Finding Sef (2)

After leaving Serina to cultivate, Shui went looking for Fatty, but his housemates told him that Fatty was making a breakthrough. Both Shui and Fatty had been in the third level of the Soul Realm, but after refining the void flame Shui was also able to reach the fourth level so they would still have the same cultivation after Fatty's breakthrough.

'I guess we really do share some fate.'

Shui was even more determined to bring Fatty along with Serina, but Sef was in danger so he would have to leave as soon as Serina was ready. Shui left a message and then went to the library to look for a map. Although he failed to attach Sef's line of fate to the compass, he was still able to figure out his approximate location so he wanted to check where it was. The Primordial Library already gave him some details, but he wanted to check it against what was commonly known.

"Stonefield, huh?"

Shui knew of countless places from past, present and future, but this would be the first time that he planned a trip out of the five cities region. It was only one region away, but it still gave him a feeling of innocent excitement. Thanks to the Primordial Library, he knew enough about the region to imagine himself being there, but he continued to look at materials in the library because he liked the atmosphere. Once he felt relaxed, Shui subconsciously began spreading his aura and slowly reducing his presence, but before he could become like part of the background, Lisa found him.

"Hi Shui. Oh, are you planning to go to Stonefield soon?"

"Yes, there's a bit of a matter that I need to take care of there. I'll be bringing Serina with me and maybe Fatty if he finishes his breakthrough in time."

"Is it a mission?"

There was a section of the manor where various tasks that could be completed for contribution points among other rewards were posted, dubbed the Mission Centre. Shui never had the need for contribution points so he never went there before, but since this would also be a learning opportunity for Serina and Fatty, he figured they could complete one if they had the time.

"No, but are there missions we could take on the way?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure but we could take a look."

At Lisa's suggestion, Shui decided to go to the Mission Centre.

After his triumph over the flock of envious fans, it was hard to find a person within the manor that didn't know about him. News of how treasured he was by the elders, along with his mastery over arrays made him the most popular genius within the inner section. Some even argued that he could compete for the top spot among core disciples as well if only talent was considered. There were several stories about his might and wit, but as he walked with Lisa the rumours of his mesmerizing appearance also came to mind. 

His body cultivation made it so that there was not a wasted strand in his muscles nor a scar on his skin. It was a body fit to be called divine, coupled with tender facial features that caused both men and women to gasp in awe. Even Lisa's presence next to him was ignored for the first few moments before some sent her looks of envy and malice.

"Lisa, are you okay with this?"

"It's fine. There's no reason for either of us to hold our heads down."


Originally, Shui wanted to mask their presences so that they didn't end up in unnecessary trouble, but Lisa disagreed. Though it certainly felt like she was being stabbed by their sharp gazes, she also felt pleasure from being in this position. Even when she was together with Clyde she didn't attract as much attention, but simply walking next to Shui made her feel special. 

Shui didn't completely understand Lisa's sentiments, but it wasn't a problem for him so he allowed her to do as she wished. By the time they reached the Mission Centre, everyone already knew their destination, so a crowd had gathered despite many not having the intention of taking a mission.

'I guess I won't be able to take a look in peace. At least they won't be able to tell where I'm going.'

On the way to the Mission Centre, Shui had asked Lisa for an explanation, so he knew that he wanted to look at the open missions. Open missions were missions that anyone could accept and that could be completed numerous times by multiple persons. The open missions could be completed without officially accepting them so he wouldn't have to worry about people figuring out where he was going. 

The Mission Centre was comprised of a mansion in front of a wide courtyard, at least it should be wide but it appeared quite crowded thanks to several people following Shui. This being his destination was a bit of surprise, but it wasn't very strange since disciples without proper backing usually relied on contribution points to exchange for resources. Of course, with Shui's charm and talent there were much easier ways for him to gain resources, but since he could also be looking for experience no one questioned his decision. Although there were some who watched him with malicious intent, most were simply curious as to what would be his first mission. 

Shui and Lisa made it past the courtyard and into the mansion without any fuss. Within the entrance hall of the mansion, at the back there was a long counter with receptionists who aided with the administration of missions, several tables and chairs in the center of the room where parties of disciples discussed, and a wide black board hung on the left wall. The black board was an artifact that stored information on all missions that could be taken by disciples of Storm Sky Manor. Since one had to use spiritual sense to look into it, those in the Mortal Realm had to speak to one of the receptionists in order to get a mission fitting for their abilities.

Without getting too close to the board, Shui used his spiritual sense to check out the open missions. As he expected, the open missions consisted of evolved beast subjugation, herb gathering and ore mining. It wasn't much different from the tasks he took as a worker, so he wasted no time in picking missions that could be completed on the way to Stonefield, or on the way back if they were pressed for time. Since he had the opportunity, he also took a look at the other types of missions. A few sounded interesting, but they would have to wait until he returned. 

"I'm done. Let's go."


The spectators were left disappointed as Shui didn't appear to take a mission, but their desire for a show wouldn't be unattended. Before Shui and Lisa could leave the courtyard, a loud voice intensified by anger targeted them.

"Oi, isn't it too late to be running?"

Faster than everyone else, Lisa's expression contorted and Shui didn't have to think hard to figure out why. Entering the courtyard with a stern expression was a well-built young man with brown hair. He was well-known in the manor for his might, and considering the relationship between him and Lisa, everyone knew that an incident was about to occur. 


Lisa muttered his name as she bit her lip and pondered her next move.