Suspections in the air.

While going home, Yuni foumd Tae. Tae said " Hello" to her and came to her.

Tae - I was going this way. Let's grab a juice.

Yuni couldn't tell him no.

Yuni - Okay!

They were drinking juice and walking. Suddenly Yuni noticed at Tae's eye and thought it wouldn't last long. Maybe she won't be able to see him very long, his smile. It won't last long. She got afraid of her instinction that this month was about to end. She couldn't find her culprit yet.

She told Tae that she wanted to go home. She hurried home. She again smelt rhe same scent. She again could realize something strange in her mind. Someone was approaching to her. She fell on the ground. Someone was laughing at her. She saw that some petals of red roses falling upon her which were turning into blood.

At this time, she heard her phone ringing. She saw it was Xiao.

Xiao told her, "The glasses you were talking about, Tae took it somedays ago but returned it to Ken again. Then Ken wasn't feeling comfortable with his glasses. So, he started to use lense from then. Was it very precious to you? "

Yuni - No, nothing about it.

Suddenly Yuni thought if Tae was his culprit. She started feeling the perfume again. Tears came to her eyes. She couldn't find any option. She was feeling so much scared and disappointed. She hurried to a mirror shop and bought a little mirror. It was the time of setting sun. Surroundings were getting dark. She called her soul with the candle from that mirror.