Dull Harmony (2)

After knocking two more times, Shui thought that Alicia would start to believe that he was out, but she became more aggressive instead.

"Shui, my brother had people watching you so I know you're still in there."

He left the room twice after they parted, but it wasn't like he could use that as an excuse so he stayed silent. However, the threat that Alicia proceeded to use was too deadly.

"If you don't let me in I'll start screaming that you don't want me anymore and threw me away."

'Wait, what?!'

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Shui wanted to believe that she was joking, but this girl had gone beyond his expectations more than once. His worries grew stronger as her countdown continued.

"Four, three, two-"

"Okay! I'm coming!"

He heard a snicker from Alia but he ignored it and went to the door. He put his hand on the knob but didn't open it as he asked, "What do you want?"

"I'm heading to the Array Association, do you want to come with me? I think your friend should be doing her exam today," Alicia answered.

Her response was much more helpful than he thought it would be, so he felt less irritated about being threatened. He didn't want to leave with her, but he didn't think he had much of a choice this time.

"Fine, can you wait for a little bit?" Shui asked.

"Sure, just let me in first."

"...I'm kind of sweaty right now."

"That's okay. I normally train with my brother so I can handle it if the stench isn't too bad."

"I never said I smelled bad!"

"Then, it's fine, isn't it?"

Shui tried to come up with a reason not to invite her in, but the girl was adamant about getting her way.

'Why is she so good with words?'


While gritting his teeth, Shui eventually sighed and opened the door. He felt slightly uncomfortable when she looked at him with appraising eyes, but he tried not to notice as he let her in. After she walked past him and entered the room, she explained the reason for the additional interest in her eyes.

"You're, better built than I expected."

His shirt was soaked in sweat so it stuck to him, revealing the perfectly sculpted chest and abdominal muscles that were normally hidden. He had pride in his body, but getting complimented for it was a fresh experience.

With an awkward smile, he said, "Thanks."

"May I touch?"


It was one thing for her to 'admire' his figure, but he had to raise an eyebrow when she asked to cop a feel.

'Is this sexual harassment?'

On one hand he wanted to refuse, but on the other hand, her pure gaze made him think that it would be okay.


In the end, her pout broke down the last wall of his defence.

"... I'm still sweaty, but if you're okay with that..."


Without any reservations, her hands landed on his broad chest. Normally he looked like a pretty boy who could easily pass for a girl, but as she carefully examined his muscles she was surprised by their extraordinary quality. Not only did they maintain the perfect balance between flexibility and density, she could sense that the surface muscles could only show her tip of the iceberg as it related to Shui's strength.

As he could tell how serious she was, Shui didn't feel very embarrassed. However, he was starting to receive a piercing gaze on his back so he hoped that she could finish soon.

After about a minute, Alicia finally seemed to be satisfied and let go of him.

"Thank you, it was an informative session," she said.

"Yeah, you're welcome. I'll go take a bath so you can stay here."


While Shui went to the bathroom, Alia shook her head.

"To get so reactive after finishing a masterpiece. Really, it's just like that guy."

As she looked at him, the image of an old friend floated up in her mind. In terms of technique and innovation, Shui couldn't compare to that old friend, but she was equally proud to work with him.

'If only it could be like this forever...'

Worried that Alia or Alicia might cause trouble, Shui didn't spend much time soaking in room-sized bath. Once he relaxed for a bit, he cast a spell to complete the cleaning and changed into scholarly attire. In recent times he would usually be in ordinary martial arts clothing, but he decided to dress up a little this time.

When he stepped out of the bath, Alicia, who was in the same place that he left her, stared at him with a bright smile. She had seen many prideful prodigies, but in his current dress Shui exuded an air of elegance and authority that surpassed them all. As if he could write beautiful poetry as well as cruel edicts at any time.

"That looks really good on you."

"Thank you."

Looking at the way he was dressed, Alia also shared her thoughts while carrying the sword which became invisible in her hands.

"Wow, you're about to give one of your sweethearts a gift and you're looking like that. What, are you aiming to visit one, bring back ten?"

Without changing his expression, Shui secretly replied, "First of all, she's not my sweetheart. Second of all, I'm not going there to pick up girls."

"Hmph, could have fooled me."

He didn't want to end things there, but then Alicia got up and held up her hand towards him.

With a confused look, he inquired, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to take my hand like last time?"

That was enough of a clue for him to get the whole picture, but he still didn't hold her hand.

Instead he asked, "Will it be just the two of us on the surface?"

"That's right. I made my brother leave first so we can go together at our own pace."

"In that case, it's fine."

After hearing that there wouldn't be anyone else walking with them, Shui decided to allow her secret guards to tag along this time. As he walked to the door, Alicia seemed slightly disappointed, but she quickly put on a smile and followed him. Alia, who noticed this, sighed in exasperation.

'Another lamb to the wolf!'

As a spirit, she wasn't born from two parents, but she was no stranger to the practice of polygamy. However, the way that Shui would easily attract any woman who he talked to was sure to bring trouble in the future, both for him and his partners.

'And I'll be here to laugh at his troubled face, for as long as I can.'

They left the suite and boldly went downstairs side by side. The guards that were watching Alicia sent hateful glares at Shui, but he simply ignored them. As long as they stuck to the shadows, he didn't see the need to bother them. Those on the ground floor also watched them, but they were mostly only curious. Shui was still unaware of what kind of background Alicia possessed, but to those who were in the know it was surprising that she would be with some unknown fellow. Shui felt a bit stressed under all these gazes, but he couldn't bother to do anything about them.

'All this just to deliver a gift. I just hope she ends up liking it.'