but Shui remembered what he was told before they entered Black Rocky Plains and headed to the nearby town they originally came from.

The two would have to cross a few miles to make it there, but for beings on their level it wasn't a problem. However, that was only if they were willing to in the first place. A couple hundred metres after leaving the cave, Alia returned to her spirit form and sat on Shui's shoulder.

"Huh? Are you okay?" Shui asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, my legs are just a little tired so I'll stay like this for now."

Shui was truly concerned for her so he carefully checked her condition with the power of the Perception Chapter, but it was just as she said. She was only a little tired. Shui felt stupid for having worried about her so he replied with irritation in his voice.

"So, you're just lazy."

"How rude, it's not as if I'm heavy so why are you complaining?"

She wasn't wrong but it was hard for him to shake the feeling that this was unfair.