Fans Attack (2)

Shui continued to collect the aura that had been dispersed throughout the city like breeze. Aura was more intangible than nature energy so generally it wouldn't have any effect when spread over a large area, but there were exceptions. If a warlord that had killed thousands spread his aura then it would cover the city in a slight bloody stench. Similarly, if a saint that had saved thousands sought to embrace the city, then there would be peace as everyone's heart would feel calmer. In the case of Shui, his divine aura had the effect of improving comprehension so once he recovered it, several low-level cultivators felt their progress come to a halt. 

"What happened?"

"Why can't I make anymore progress?"

"Did something go wrong?"

Shui was unaware that his aura had such effects and he likely wouldn't have changed his decision even if he had. Unfortunately for his enemies, once gathered the only enlightenment his aura offered was to the fact that he was far more powerful than they imagined. Even Lionel grimaced as the army's pressure was pushed back by a single individual. 

"If you wish to surrender now then I won't pursue the matter, but if you take even one step closer, then prepare to be crushed."

As he noticed some of the group's members buckle in fear, Rodney quickly tried to encourage them.

"Don't listen to this arrogant guy! We still outnumber him! We can't let him do whatever he wants to the Flower Queen!"

The group seemed to maintain a decent level of unity, but a single setback would be enough for them to crumble. While Rodney worried about how to keep them together, Lionel took a step forward. As he was the strongest among them, some might have imagined a head-on confrontation between him and Shui, but that possibility was crushed immediately. Lionel wouldn't be a match for a single punch, but since they had shamelessly attacked with numbers, Shui saw no need to face them himself.

As he was connected to it as the creator, Shui activated the defensive array that had been set up around the house with his mind. The army and Rodney were barely outside its range, so Lionel would be the first to bear its might. When laymen talked about defensive arrays they mainly imagined the protection array as it was the most basic and most widely used, however, above tier 1 there were many defensive arrays that could perform even better than a protection array under the right circumstance. 

The array that Shui laid didn't stop Lionel from moving forward, but the moment he did so he nearly faltered from the sudden drain he experienced. It was as if a hole was made in his chest and his blood was pouring out of him. 

"What, is this?"

"You should stop talking, it'll only make your condition worse."

Just as Shui said, Lionel could feel more of his energy flowing out his mouth the moment he spoke. Horrified by these sensations, he clumsily retreated as fast as he could. Even Shui's allies didn't know what the array did, much less Rodney's group. Shocked by the pale and distraught face of his brother, Rodney glared at Shui with a grave expression.

"What sort of curse have you cast on my brother?"

"Hmph, ignorant fool. Why don't you take a closer look at the ground in front of you?"

At Shui's suggestion, everyone looked down and finally noticed the faint glow of Shui's array. None of the disciples were array masters so its exact nature eluded them, but one of the spectating elders exclaimed at the sight.

"Could it be the repentance array?!"

"You know of it old friend?" asked a nearby elder while the others leaned their ears closer.

"I've only read of it myself. It's a tier 2 array but it has a very special effect. If I remember correctly, it's a defensive array but unlike the protection array, it has no barrier. Its sole function is to prey on the intense emotions of the target until they become puppets that will defend the array with their lives. Only those with a calm heart or unshakeable will can remain unaffected by it so against a mob like this, it would certainly be powerful."

"Amazing! To think he wasn't simply a talented energy cultivator but an array master as well. Perhaps I should-"

"Stop right there! We've already made an agreement. Besides, since we told him that we couldn't interfere it'll look odd if we take action while he holds the advantage."

"I suppose we can only hope Lionel has some way of going forward."

As informative as it was, the elder's conversation didn't reach the disciples so they were still in the dark about what the array did. Even Lionel who had experienced it directly could only tell that it used some sort of spiritual attack.

"Rodney! Why didn't you tell me he was an array master?!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know elder brother."

Lionel shouted at Rodney to vent his frustration, but he knew he was being unreasonable. They already knew that Shui and his group had set up something around the house, so there being an array wasn't surprising. Nonetheless, Lionel wasn't willing to admit that he had been humiliated like that despite being aware of the trap.

In the inner section, he believed that no one was worth his time except for Clyde, so when he heard about a new prodigy he hadn't thought much of it at first. Even when he heard that this prodigy had defeated his little brother along with members of the Disciplinary Squad despite having a lower cultivation, he simply thought that the tale was being exaggerated. However, the news of Cassandra inviting him to her residence slapped away his indifference. He came here with the intention of watching a show, but now that he had suffered this offense he was determined to crush Shui himself.

"Elder brother, should we-?"

Rodney was about to suggest sending the army to test the array, but Lionel raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't interfere. I'll handle this."

Before he stepped forward, a red boar tattoo shone on his chest and then his muscles gained a red shade. He was obviously better at using this power than his brother, and so the increase in his strength was also more exaggerated. As he stared at the tattoo, Shui used his Sage Eyes for a brief moment to see its true nature.

'As I thought.'

The boar spirit represented strength, so by combining the spirit's innate power with their bloodline, the Gus clan ancestors had inherited the ability to draw upon nature's blessing to grant themselves greater physical power. Still, considering how weak the ability was, it was likely that the Gus clan had lost its ability to contact the boar spirit so its power in their bloodline had diluted over the generations. 

"That's an interesting ability, but are you sure it'll be enough for you to reach me?"

Lionel didn't respond to Shui, he took action by moving forward. Once again, he felt his energy being drained after entering the array, but this time he had a plan. As soon as he entered the array, Lionel channeled his power into his feet and dashed forward at full speed. 
