Serina's Troubles (2)

The young man held out his hand and fired a lightning spell at Fatty. The attack landed squarely on his chest, causing Serina to go pale and bringing a smile to the face of the big-breasted woman. However, those expressions soon collapsed as Fatty sneered.

"That tickled."

Everyone was shocked by the fact that Fatty seemed unaffected by the lightning strike, but only he knew it was thanks to his physique. Due to the spell he was using he didn't look fat, but that didn't make his saint physique disappear. His fat couldn't make attack spells ineffective, but it could dampen the damage enough for him to put on this act.

While the young man was still shocked by Fatty's defensive capabilities, Fatty dashed towards him with a fist.

"My turn."

Fatty knew that no spell of his could break through a barrier of the young man's, so he had to use the power of his body that was fully exploited through the body modification spell he was using.


The young man pulled out his sword to cut off the incoming fist, however while he was focused on the punch, Fatty put his other hand at his back and pulled something out of his space expansion bag.

"Take this!"

Fatty quickly withdrew his fist and swung a war hammer at the young man instead. The large blunt weapon was blocked, but the young man still felt pressured by its massive weight. In opposition to the irritating smile that was on Fatty's face, the young man's eyes had a cold glare.

'I'll definitely beat his face in.'

They didn't know it, but both thought the same thing at this moment.

As the two began their confrontation, the big-breasted woman glared at Serina.

"Hmph, after all your cute acting, I guess you're not as innocent as I thought."


The woman that had opposed her, refuted her insult with a shout. In response to Kasia's harsh words, Serina grimaced, but she didn't back down. She returned a glare at Kasia before staring at the battle between Fatty and the young man.

'Please, don't get hurt for my sake.'

Fatty and the young man clashed many times with their respective weapons. On paper, this sort of unauthorized battle shouldn't happen on manor grounds, but no one tried to interfere. While the young man's background wasn't that impressive, his connections were well-known in the sect.

Due to the gap in their cultivation, the young man should have had an advantage, but that couldn't be seen since Fatty wasn't giving him the chance to use any spells and was beating him in power. The young man gritted his teeth after being pushed back by the hammer once more.

'At this rate, it'll be hard for me to win. I have to use that.'

With a ridiculing gaze, Fatty pushed down his hammer at the young man. He wasn't an easy opponent, but he wasn't nearly as troublesome as he thought he would be.

'Boss must have overestimated him. Or maybe I just got too strong.'

Fatty could see his victory in a couple more exchanges, so he was overflowing with confidence as he put more strength into his hammer. But suddenly, he felt great resistance from the young man.


Before he could wrap his head around this unexpected boost in the young man's strength, he was flung away like a sign in the storm. Fatty quickly slammed down his hammer to slow down his flight and eventually stabilize himself, but by then the young man was already above him.


As the young man swung down his sword, there was the light of a boar tattoo coming from his chest. Fatty didn't know what it was, but as he hastily brought up his hammer in defense, the force that was transmitted to him was several times greater than before.

"What is that?"

This question came to the mind of many spectators but only those particularly knowledgeable had any logical ideas.

"This must be a lost art from ancient times."

"It seems to be related to the legacy of ancient beastmasters."

"He must be drawing strength from it. I wonder how it was made."

Several self-proclaimed scholars hypothesized as to what the tattoo was, but none of this chatter reached Fatty as he struggled against the young man. Since he was now the weaker of the two, Fatty got knocked back in just one confrontation. Furthermore, after knocking him down a peg, the young man stayed in place and concentrated on his right hand after switching the sword to his left. A powerful swirl of wind quickly gathered around his hand but Fatty was too far to stop it.

'Damn it!'

Fatty failed to construct a barrier due to the body modification spell, and soon sensed the strong impact of wind that reached him. He was relieved when the impact ended after a brief period, but then he noticed how weightless he felt.

'No, it couldn't be.'

Fatty really wanted to be proven wrong but when he looked down, it was just as he expected. He was about four cales up in the air and knew that the impact of falling down would break his bones at the very least. He thought about using a spell to increase his defense, but then bullets of wind slammed into him. They weren't strong enough to kill him, but since he couldn't use two spells at the same time, he would have to release his body fat to use a barrier. He wanted to win while looking cool so the idea upset him, but it seemed that he had no choice.

"Damn it!!!"

Fatty was targeted by the young man's constant barrage of wind as he descended. As all spectators could only imagine the splat that he would leave on the ground, Serina grabbed her chest as her heart pounded in worry.

Without a chance to resist, Fatty fell to the ground. Everyone thought that the result was obvious; one look at the crater he formed would taint the eyes with a bloody scene.

"No..." Serina hesitated to believe that it would end like this.

However, her weak voice was drowned out by the snide comments of spectators.

"Hmph, what an idiot."

"Tsk tsk, the poor guy died for nothing."

"Should have taken a better look at himself."

"I wonder if the elders will complain about this."

"Dumbass, do you really think the elders will care about some random disciple seeking death?"

All of them were convinced of his death, but none noticed the tense expression that the young man had. You could say he was being cautious since he didn't deal the final blow, but no true cultivator would dismiss their instincts.


"Hmm, did you hear something?"

After one bystander pointed it out, everyone focused on the small rumbling that they heard. It took them a moment to figure out the source but once they did, their eyes went wide.


The site of Fatty's supposed death exploded with fragments of rock and dirt.

"Ahhh!!! You bastard! You dare do this to me?!"

The figure that revealed itself from the explosion was shorter and wider than they expected, but Serina and the young man recognized him.

'Thank, goodness.'