Chapter 2

In a labor room, a teenage boy was struggling by himself with no husband or his boyfriend by his side to comfort him enduring the extreme childbirth pain he was having right now...

" have to push~...come on~, you can do it~..."

it have been hours the pain hasnt subsided yet, his body started to get weak, he feels he's going to die anytime soon...


emotional and depress all he felt right his mind, missing the father of his baby, his late boyfriend who have left him at the day of their wedding day...

"Yibo~...i missed you~....why do you have to go?~..."  he sobs enduring the pain..his hands brought to his swollen belly, he caressed his belly, he looked at his belly, "baby~, mama will bring you out safely, dont worry~...mama will be strong for you~...Your name will be...." he smiled weakly, flashing back the day when Yibo was still alive, and they were cuddling on the sofa of Yibo's living room, that time Xiao Zhan have not gotten pregnant yet....

"Yibo~...if i ever get you want a daughter or a son??~..." 

"Hm, let me see~...

"we already have Da Xing~...I want a daughter~...we'll name her Hei Xing~..." 

"mr.Xiao!~, mr.Xiao!~..." 

Xiao Zhan snapped back into reality, where great contraction making it's wave on him...

Xiao Zhan take a deep breath, then using his whole strength and might, he pushed, screamed  in enrage pain...


He panted then again pushed, "NGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!~....*panted*" 

"good job, for the last two pushes~...1,2, push!" 


Finally after two pushed, loud beautiful cry of a newborn heard...


"Congratulation,'s a beautiful baby girl~..."

Xiao Zhan let out a weak smiles, fell back on his head to the pillow, and sighed in relieve...

"thank god~..." closed his eyes, as tears of joy rolled down to his temple, opened his eyes, "yibo~, our Hei Xing is here~..." he muttered in a low exhausted voice, weak smile appeared his beautiful face...


School is over. All the students of Beijing High School have went home by their own trasports, including FanXing. 

FanXing was fetch by mr. Wu, the driver that was paid to become FanXing's driver, as well to watch his every move..

Right now he's in the car, thinking about his unfortunate...

oh, wait!did I said FanXing is an average student and went to Beijing High by scholarship??

well, since we have seen FanXing's family a bit of summary of his story..

Zheng FanXing is a stepson of Zheng Xu Kai, the director of ZhengXiao Group(combination of Zheng Group and Xiao Group, after the death of President Xiao, Zheng and Xiao was combined into one), his mother is the son of the late President Xiao(President of Xiao Group), former influential and famous most youngest fashion designer and former student of Beijing High School who have been missing since 12 years ago. Atleast that's what have been informed to the publics. Little do they know except for Zheng Xu Kai and FanXing and of course the maid who works with Xu kai in covering his dirty works and maybe some people, his mother have actually been murdered by his stepfather. However, no one knows about his background, or about his mama Xiao Zhan and father Yibo was actually the famous Mafia King Wang Yibo and influential fashion designer except, Queeny, who knows half of the story which she have been told about it by FanXing, himself. No one knows he was actually Director Zheng's stepson or how rich he is, because he tends to cover it up. 

Him being able to study in Beijing High school by scholarship, was literally just a made up story by him, when he signed up to that school, the school where his parents used to goes to. Everyday, longing for his parents especially his mother. His warm and good scents that made him feel protected and safe. Living under the same roof with the person who have abused his mother, who have killed his mother, depressing him more as years goes by...

All his life, he preffered to be alone, be nerdy and at the same time, strengthening his martial arts so that he could fight that bastard one day, just not sure when he could do that...he couldn't do that alone, all by himself...should he just die??~...his parents must embarassed of him for have adopted a weak son like him...that's what he thought everyday...most of times he would attempted suicide, hurt himself, but thinking of his sister who must be looking for him, made him scratch off his intentions...

Today he have unrealisingly spills some of his tragic life to Queeny, things he never shared to anyone before..of all people, it's that Crazy Goddess who have knew some of his past and his parents, he both worried and relieved, atleast some of his misery been lifted...but he worried if Queeny will used this as a threat to get back at him if he ever rejected her as his girlfriend, considering the girl's infamous personality...

he scrub the though off his head, when Mr.Wu snapped him off his daydreams...

"Young master Zheng~, we have arrived~..." 

he realised they have just arrived the place he forced to called home, "hm~.." he hummed shortly, then get off the car, straightly proceeding to the entrance door...

turned on the door knob and the door is opened, immediately he went in, and closed the door behind.

Making his way straightly to the stairs to his room, but his halted in his track when the voice of the man he hated the most, calling his name...


His cold and blank expressions, motion to look at the owner of the voice, who was actually his psychopath stepfather, who was sitting at the living room, reading the newspaper. Without glancing away from the paper, he was flipping the paper, then ask the boy again, when he didn't replied or even greets back....

"how was your school??~..." in a gentle but with menacing vibes in it...

FanXing answered coldly, in low tone, but short responds, "as usual~..." 

"ow~..." he finally glanced up from the paper, and smiled softly at the teenager, "thank you for answering~..." 

FanXing didn't replied, he straightly went upstair and went to his room, while Xu Kai's smiling face darkened as FanXing entered his room and close the door...

he smirks,murmurred,  "even you're just his adoptive son, you've becoming more and more like him~...Wang JiXing~...i wont kill you now, but i will wait for the right time~...cuz sooner or later, you will be my downfall~...and i dont want that to happen~" 


Queeny's pov

Today,  there's a party with just us 11 friends, and 3 chicks bowen had invited into his condo, which is the reason i preffered not to join with the others at the living room...those girls giggling and screaming voices hurt my eardrums, so here am I, isolating myself from socializing with others like i used to do, whenever Bowen brought his annoying girlfriend to any events...

Today is Bowen's birthday, so he invited only us his closed friends and his 3 girlfriends, Mia, Rannie, and Ella into his luxurious condo his late foster father brought for him. This is his 2nd house, his 1st house is the mansion, another property his foster father left for him before he died..I'm sorry..passed, lucky him, he get to inherits his foster father's properties.

By the way, now I'm locking myself in HaoXuan's room, while the owner of the room was having fun with the others at the living room, gosh!i still hear those girls giggles~, but, whatever~...

I've been looking at my phone and now i'm getting bored, although i'm scrolling on FanXing's photos in whatsapp status, still making me bored, well, let me tell you one by one about my friends....I'm not always like this, i never really care about people, BUT, since, i'm in a good mood, why not i let you get on the good sides of me~...okay, where should i start...bitting my lips, then..


In this house, Bowen didn't live by himself alone, he lives with HaoXuan, Jackson and Leo. HaoXuan had been living with Bowen ever since he was 11, when he was disowned by his foster parents for choosing his path and setting his ambitions to be a football star, instead studying hard being a doctor, the ambition that his foster parents wants him to be. Now, he is a football star, an olympic champion. Jackson was neglected and granted by his father for being an illegimate son and always pay more attention to his brother, the son of his official wife. Since Jackson have no interests in seeking attention from his father, he left home and went to live with Bowen, which Bowen gladly let him live with him.Luckily, Jackson still have a wealthy friend. He earned money  by being a youtube star which he have gained millions of subscribers and followers on instagram. He also compose and write songs for record label and earned alot of money from his masterpiece of songs. As for Leo is the last person who have moved in with Bowen...he just like my brother, a child actor and now a famous actor of Asia. He acted not just in chinese drama but also in Korean drama. While being an actor, he assist Bowen in his owned night club, which was once his foster father's mansion which have been given to him. Because of Leo's looks and him being a celebrity, Bowen's night club always flooded with customers, and the business went well, and mostly who went there are girls who try to see Leo. Leo's parents told him that if he lives under their roof, he must follow their rules, if not he will not be considered as their son anymore. I think that's the reason Leo break off his relationship with his family and went on his path and rules.

Kay, next, we have Jiyang...Jiyang was raised by an optimist, conceited and narcistic but kind former Miss universe of China, Estelle Song, here let me show you guys his foster mom's picture~...*searching for Jiyang's foster mom's picture in google, then show it to readers* 

 This is Estelle Song. The woman who raised Jiyang since he was a baby. As i said she is an optimist, conceited and narcisstic but kind and fashionist woman. When Jiyang was a baby, she always dressed Jiyang like he is a girl. How do i know this??..well, when i was in elementary school, since we were friends ever since elementary school, so we used to go to each other's house as if we are homeless...we went to Jiyang house, and there's a picture of him when he was a baby, was dressed in a gown and in a little girl's outfits. It was funny but cute, wait did i just compliment people, but, was amusing...and nwo we come to understand why Jiyang's act a bit of sissy, but we like him that way, he is cool in his own, i guess Jiyang inherits his foster mom's over-confidence, optimist attitude, and love attentions. Jiyang earned money by being a freelancer make up artist, and he's very talented in turning ugly people into a beauty. His hands is like a magic, and when he speaks about health and beauty, it'll sounds proffesional. Besides being a beauty vlogger, he is too a youtuber dancer. Quite famous if you're asking...

Next, we have Yeri or in chinese Yi Lin...ergh~, that girl..i dont hate her but I dont love her either, she's the sweetest girl, but sometimes...i feel like losing my brain cells whenever she starts talking...

She's small, an average height tall, she's thin and small that suits her body height, she's adorable, childlike, girly, sparkly and glittery. Straight hair with dyed purple that applied to her whole entire hairs in every strains. She oftenly dressed in baby and girly cute dress and outfits, with girly headdresses~...

Although her being ditzy, air-headed, and dim-witted, she possessed her own skill and talents...besides singing and dancing talents, which she also upload her singing and dancing in youtube, she is a good baker. She have her owned bakery shop that was located besides her residence, called Yeri Unnicorn. It is a quite huge building in Strawberry house shapes, with full of pink, white, purples, candies, sparkles insides, that hurt my eyes. Yeri could be described as yandere. Although, she is very innocent and ditzy, she could be dangerous too, but rarely get mad. About her background i dont really know, only Janey knows it, cuz she's the most closest ones to yeri. either way, the sweetest and stupidest...never be fooled by it, cuz she could be dangerous...

Kay, next we have Janey. Janey have her own history, where she kills her biological parents which she openly and gladly told us about, but she have her own reasons. She is a victim too, although someways insides her she's regretting it, although she keep denying it. Janey is a gothic princess, because of her dark vibe make up and outfits. I wears dark too, but she's way darker...She was raised by some wealthy uncle who is very supportive also who knows her dark history, but thank god, he is an understanding freak. Me and Janey was called the dark and dangerous line along with Yoojung. So, we're quite closed. She is a proffessional pole dancer, and a youtube star, where she upload her daily routine vlog and dancing video in it. She's dangerously gorgeous, and a bit nicer in her own time, in her own mood....she's sometimes good to befriends, but to date required alot of physical, spiritual and mentally strength, because Janey is a toxic and jaelous freak girlfriend, although she's a loyal and possessive i know?have she ever date before?? well~, I noticed her crushing a watermelon with her own hand while we're watching The World Of Marriage~...seriously, you better think twice before trying to get her heart. 

Then, Kriesha~...

That girl is the doppleganger of Jiyang's foster mom~...but a rather bitter and insecure to the one who is more beautiful and capable than her. Although her ugly sides, she could be kind, smart and quite good in solving problems. She likes shopping,a  beauty pageants favourite, Miss Universe shows is her favourite shows, she's dramatic, and living in her own world. She love attentions, and for her she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Her foster mother is a model and love herself so much and loving perfection, perhaps she raised Kriesha to be perfect. 

She loves beauty pageant. Ever since she was little, whenever there is a beauty pageant contests for kids being held, she will join it, she never missed out any contests like that, she must join if there were held even if it's competing within rural states. And us her friends, will be obligate and it is a must to watch her competing, we never missed out even a single competition she signed in. Not only beauty pageants, but also other competitions, like singing, dancing, and etc. She was a bit annoying when she was younger, she would cry, throwing tantrums at the stage if she didn't get first place in the contest. But as she grow older, the habits of her faded, all because of Jiyang telling her off, the guy who always act like a mother, he would reprimand us whenever we did something unpleasant.

Now, that have grown up, she worked with cover girl as a model and an actress. She's quite famous and starred in a lot of dramas, mostly as a main lead. She also won alot of awards because of her incredible acting talents. Her acting job, supported by her being a famous Youtube vlogger, upload her things on it, and she got paid by google.

Next, come YooJung...

YooJung is a south korean-chinese girl. She said her mother's probably chinese and a male...She was born in south korea, and was adopted by a former MMA champion woman, who lose and got black-balled in the whole nation of korea, for losing MMA competition for first time and bring embarassment to the country. She adopted Yoojung as her daughter and raised to be an MMA star, which Yoojung been showing interest ever since she was 1 year old. How i know this??Yoojung told us when she was drunk~...

Now she is an MMA star champion, and she cleared up her mother's bad name in south korea and bring glory to South Korea and also China. She migrated to China when she was 7, and went to our school, that's when we first met. Known as the Nation's little sister, she is one of the famous people in Beijing High. Like me and Janey, she is also dark dangerous, but a bit more considerate, She dont care about politeness, she is reckless, sarcastic, tomboyish and violence.

Now, the last one, Shannon~...the most person i care less~...because we're not really friend, we're not really enemies, either...

Shannon just become one of us 3 years ago...

Her parents is a wealthy strict. They owned one of the most successfull business company, they are very strict on arranging their children's ambition. Shannon's parents insisted that her future will be a businesswoman, besides that, she will be disowned. Shannon wants to be a celebrity, she got that talents, but her parents dont approve her ambitions. She have an older brother and older sister who was striving to become a business people to seek their parents approval...wait~, why do i talk about her again?~...haish~, whatever~..

Lastly, me!..

as you know, i'm Queeny West~...While being a high school student, i do exorcism business...since i have 6th sense with this strange supernatural powers i have with me ever sicne i was born. I can see ghost, souls of death peoples, monsters, demons, and any spirits, but surprisingly, i never felt any fears of them, instead, they are the who would stun terrifiedly whenever they see me...and surprisingly they obey me when i tell them to go....i always asked this to myself, but since i've gotten used to it, i stop questioning...asides from doing exorcism, I write stories for dramas, short films and movies for film directors, compose and writing songs for record labels and singing at 5 stars restaurant every night...but tonight, i was given a day off because i'm attending Bowen's birthday...

Right now i'm in HaoXuan's room, while he is with the others at the living room. I'm locking myself here cuz i'm waiting for those girls, Mia, Ella, Rainee to go home, then only i would  get out of this room. I dont know why, i just dont like hearing girls giggling, screaming, and high pitch voice, especially the aunties who nags with the high pitch's just annoying and irritating to me, i dont know how bowen could stand that...tch!, typical playboy~...

Maybe, you guys would think i'm being bad friend for not being with Bowen during his birthday..yeah, that's right, since when i was a good friend??~...


"hey, Queeny~...those girls have left, you may come out now~.." HaoXuan opened the door, with a spare keys of course, since the door was locked from the inside...

 "sure~.." i replied, he went out, and i get off the bed, and exited out of haoxuan's room...

"You sure, they wont come back??~.." I asked him, he nod, "hm~.." he hummed, he closed the door, and we went to the living room to joined the others...

End of Queeny's pov

Yoojung, "'re out?~...those girls have left~.."  

Queeny, "i know~...good thing, isn't it?~.." i seated besides Bowen, "yah~, next time when you invited any girls again, make sure to inform me, so that i dont have to come to your party~..." 

Bowen pouted, "hey~, how can you say's your friend's birthday party, of course i have to invite you~..." he smirks and whispered in my ears, "next time, i will invite FanXing~..." I looked at him, with a mischievous smile appeared in my face, "hm~, i like that one~...but, promise me, you'll invite him next time~..." 

Bowen nudged my shoulder, wiggled his eyebrow, with his naughty smirks, "anything for a friend~..." 

Yeri who was eating her lollipop, asked curiously, "i know you have told us this last time but i have forgotten about it...why do you hate girls so much?? you hate us too??~..." 

Queeny hummed, "hm~, i dont know~...i just dont like your case, let's just say, i like you a little??~..." 

Shannon, "you're a girl you hate yourself??" 

Queeny, "except for myself~..." 

Shannon rolled her eyes, "tch~.." 

Queeny stood off from the couch and ask, "hey~, is there still any foods left~, i'm hungry~..." 

Bowen, "yeah, there is still~..." 

Queeny, "kay~.." she walked to the dining table, take a plate, put the rice in the plate, pick her favourite gravies, then walked back to the living room to join her friends...

she seated on the seat besides bowen, and eat her foods...

While she was eating, she speaks to her friends..

"hey~, i think i want FanXing as my you think he will accept it??~.." She asked her friends oppinion while focusing on bitting her meat...

Leo, "you mean you're going to ask him??~..." 

Queeny nodded, "hm~ mm~..."

Bowen, "hmm~...from the look of it, i dont think so~..." 

Jackson, "yeah~...he'd  been pushing you away, why dont you just give up on him~...imean, you are Queeny West, alot of guys are lining up to be have your heart, why dont you just give them a chance?~.." 

Janey, "because those guys are lame~..." 

Yoojung, "those guys cant even approach her~..." 

Yeri, "owh!~ i know!~.." exclaimed, everyone looking at her including queeny, "why dont you propose him!~..." she squeals...

Everyone who was expecting a good answer, their face from excitement to frowned...Shannon and Jiyang caressed Yeri's shoulders..

Janey scowled at the little purple head, "she's going to do that, you purple head!" 

Yeri giggling "hehe~...ow~..." licking her lollipop...

Yoojung ignoring Yeri, "so you really going to ask him to be your boyfriend??~..." 

Queeny, "yep~..." 

Kriesha, "dont you think you're going overboard??~...why would a goddess ask an average to be her boyfriend??~...hey, you're better than this~..." 

Queeny, "shut up~...FanXing is the one and only man in my heart~, if he dont accept me, i will continue chasing after him till i die~..." 

Jiyang, "even when he's already married??~..." 

Queeny, "he wont get married, not without being with me~..." 

Everyone sighs, and rolled their eyes...

Nothing can stop her from chasing after her one and only obsession. She never been like this, no other guys could attract and impressed her, no matter how hard they tried. FanXing who never did anything to impressed her is the one, who have stole her heart...tck~ tck~ tck~, Weird girl~...
