Unavoidable Missions

After talking about Shui's new enemies, Serina mentioned her future plans. She had been thinking about going on missions to build up experience and gain contribution points. Fatty had also agreed to join her, so Shui gave his approval. He wouldn't be joining them on these missions, but he only planned on giving them a few tools to use in case of emergencies. Although he cared for them, both of them were cultivators, so it was only natural that they would face life-threatening danger. Still, he hoped he wouldn't regret his decision to send them off alone, so he made sure to be extra thorough in their training.

A few weeks after Shui's return, there was an encampment around his residence, but he always found a way to avoid them whenever he left the house. Fighting wasn't a problem, but that option seemed like too much trouble, so Shui always avoided it. He stayed inside more often than not, but he had a special reason to leave this time.

A contact from Artisan Palace arrived yesterday in the form of a formal letter addressed to him. Considering the current atmosphere of the manor, a letter like that would be read from front to back several times before it reached Shui's hand, but apparently the former Darino Gang had some people among the outer section disciples, so one of them was sent to deliver it inconspicuously.

The letter mentioned a meeting location, so Shui planned to head straight there on this day. However, after skillfully escaping the encampment's sight, he lingered nearby because of a piece of news he heard.

"Wild Princess and Senior Brother Reinhart are being sent on separate missions? Isn't it too soon?"

"Yeah, Sir Reinhart only recently returned after a long time outside the manor, and the Wild Princess should have only just stabilized her cultivation."

"I heard, that Eldest Senior Brother made some moves behind the scenes."

"Well, considering that the Wild Princess challenged him in public, I guess this was inevitable."

All disciples were obligated to complete a few missions from the manor every year, but the circumstances of Reinhart's and Kate's dispatch appeared strange to the inner section disciples. Shui wasn't familiar with the system, so he decided to put some trust in their judgement for the time being. If what they were saying was true, it meant that Kate would likely be targeted on her next mission, but he had already agreed not to interfere unless experts in the Sky Realm were sent after her. 

The Artisan Palace had finally contacted him so he would be able to get the materials for Kate's and Reinhart's artifacts, but it was unlikely that he would be able to finish them before the two left. He considered heading to the core section, but if Reinhart thought that his help was necessary, then he certainly would have asked. Even without his presence, Reinhart and his master had managed to keep Kate safe all these years, so Shui was willing to trust him with her safety.

Waiting for Shui in the private booth of a restaurant owned by their organization, was Rufus. He was now effectively the head of Artisan Palace, so he could have sent someone else, but Shui was their benefactor, so he believed it was only right to greet him. Finding out about Shui in Silver City was even easier than he had expected, but the information he obtained made him uncertain. The appearance and circumstances seemed like a match, but the age was vastly different from his expectations. Forces on the level of Storm Sky Manor would certainly be thorough in checking the true ages of fresh disciples, especially talented ones. And even if Shui was able to fool them, what was the point of that?

"Palace Lord, your guest has arrived."

A voice from outside the room awoke Rufus from his preoccupation. After a few moments to settle his thoughts, Rufus got up to welcome Shui.

Once he reached the restaurant, which was near the edge of the Latius area, Shui was quickly led to the private booth where Rufus was waiting by a quiet waiter. After Shui was led into the room and the waiter closed the door behind him, Rufus greeted him with a polite bow.

"I trust that you've been well since we've parted ways."

"Yes, I haven't run into any problems. You may raise your head. Has your group managed to absorb the former Darino Gang?"

After getting Shui's permission to stand straight, Rufus fixed his posture and gave a brief summary of how the transformation of the Darino Gang was going.

"There are some individuals who escaped before we could get to them, but we were able to gain control over all the branches thanks to laying the groundwork in advance. We'll gradually stop operating under the name of the Darino Gang and make amends with the underground guild before returning to the surface as Artisan Palace. We've also begun looking for more crafters to join us when that day comes."

"That's good news. As I've said before, I'll lend a hand in case you run into any unexpected trouble, but I hope you'll do well to build the organization by yourselves in these early stages."

"Yes... Pardon me, Sir, but I have a matter I wish you could enlighten me on."

Sensing his unease, Shui raised an eyebrow, but he allowed him to continue.

"Very well. Speak."

"I'm terribly sorry for being so forward, but could I hear your age?"

"I'm currently fourteen. I'll be turning fifteen in a couple months."

Judging by the surprise on Rufus' face, Shui knew that he found it unexpected, despite Shui's clearly youthful appearance. If the time spent inside the Primordial Library was considered, then Shui would be closer to one hundred years of age, but there was no reason to reveal that here. 

"Based on your reaction, it seems I'm much younger than you were expecting."

"Yes, I mean, with your skills, I was certain that even a prodigal talent would have taken decades to reach such a level."

"You're not completely wrong. Even with my talent, I was only able to reach this far because of certain opportunities. However, if you feel that my age is a problem, then..."

"No, no no. I was merely surprised. To have such a genius in contact with us is an honour that will be passed down in our history."

Though still shocked by Shui's age, Rufus didn't plan to ponder it too deeply since his skills were real.

"Good. For my business, in addition to the adamantine that I used to build your concealment array, there are some materials I'd like to get from you. I'll pay for the additional ones, of course."

"No, your sincerity is enough. We still haven't properly thanked you for your help, so let this be our gift."

"Hmm, I suppose we can consider that debt cleared with this then."

Shui then handed Rufus the list of materials he planned to use for Kate's and Reinhart's artifacts. Just by looking at the items on the list, Rufus guessed that Shui was planning on forging spirit-rank artifacts, but he decided not to think about how he could have such high attainments in forging when he was already an array grandmaster. Of course, Shui could be gathering the materials for someone else, but either way, Rufus treated it as none of his business.

'Even if he's an ancient monster reincarnated in human form, that's no reason not to latch onto his thighs.'

Unaware of the resolve Rufus had made, Shui agreed to wait a week for the materials. Perhaps he could get them sooner if he pushed, but Kate and Reinhart would be leaving in the next two days, so he didn't see the point in rushing.