House of Trials

Shui was shown off as a criminal the entire journey back to Storm Sky Manor. Disciples of the manor were less surprised since they were more aware of the hidden details, and only those who bitterly hated Shui seemed glad at the sight. Anyone who hadn't been in seclusion for the past few weeks could tell that this was a fishy situation, but they were all willing to stay spectators and enjoy the show. 

After returning to the manor, Shui was escorted straight to the Punishment Department's House of Trials, which was located within the inner section. Only the headquarters of the Punishment Department was within the core section, as most criminals hail from the inner and outer sections. The House of Trials was the name of the manor's courthouse, where accused disciples were given the chance to plead their innocence. Depending on the amount of evidence obtained and the severity of the crime, the accused could be given time to prepare for the trial, but in Shui's case, he would be sent straight before the judges.

In Storm Sky Manor, trials were open to all disciples and elders, but the only ones with authority over the trial's proceedings were the five elders who served as judges. To ensure impartiality, two judges were from the Punishment Department, while one judge came from each section of the manor. For a disciple to be declared guilty, the judges' vote had to be unanimous. Unfortunately, as the Punishment Department could choose the judges, anyone who got on its bad side might as well be declared guilty from the start.

With how famous Shui was, his trial was an event everyone wanted to be at. However, while anyone was allowed to watch, not everyone could fit inside the court, so the rest had to be satisfied with a projection artifact that connected the image and sound from inside the court to the entrance of the House of Trials. The Punishment Department rarely activated the artifact due to its high energy consumption, but an exception was made this time.

While it was difficult for irrelevant inner section and outer section disciples to enter the court, the core disciples faced no such issue. When Kate, Reinhart, Cassandra, and Luke entered the court spectator area, Reinhart clicked his tongue at the selection of judges. Even if he ignored the presence of the Punishment Department Vice-Head and Chief Judge, the other judges were all former members of the department.

"I suppose I was naïve to think they would let this trial at least appear to be fair."

"They seem quite eager to punish Shui. Even with sloppy evidence, a collusion like this will be difficult to surmount." Cassandra commented.

Kate didn't recognise the judges, but she could tell from the two's words that none of them could be trusted.

"So you mean there's no chance he can prove himself innocent?"

"I wouldn't say it's impossible, but he would have to prove it fundamentally impossible for him to be the criminal. That would require not only a solid alibi but also a complete lack of motive."

There didn't seem to be much hope, and it wouldn't be possible for them to intervene at this stage, so Kate could only believe in Shui and be prepared to fight with him in the worst-case scenario. In addition to Kate's group, other factions allied with and against Mater's faction also gathered. While Kate and Reinhart had faced some additional trouble during their missions, everyone could tell that this was the main move of the Mater faction.

When Shui was brought into the court, all eyes were on him. He immediately spotted Kate's group among the group of spectators and casually waved towards them. Many were impressed by his calm atmosphere, but few thought it would last for long. As the accused, Shui was brought to a podium at the centre of the court, facing the judges, who looked down at him from an elevated platform. None of them spared him from their pressure, but not an extra drop of sweat went down his face.

"Before we officially begin the trial, does the accused wish to plead guilty and accept the punishment for his crimes? In light of your honesty, the judges agree to be lenient." 

The Punishment Department Vice Head, Core Elder Alos, started off with a chance for Shui to surrender.

"My apologies, judge. I don't like the idea of giving up without a fight."

No one found it surprising that Shui refused to give in, especially since the 'leniency' that Alos promised was uncertain.

"Very well. I now call the trial into being. Bring in his collaborators."

At Alos' command, elders of the Punishment Department entered the court with two inner-section disciples. 



As Fatty and Serina passed him, Shui nodded with a reassuring smile and kept his clenched fist behind his back. The two didn't have any obvious wounds, but their faces were very haggard and their clothes dirty. If he hadn't found out about this beforehand, he might have shown more signs of emotion, but Shui didn't want to give the enemy the slightest bit of satisfaction.

"Quiet! The judges will begin their questioning. Mr. Shui, do you recognise these two?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then, are you aware of what they did on their most recent mission?"

"No, I'm not."

"Is that so? You mean to say you weren't the one behind them accepting the mission?"

"I don't believe the manor allows a disciple to accept a mission on behalf of another disciple, although there seem to be certain seniors who have a way around that."

Shui's subtle reference to the actions of Mater's faction, which resulted in members of Kate's group being forced to go on missions, did not go unnoticed. Chatter rose from the spectators, but Alos silenced them with a snort.

"Hmph. Since the accused insists on claiming ignorance, I shall expound on the circumstances of these two disciples. Upon returning to the manor, the two were caught with a suspiciously large amount of spirit gems, along with banned herbs that can be used to make illegal drugs and lethal poisons. After further investigation, it was found that they obtained these items from a wanted demonic cultivator posing as a harmless old man on their way back from completing their mission."

"I see, that sounds quite serious. But I wonder how this all relates to me?"

"Patience, I will explain in a moment. After capturing the demonic cultivator in question, we obtained evidence that he was in regular contact with an inner section disciple of the manor and that this disciple told him he would send couriers to pick up the items. The demonic cultivator also mentioned that a young, heroic disciple by the name of Gilse was close to catching on to their secret deals. That same disciple happened to die while he was on a mission with you."

As the story was so ridiculous, Shui found it hard to hold back his laughter.

"Hehe, so this is the story you've written. I sent those two to pick up said items, and while on my mission, I confronted Gilse and took measures to ensure that he wouldn't talk. I must say whoever came up with this script has quite the imagination."

"Insolence! You dare make jokes in the sacred court!"

The pressure of a late Sky Realm expert exploded from Alos, making even the spectators feel tense, but to Shui, it was only a strong wind. However, as he noticed Fatty and Serina feeling pain, he subtly pushed back the pressure to protect them. Alos found it odd that Shui didn't seem to be affected, but as the trial was in session, he cleared his throat and moved on.

"I will ask again: were you not the one behind them accepting their latest mission?"

It was obvious to Shui that this was a ploy to make him take the blame for the smuggling that Fatty and Serina were accused of. Even if he didn't take it, regardless of the truth, it would damage his reputation, and he still wouldn't be free of the other charges laid against him. Shui cared little for his reputation, and he didn't think his friends would hate him if he denied the blame, so his decision required no thought.

"Fine, then, I'll play along. Yes, I was the one who suggested that they go on that mission."