Chapter 6

 12 days, after the death of FanXing and Tzuyu, Queeny have forgotten everything that had happen, her birthday is coming, and she cant wait to get presents, a new guns and new presents...

Everything about Sean Xiao and Wang Yibo have she all forgotten even how their faces looks like, she dont care anymore...for her it's not important...

But she will never forget about FanXing...

She was chillin in her room singing karaoke using smule on her phone, singing to IU's you and i, hitting the high notes, that sounded like a pig being slaughter...


Nega itdeon miraeeseo

Nae ireumeul buuuuulleooooojwooooo~"

She was singing and..

knock! knock!...

A knocked on the door probably her brother trying to bother...

she unplugged the earphone off her ear, she frowned, "aiyaa!!..what a botherer old dickheaded!.." she yelled at the door, "what do you want?!.." yelled out of frustrations...

Yubin calmly speak, "I need to show you something~..." 

She get off the bed, then went to the door, and opened the door, cuz it was locked earlier...

"what?~.." not waiting for replies, she hissed then went back to her bed...

Yubin sighed at that harsh welcome by his sister...but he walked in the room anyway, and seated on his sister's bed...

he looked around his sister's room, "whoaa! this your room?~, so many things's creepy~..." 

He looked at the dark and creepy designed of his sister's room, he feels a different aura around him when entering the younger girl's room...

yes!he never enter her room, ever since the day the house was built, because Queeny have forbid anyone including her brother and her friends from entering her room...if they try to barged in they will be dealing with her enraged and better not awake the lionness in her~...

Queeny looking at him with a sharp boring looks, "did you came here just to "admire" my room??~..." she asked in sarcasm..

Yubin just realised, ", i want to give you something,i should've gave you ever since mom and dad got divorced and left us by ourselves~..." 

Queeny with her lazy tone, "what?.." 

Yubin digged his pocket pants, and took out a a black necklace robe, with a rare precious black gemstone pendant hooked on it...

Yubin, "here~..." handed it infront of Queeny...

Queeny lifted one of her eyebrow in confused of that object, but she could feel a strange vibe of that thing, as she reached her hand to take the object from Yubin...

"what's this??~..."

Yubin, "it's a black jade stone~..." 

Queeny nodded, "i know it's a black jade stone~...but what do you want me to do with this?~.." she asked a bit of frustrated..

Yubin, "It's yours, stupid~...I'm returning this to you~..." 

Queeny look at the stone, scanning the antique feature, while comes to admiring it like a materialistic...

"It looks expensive~, i wonder how much it would cost if i sell this off~..." caressing the precious stone with mischievous smile...

Yubin, "you're not selling it off~...i mean, it wont be as precious if it's not you the one who owned that~..." 

Queeny, "what do you mean??~...'

Yubin, "let's just say, it's not an ordinary expensive has it's supernatural energy in it which only recognised you as its owned~...if it is handed to other people, it will turned into an ordinary and useless stone that you could easily find on the street at the village area~..." 

Queeny lifted an eyebrow, "how do you know that??~..." 

"hm~" Yubin shuddered his shoulders, "that's what i've been told~.." 

Queeny still in her same expression, "who told you that??~..." 

Yubin, "mother did~..." 

Queeny, "so you believe her??~..." 

Yubin, "yah!..." 

Suddenly the stone in Queeny's hand was glaring in vibrant black and green flame, causing the two siblings stop bickering, Queeny's eyes caught the stone was suddenly revealing it's true powers...Yubin did not give any reaction as if he knew that's how the stone would react when it was handed into his sister's hand

Queeny, "wh-what's happening here~...this stone~..." she glanced at Yubin with glares in shocked expression, then looked back at that stone..

Yubin, "try to give it to me~..." extanded his hand..

Queeny looked at her brother, then immediately give it to Yubin, when the stone was handed into Yubin's hand, without Queeny touching it, then the strange flame suddenly dissapeared leisurely into the stone, Queeny was shocked, she looks at her brother, then at the stone...

Her brother formed a smiling line on his lips then nodded as he muttered, "yup~...the stone will only show it's power, when you're the one who hold it~...the stone is powerless, unless you're the one who owned it not others~..." 

Queeny eyes widdened.. "cool~..." she took it, and the flame glared back vividly, as if the instinct in her  whispered in her head, send a words that out of no where, slipped out her mouth, "night-time~.." 

As she said that the light dissapeared...

"hm~, it is mine~...okay, then~..." she wear it on her neck as if that will be her regular accessory from now on...

"and you~..." She looks at Yubin with a snobbish face, "leave my room~.." 

Yubin with his 'this bitch' face, "aiya~..." he get up anyway and left his sister's room, then closed the door...

Immediately Queeny went to the door and locked the door then went back to her bed, continued with her smule singing...


Yeri spend her joyous day as usual at the bakery shop, baking cake, after carrying out her responsibility as a good  daughter to take care of her ill mom who was bedriddened at this moment, with the help of Janey who came there often whenever she feels bored at her foster father's mansion...

While Janey was taking care of her mother, Yeri was at the bakery, baking cake so she could sell them or serve it to her custormers whenever they come to her bakery to eat or just buying it...

The purple head young lady put on a fullblast volume of By2 and sillence Wang song, while she was baking, she's singing along the song to express her happy feelings...

"~Shi ni rang wo kan jian kan ku sha mo kai chu hua yi duo~"

While Janey have done helping Yeri taking care of her mother, now she's going to help anything she could at the bakery..she did it out of boredom not kindness, just fyi...

As she went out of Yeri's bungalow, she saw a man in his 30s standing outside Yeri's bakery...Looks like a beggar, his hair length was medium, even though it was tied but still was messy, wearing a dull white t-shirt and long pants, looking pale and helpless, but still his look quite handsome, and he has a very beautiful smile as he was plastering on his face looking at the girl baking cake happily insides the shop....His smiles was warm and happy smile seeing the young girl having fun insides the bakery...

Janey with her usual judgement towards people, sees that as if the man have bad intention to her ditzy friend. She approach the man with her cold face, with her arms folded acrossed her chest, face helding up high looking at the man, coldly...

"hey!you~...what are you doing??~.." she asked with cold tone as she approached him...

The man snapped out of his though then looked at the teenage girl who was looking at him with glare...


"who are you spying??~...are you a pedophile, looking at a girl like that??~..."Janey yelled at the older man...

The man shook his head, "i-i didn''s.." before he could finish his sentence, the doors of bakery open and Yeri cheerfully greet that man...

"ow!hye!~.." yeri jogged to the man, and bowed, "uncle beggar~, do you want to eat some cake at my bakery?!~.." she asked cheerily...

The man just looking at that girl with smiles as if he was touched, he wants to reply but Janey speak in a cold and a bit hurtful  words, "yah~, he's a beggar, he cant even buy a simple food, how can he eat cakes at your bakery, you crazy purple head~..." 

Yeri pouted, "no, it's okay~, let's go, uncle don't have to pay the cake, it's my treat~...hehehe!~.." she giggles, grabbing the man's wrist then pulled him inside the bakery...

Janey, "woy!~, you're crazy-Yah!" she cant continue her words as its useless, the two have went inside, she open the door and went inside along...

The man was sitting at the table closed to the counter, Yeri went to cabinet, and took out one of the strawberry cake and went to the table where the beggar seats and give it to him, "here, uncle beggar~..enjoy!~.." then she put the mineral water bottle infront of him too, then she take a seats infront of the man...

A huge grin on her face, looking at the man eating the cake slowly...then a beam in his face shown...Janey who was observing the beggar and her friend, she knew this would happen...she rolled her eyes and let them be...

"it's tasty~..." the man praised, "you're a good baker, my child~..." 

Yeri clap her hand cheerily, "yay!~, i'm great!~.." 

The man smiled looking at yeri, "you're beautiful~..." 

Yeri, "thx!~..." smiled grinnily... "uncle is beautiful too~, well, if you're groom the way, what's your name, I'm Jung Hyerim!~..people call me Yeri~..." 

The man, "I'm Gu Wei~...Yeri~...that's beautiful daughter have the same name like yours~...and she likes strawberry cake just like you too~..." 

Yeri, "ooh?how do you know i like strawberry cake??~..."

The man, "i dont know i was just guessing~...and because your shop shaped like the cute strawberry fruit~" 

Yeri, "ahh!~..hehehe!, where is your daughter??~..." 

Gu Wei, "she's not with me, but she's very closed to me~..." he's looking at her with his serene smiled...

Yeri pouted, "hm~..i dont get it~..." 

Janey scoffed from behind but didn't said anything...

Gu Wei, "I handed my infant daughter to a rich woman after giving birth to her~...15 years ago~...It's very hard for me to do that, but i have to~...she's the only one i have left, but for the sake of her welfare, i have to hand her, while watching her from afar~...she's so happy, although she have a huge responsibility to take care of her ill foster mother~...just like you were right now~...I was 15 when i gave birth to her at the street~...with no one by my side...and during i was pregnant with her, i always crave for strawberry cake~....i guest, she like it so baby yeri~..." caressing his stomach as if his daughter was still there, yeri noticed that and so Janey who was sitting in another table...

Janey lifted one of her eyebrow trying to digest everything the man said...she seems to understand what the man was saying but yeri did not get it..

Yeri smiled, "hehe~...your daughter and i are the same age, i see!~..and we have the same favourite food!~...erm, Uncle Gu Wei, you can come here everyday if you want~..." she squealed with big grin in her face...

Gu Wei smiles, "sure, sweetheart~..I will come to your shop everyday~..." 

speak in his thought, while looking melancholicly at Yeri when she was busy chitchatting him... "Yeri my daughter~...mama miss you so much~...I am  so happy that finally i could see you liek this even though i can't tell you who i am to you yet~...Now, i could go in peace, we'll meet again in the next life, Yeri baby~...."

While Yeri was busy telling stories to Gu Wei, Gu Wei was looking at her, they did not realised Janey have get off her seats then, She called, "Hey, yeri!~...I'm going home now~..." 

Yeri looked at Janey pausing her story then grinned, "kay, bye!!~.." she waves at Janey who have already went out of her shop...

Then Yeri turned to Gu Wei, "by the way, uncle~, i think i've seen you somewhere~...At school, at the mall~..." 

Gu Wei smile faintly, "hm~..well, i wander around, i'm a beggar remember??~.." 

Yeri, "hm~, that's right~..."

 Gu Wei, "i will not live longer~..." 

Yeri shocked, "wh-why??~...are you sick??~..." 

Gu Wei nodded, "hm~...stomach cancer stage 4~.." 

Yeri, "omo~, stage 4're gonna die??~..." she looked at him with round innocent eyes...

Gu Wei patiently nodded...

Yeri pouted sadly, "hmm~.." 

Gu Wei, "are you okay??~.." 

Yeri, "we just knew each other~...and you have to go~..." 

Gu Wei, "dont worry~..we'll meet again in the next life~..." 

Yeri, "how do you know??~..." 

Gu Wei, "i believe in reincarnation~..." he reached to Yeri face, and caressed it gently.. "My have grown up so beautifully~...i couldn't take care of you, but in the next life, i will protect you with all my life~..." 

Yeri trying to understand what the uncle beggar's saying, she blinked her eyes confused, "erm~..I am not your yeri~..." 

Gu Wei shook his head, "ah!~, i-i'm just remind me of her~..." 

Yeri, "ahh~, it's okay~...hehe!~..." she giggled...


Gu Wei have just went back from the Yeri's Unicorn bakery shop, he went back to the rent house he'd been living at...

As he entered the house, he went straight to his room, then seated on his bed, and reached his hand to the open drawer, to the take amethyst pendant necklace, brought it infront of him and caressed it..

he smiles...

"Yeri sweetheart~...mama loves you~.." he kissed the pendant and bring it closed to his chest...


31st may have's Queeny's birthday...

Yubin have given her the most special gift of her special day, which is a set of guns of her favourite..yep~, real guns...the guns that mafias used..

Now she's at school alot of people send her birthday gifts and it's scattering on her desk...

There are chocolates which she likes, and wrapped box which she hoped it is a stuffs she likes...

She dont like surprises, or birthday party, but she likes gifts so that's what her schoolmates do...

They didn't wish her but only giving her presents...

some of them giving her 100 us dollars and most of them are from the boys who admired her...

Her friends planned for a picnic after school for her birthday, luckily school's over at 12 pm...

Little did she and everyone know she wont be coming back again after that picnic...