The Cyrus Incident

While still upset with the scum who called themselves her family, Shui asked, "Do you hate them?"

That question caught Emily off-guard. There was no problem with her saying 'yes', but she hesitated. They neglected her as a child, sold her off, and tried to take advantage of her when they saw that she tasted success. Such people were hardly worth her concern, but it didn't feel so clear-cut. No matter what, they were still her parents and aunt, and her material needs had been tended to when she was under their care. They were mistaken if they thought it was able to substitute for their love, but Emily wondered if they were trying to be good parents in their own ways.


Noticing that she was struggling to come up with an answer, Shui added, "It's okay, you don't have to answer now. You can just focus on tomorrow and think about it later."

Emily nodded in agreement, but there was still another issue that nagged her too much for her to put it aside.

"Shui, can I ask you something?"


At first, Emily raised an eyebrow and gave a perplexed look at Shui's dissatisfied response, but then she had a rather embarrassing idea.

'No, he couldn't be that childish. Could he?'

She couldn't believe it, but she was also curious, so she decided to check.


"Yes, go right ahead," Shui replied with a pleased look on his face.

Emily had too many worries to burst into laughter, but this did put a sweet smile on her face. On the other hand, Alia laughed out loud while clutching her stomach and floating in front of Shui.

"Hahaha! You damn sister-obsessed pervert! That was too creepy! Hahaha!"

This was the first time he had ever seen her lose control like this, and it wasn't an experience he wanted so he ignored the hysterically laughing spirit and focused his attention on Emily. She cleared her throat to restructure her thoughts and then said, "Senior brother told me that the main branch of my family was annihilated in Cyrus of the five cities region, and said that I should ask you if I want to know more. Do you know why?"

As she spoke, Shui's face got darker and darker until he was as distressed as she had been when she was reunited with her family. Like in her case, it would be wrong to say that he didn't see it coming, but it was too sudden.

'No, I should have thought of this as soon as she told me that she met her family. Still, why was that guy the one to tell her?'

Shui suspected that Adrian played a bigger role in the day's events than Emily gave him credit for, however, he had a bigger problem at the moment. He really didn't want to tell her at a time like this, but if he didn't, there was a high chance that Adrian would. Shui didn't believe that he managed to figure out the identity of the 'masked devil', but there was something else he could find out by investigating him that could hurt Emily once she knew it.

"Oh, you don't have to worry. I wasn't really close to the main branch and they deserved it so I'm not sad," Emily franticly added thinking that Shui's expression turned dark out of concern.

This wasn't wrong, but her direction was off. Shui was naturally glad that she was worried about him, but it wasn't helping him. Predicting that this would a difficult talk, for him at least, Shui slowly got up and sat next to her. Emily didn't make any sudden movements in response; she only stared at him and waited.

"Emily, before I tell you this, I want you to promise me that you won't force any guilt onto yourself."

Her tension grew as her expression became more grave, but she nodded in order to hear his answer.

"My home is in Cyrus. When the Valet merchant family and that faction of the Lava Stream Sect took it over, my loved ones were in the city."

Emily's reaction was slow, but after a few seconds she realized the implications and went pale. That wasn't all. As she imagined the kinds of atrocities his family and friends could have faced, her breathing went out of order and her body turned cold despite the soothing effect of Dull Harmony.

"The, I,I, the-"

"Emily! It's okay! It's okay!"

Seeing her rapidly lose control, Shui hurriedly pulled her into his embrace and pat her back in order to comfort her. As he was someone who could utilize martial intent, staying in close contact with Shui provided an additional calming effect that got Emily out of that dangerous situation. However, it wasn't completely over.

She knew it might cause a relapse, but while she was still covered in his warmth with her head on his chest, she asked, "What happened to them?"

A few minutes ago, Shui might have considered telling her the full story, but now it was obvious that she couldn't handle the truth.

"They're fine. It was a stressful period, but after the masked devil handled things, the city held a big festival in celebration. I'm sure it was scary for them, but I didn't lose anyone."

He left out the fact that Ali and Ria had been kidnapped, but none of it was a lie. Emily gently pushed herself out of his hug to look at his face, but she couldn't see through his slight deception. Still, that didn't mean she could let this go.

Emily got off the couch, went down on the floor, and kowtowed with Dull Harmony in front of her hands. Shui wanted to stop her, but the solemn air around her told him that she wouldn't give up without at least going this far.

"I would like to offer my most sincere condolences. On behalf of my family, I must apologize for the crimes we have committed against your loved ones and those in Cyrus. Even though you've treated me so well, I don't believe I deserve it. It's not in perfect condition, but I feel that I should return this artifact."

"Are you done?" Shui asked in an exasperated tone.


'She's so stubborn.'

"Didn't you promise not to feel guilty about this? Are you going to renege on your promise too?" he asked reproachfully.

A shock ran through her body, "Bu, but-"

"No 'buts'. I already told you, I think of you like a little sister. Do you really think I would accept this? You know you couldn't have stopped them even if you knew about it, so you can only try your best to make sure something similar never happens in the future. If you really want to apologize for what your family did, then this isn't the way to do it. This won't assuage anyone's frustration, it would just be to lessen your own guilt."


She bit her lips and clenched her fists, but she didn't know what else she could do. She knew he was right, but this was the only way she could think of to stop the tearing pain in her chest. He knew he had to be harsh, but it was hard to scold her any more than that, especially after what she experienced today. Talking wouldn't be sufficient, so Shui then got down on her level and pulled her back into his arms.

"Besides, why are you trying to push yourself when you still haven't had time to cry yet? Don't worry, I won't remember anything that happens next."


Her voice lowered in volume as he heard faint sniffling and noticed her trembling shoulders. This was something she had to experience, but for the crime of having it happen like this, Shui swore to punish the ones responsible.