Promise of a Date

The next day, Shui officially left his seclusion and spent a few days being invited by elders. If he wanted to escape a meeting he could simply hide from the messenger, but for the most part he was compliant so that he could learn about the situation inside the manor. He wasn't all that interested in their faction disputes, but since he would be staying here for a while, he figured it wouldn't be a waste to learn the general details. During these few days, he heard nothing about the disappearance of Nathan, but he wasn't that worried about it either. He felt no regret or guilt so he would simply deal with the consequences of his actions if they came.

After getting to know the elders and departments, Shui found Fatty and the two of them went to visit Serina. There had been no incidents since they last parted but Fatty continued to train. He admitted to slacking off and trying to get close to female disciples in his fit form, which often failed since they knew the truth about his appearance, but he was mostly serious. Although he believed he would have beaten Rodney if Jacob hadn't interfered, after seeing Shui's performance he felt encouraged to work harder.

When the two arrived at Serina's house, she welcomed them inside and shared good news.

"I think I'll be able to make my breakthrough soon."

"That's great!"

As a cultivator there was no greater joy than overcoming the wall that blocked one's progress. Fatty remembered the time that his family had celebrated when he made his breakthrough. Though he hadn't been in the best mood to appreciate it at the time, it was still a fond memory.

"If you need any help, you can ask me. I have experience helping people break through to the Soul Realm."

Shui had helped not only Kate, but Lily and Ryan as well so he wasn't lying when he said he had experience. Still, most would have regarded him with doubt. There were times when elders would help the younger generation through a breakthrough, but usually these elders would be at least two cultivation realms higher. On the other hand, Shui had helped three people make their breakthroughs while having a lower cultivation than them so in a sense he could be called an expert.

"Thank you but, I think I want to try by myself."

Shui was slightly surprised that Serina turned him down, but when he looked into her eyes he realized why. Though he had no complaints with helping this innocent girl, he knew that she wanted more than to be protected.

"I see. I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you."

They continued chatting for a while longer before Shui and Fatty left so that Serina could prepare for her breakthrough. Neither had been very surprised by Serina's announcement, but Fatty found himself feeling pumped about getting stronger. This enthusiasm led him to make a request that would nearly douse the fire in his heart.

"Boss, would you mind sparing with me?"

Shui had already been training Fatty, so when he heard this request, he accepted it without taking much time to consider.

"Sure, I don't have a problem with that. Let's go to our usual spot."

Officially all fights on manor grounds had to be held within sanctioned areas, but it was interpreted as disciples could fight wherever they wanted as long as they didn't cause destruction to property. While fights which were widely advertised and anticipated would normally end up being hosted in one of the sparring grounds, private fights were generally spontaneous and low-key. Furthermore, with Shui's current clout inside the inner section, even the Punishment Department would have to look the other way as long as he didn't make too much of a mess.

Fatty knew he would lose and had no intention of showing off the fight, so he was grateful that it could be done discreetly. Once they reached the quiet area around a healthy tree, Shui sealed off the vicinity with talismans of 'Seal', 'Conceal' and 'Protect'. The talismans worked together to create a hidden barrier that would make it hard to notice them.

"Your spell control won't increase easily so let's focus on unarmed combat for today."


With the preparations complete, Shui faced Fatty with both hands behind his back and told him to attack whenever he was ready. Fatty took those words honestly and started with a fist to the face after transforming into his fit form. Shui evaded his fist, grabbed his sleeve and with the help of his foot, he flipped Fatty over like a pancake. To Fatty's credit, he landed on his feet instead of his back and quickly fixed his posture to attempt a sweep kick. Shui stepped back to avoid the kick and then waited for Fatty to stand up.

Once he was on his feet, Fatty launched two jabs which Shui evaded, followed by a kick that was blocked by Shui's shin. Fatty maintained his offensive but every single one of his attacks were blocked or dodged.

'I already knew that Boss was strong but this is ridiculous.'

Even when he returned to his fat form and tried to use his unusual movements to fight, Shui was still able to perfectly react to his every move. Sometimes, Shui even appeared to know his next move before he even thought of it.

"Ha... ha... You sure are strong Boss."

Shui had remained on the defensive, but by the end of their spar Fatty was so exhausted that it felt like he lost weight, while Shui was still relaxed.

"It's just a matter of being a few steps ahead. Your fighting style is different, but you would do well to learn to read your opponent."

"I feel like even that wouldn't be enough against you. By the way, why didn't you attack me Boss?"

As Shui had been the one to teach him more about his physique, he knew best that Fatty's specialty was actually in defense so he could surely endure a few hits even from someone at the peak of the Soul Realm. However, Shui still shook his head.

"You can take a few hits, but if I was going to attack I would have made sure to pierce your defense. I'm still lacking so even if I tried to hold back you would have ended up with either internal injuries or broken bones. Should I still have attacked?"

"Uh, no. I don't think I'm ready for that yet Boss."

Fatty could count the number of times he had been seriously injured on one hand, and not one of those instances had been due to someone with the same cultivation, but when Shui said it, he had to believe him.

Shui removed the talismans he had set up and was about to go into further details about the fight, when a familiar presence appeared.

"Shui, I finally found you."

"Lisa? You were looking for me?"

Coming towards Shui and Fatty was Lisa who seemed more energetic than usual.

"That's right. Are you free?"

"Uh, I suppose."

"Good. Let's go on that date you promised me."

"Now?" Shui asked with slight befuddlement.

"Of course. Do you know how long I had to wait for you to exit your seclusion and then meet all those elders? I believe I deserve this much."

Shui showed a wry smile at Lisa's pout, but he still nodded.

'I did promise after all.'

"Sorry, Fatty. We'll have to continue another day."


As he watched Lisa latch herself around Shui's arm and drag him away, Fatty felt more disheartened than he was after his overwhelming loss to Shui.

"I should train by myself for now ..."