Myriad Flower Pavilion

Over the years, Emily grew more and more proficient in entering the Still Heart state, and though Shui could enter a more intense state of focus due to his various abilities, in the Still Heart state Emily could forget both the self and the world, making only the puzzle her focus. Even if the heavens fell down, she would remain with the intent of solving the puzzle. Such strong concentration generally wouldn't be useful in fighting, but for an array master it was something to die for.

With her unbelievably sharpened mind, Emily briefly touched upon the truth of arrays and easily solved the puzzle, earning her a clear green key that appeared in her hand.


"Someone solved it?"

"Who is it?"

While the other people trying their luck looked over in surprise and curiosity, Alia nodded in approval on Shui's shoulder.

"That girl is quite the talent, no wonder you want to add her to your harem," she commented.

"Would you please stop defaming my character? I already told you that she's like a little sister to me."

"As in, you want her to call you 'big brother'? I guess it's better than 'daddy'."

Shui was caught so off-guard that he showed visible confusion and exasperation as he looked at the freeloader on his shoulder. He considered denying it, but he was afraid that he would only give her more figurative arrows to shoot him with.

After a heavy sigh, he turned to Emily who also faced him with a slightly proud smile. It was still restrained, but Shui could see her true self peeking out. He wouldn't mind letting her win this one, but he had already decided to stay here.

"You're up next," she said.

"Actually, I'm already finished."

Shui showed the green key in his hand without putting on any airs, but that still inspired another round of gasps.


"When did he attempt the puzzle?"

"Could he have gotten it beforehand?"

"Impossible, they only last for ten minutes and can't be transferred."

While the crowd began busily speculating, Emily and Adrian looked at Shui in surprise. Adrian also understood the basics of arrays, but one look was all it took for him to know that the puzzle was beyond him, even Emily had to put in effort to solve it, and yet, he seemed to do it effortlessly.

With an awkward smile, Adrian congratulated him, "Well done, Sir Shui. I didn't even notice that you made an attempt."

It was phrased like praise, but Shui could tell that he was implying that he hadn't obtained the key through fair means. Usually it would be Shui's style to embarrass him for his ignorance, but when he spotted the slightly hidden pout on Emily's face he restrained himself.

"I just like puzzles is all. More importantly, shouldn't we enter?"

They were being left alone for now, but Shui feared that the spectators would soon rush them for answers. Although she didn't appreciate the fact that he changed the subject, Emily knew what Shui meant but she shook her head and replied with a determined look in her eyes.

"No, it's fine. We can't afford this place anyway. And, I plan on coming here after I pass the exam and become a fully recognized array master."

"I see, I look forward to that then."

Once he saw that she had made up her mind, Shui no longer tried to persuade her and waved them off. Many were surprised that she gained the key but didn't use it, however, once she faded into the distance their interest in her waned and more eyes came in search of Shui, who quickly retreated to the Myriad Flower Pavilion. With the key in hand, he walked through the wall without any interference and appeared in a bright entrance hall. The chandelier, as well as the red carpet that was laid under his feet, made him feel special here so Shui made his way to the reception desk while lightly skipping. On his way, he looked at the decorations as well as the guests who were on the first floor. From what he could tell, whether it was an old man or a spry young woman, all of them were either prominent and talented array masters, or close associates of one, meaning they all had strong backgrounds.

Due to these backgrounds and their sense of superiority, Shui could feel the glares of disdain heading in his direction but his steps were unhindered.

When Shui reached the reception desk, he was greeted by a handsome man with a kind smile, "Good day respected guest, how may I be of assistance?"

"Good day, what's the best room you have available?"

Several ears perked up at Shui's question, but the receptionist kept his smile stable. He reached for a crystal block that was on the desk and after reading the information from it, he gave Shui an answer.

"That would be the Twilight Petal Suite, which comes with a dedicated cultivation room, a forge and two rooms to practice either alchemy or array construction as well as access to our library and study room."

Nodding in approval of the description of the room, Shui made his decision.

"Let's see, how much if I rent it for a month?"

"That would be 600 high-quality spirit gems."

Finally, one of them reacted up, and it was Shui. For a moment, his finger twitched as he processed what he just heard while keeping up his unfazed expression.

'6-600 high quality spirit gems?!'

Keep in mind that Shui's last artifact of the harmony series sold for about 200 high quality spirit gems, which was more than what most would pay for a tesora-rank artifact. However, the cost for staying in the Twilight Petal Suite was three times that amount! That was likely over ten times more than the Heaven clan's annual income, an amount that only the rich of the rich could throw out. Shui tried to act casual and reached into his robe to hide the existence of his storage ring, but the entire time he couldn't get over how expensive the room was, especially since with his skills if he used the gems to buy materials for talismans, artifacts and arrays, he could easily make a large profit.

'I swear if this room isn't worth all this money...'

As Shui begrudgingly finished the registration process, a certain young lady came down to the lobby and spotted him.


Shui didn't think that there would be anyone here that knew him, but since the woman was approaching in his direction, he decided to turn to face her. She wasn't exactly familiar but since it hadn't been long since they last met Shui quickly recognised her. She was the young lady who had given him that silver communication terminal at the gate. Just as he didn't expect to meet her again, she didn't expect to see him so soon.

She clapped and said with a pleasant smile on her face, "My, for us to reunite so soon, it must be fate."

"Ahha, ha, ha, yeah," Shui gave an awkward laugh in response.

Normally he didn't mind sweettalking beautiful girls, but considering his business in the city he didn't want to let his guard down around anyone except Emily.

As if she didn't realise his reluctance to speak, the girl pinched the sides of her dress and elegantly curtsied while introducing herself.

"Alicia of the Sphere main clan. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Shui was sure that her background was something special, but since nothing came to mind when he heard the name of her clan, he put that aside for now and also gave a brief introduction.

"My name is Shui. Same for me."