First Meeting of Assassins

Shui didn't feel like moving but he didn't want to be in the same position when Alicia came out, so he dragged his feet to where she told him. When he opened one of the two rooms facing the dining table, he found a cabinet with basic materials such as evolved beast blood and low-quality spirit gems, as well as tools such as a brush and a cauldron. Although Shui had better tools and materials due to the wealth he had obtained from the pockets of his enemies, the stuff that was here was well above the standard quality that beginners would be able to find on the market.

As he began examining the objects, Shui's shame faded and was replaced by intrigue. Every time he picked up a material he would think about what functions it could serve and how he could use it to form different arrays. He didn't study alchemy as much, but he could also figure out what pills he could make based on a random selection of materials. Unaware as to how strange this was, Shui stayed engrossed in his own world until Alicia showed up.

"Have you decided what array you want to show me?"


When she appeared, Shui immediately remembered his embarrassment, but now that he had calmed down he had the composure to clear his throat and start thinking. He planned on showing her a fairly difficult tier 3 array so that he seemed talented but not too impressive.

"Uh, I was thinking of a tier 3 soul charming array."

"Oh, should I give you the materials?"

"No, it's fine."

The soul charming array was one that trapped a cultivator in an illusion of their ideal partner. The materials needed included herbs and organs from evolved beasts that increased libido, but they were fairly common aphrodisiac components as well so Shui found a decent amount of them in his collection. Naturally, they were collected from his enemies and not bought with his own pocket. Well, not that he would admit it if they were.

Once Shui took out the materials and laid down a plain rectangular board that was in the room, Alicia excused herself to a corner and watched him carefully. Although she was from a prestigious background, most experienced array masters wouldn't allow spectators. This was both to protect their techniques from being stolen and to safeguard their reputation in case they made an error. However, Shui didn't have any technique he wanted to hide, and he agreed to show his array so he didn't see the point in making a big deal out of it.

With Shui's soul strength, he could make this array with just his mental control, but he chose to be simple with it. It had been a while since he last drew an array, but the moment he grabbed a brush it was like he hadn't taken a break at all.

The materials had already been processed with the ink so all that was left was to do the drawing.

Shui took his time to carefully draw every line to make it seem difficult for him, but in the midst of acting he seriously began trying to pour his all into the array. As if he truly was a nervous master trying not to embarrass himself before a junior, he drew with intense focus.

Every line was perfect, every intersection was in line, everything was in proportion. Additionally, he did not lift the brush even once during the drawing, making this a perfect print.

Once he was finished, Shui put away his brush and got up while admiring his work.

'I still got it.'

Of course, drawing the array didn't mean it would work, but both Shui and Alicia were confident.

"Should I test it, or do you want to?" Shui asked.

In response Alicia shook her head, "It's fine. I don't think I can last against the array of a grandmaster after all"

Shui almost flinched when she referred to him as a grandmaster, but he calmly replied to her.

"What are you talking about it? My best array is a tier 3, how can I be an array grandmaster?"

Shui thought his reply cleared him of suspicion, but his ignorance cost him.

With a cute little chuckle, Alicia explained.

"It seems you really haven't gotten tested before. If you did then you would know that when you're asked for your 'best' array it doesn't mean the strongest array that you're sure you can make, but the strongest array that you can attempt to make. In other words, if that really was your best array then you should be a lot more tired than you are now."


Once he realized that he had failed to pull the wool over her eyes, Shui grimaced. He wouldn't admit to anything but she now knew that he was no tier 3 array master.

'I should avoid her when I can.'

"I, see. Well, are you satisfied now?"

"To be honest, I kind of want to stay,"

Shui was on the brink of heaving a sign, but fortunately Alicia continued.

"But I wouldn't want to make my brother worry so I'll go this time."

Shui had lost track of the time while drawing his array, so it was sunset before he knew it.

"That's good. You shouldn't make your family worried. I shook off your bodyguards so they should be especially concerned for your safety."

Alicia nodded her head, but then she showed a pensive expression.

"If I..., stay longer..."

If he tried, he would easily be able to tell what she was mumbling, but he had a feeling it would just be bad for his heart. Once Shui escorted her out of the room, he closed the door and took out his underground guild ID. On the top-right corner, there was a blinking red light that signified that the guild was looking for him. Under normal circumstances this could have many meanings like being called for a nominated quest, but Shui was sure that it was something else.

'Time to meet the competition I guess.'

While Shui went off to the Paraj branch of the underground guild, Alicia went back to her Twilight Petal Suite, which happened to be a few doors down from where Shui was staying. Since she was in a very good mood, Alicia skipped her way towards her door, even when she noticed who was waiting there. With a bright, innocent smile, she waved to her brother.

"Good evening, brother. Did you need something or did you just miss me?"

Her handsome brother furrowed his brows, but he was used to this fanciful sister of his so he didn't bother wasting a sigh.

"I heard you ran away with that guy from the gate this morning, where were you?" he asked.

In response, Alicia shook her head with exasperation.

"Tsk tsk, brother. In this situation shouldn't you ask if I'm okay or if he did something to me?"

Her brother snorted, "Oh please, if he tried to do something to you then he would already be dead. Besides, there's no way you wouldn't be able to sense if he had any malice."

Although Alicia agreed with him and was glad that he trusted her, she puffed out her cheeks.

"Hmph, this is why you can't get a girlfriend."

"Tch, that's none of your business. Just answer my question."

"Don't worry, we didn't leave the inn. I just went to his room to see him make an array."

Just a moment ago, her brother trusted that she was fine, but now he had to wonder if something hit her in the head. Both concerned and confused, he asked again for confirmation, "You, went to his room?"


"...Are you idiot?"

The way he made it sound like a genuine question made her feel offended so Alicia snorted, opened the door to her room and slammed it in his face. Even then, he still stood there with the same bewildered expression.

"She went to his room?"