Chapter 1

As I walk out of S Entertainment Agency, knowingly I might not get pick to be a trainee. I walk along the sidewalk of the busy streets of Seoul, while heading back home. This has been my 5th audition to become a trainee, but I never passed the auditions. As I'm heading back home, I was thinking "should I give up my dream of becoming an idol, to perform to my fans". I had to at least try to audition for more agency's. As I reached my apartment, I told myself to not give up. When I walked in, my parents knew already that I went to audition for a company, they told me the same thing that they always do, which was "stop following your childish dreams Flo, you are only 15 years old, you should focus on your studies". I didn't argue with them as usual, I knew that I would regret if I didn't at least become a trainee. I headed to my room and got ready for bed.

{2 months later}

This is my 7th audition to become a trainee, the last 2 months I've been improving my singing and dancing. After, I finshed with my audition, I felt a sense of hope that I would become a trainee. Since it is January, the weather was cold so I stoped buy a cafe to get a warm drink. As I was waiting for my drink, I notcied this boy sitting at the far side of the cafe, he looked around the same age as me. He looked like an idol, as the curious person I am, I went to ask him if he was an idol. He simled and said "no, but I am a trainee that is about to debut". I congratulated him about him debuting soon, and I told him that I would like to become a trainee at least. He told me to not give up and wished me well. My drink was ready, so I thanked him. As I was walking home, the words he told me gave me hope. As I reached my apartment it was already late, so I had to hurry to do my homework.

As I was doing my homework, my mom walked in my room and said "if you really want to become an Idol, I will support you but promise me that you wont quit your studies", I hugged my mom and told her "I will follow my dream of becoming an Idol, but I will also continue to study". I was glad that at least my mom supported my decisions, my dad in the other hand was still strict. On my dad's family side they are more strict than my mom's family side. I sometimes wonder how my parents got together, since my mom is so joyful and happy, while my dad is usually stern.

I started to get sleepy, so I got ready for bed and did my nightly routine. My nightly routine consist of washing my face, and other stuff to have clear skin. When I got out of the bathroom, I went to my room which was across the bathroom, but somehow I walked pass by my room. When I entered my room, I looked at the clock on the nightstand beside my bed, and the time read 12:45. I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about my "Idol Dream".

{The next day}

I rolled over my bed and saw my clock, it was 7:12a.m. I was late for school , I quickly washed my face and brush my teeth. As my day couldn't get worse, I missed the bus, I had to run to at least make it on time which was highly unlikely. As I was reaching my school, the school gates closed. I had to climb over the gate, I ran to class A and I made it on time.

After class was over, my group of friends decided to go to a Noraebang. It was around 5:00p.m when we arrived, I decided to sing one of my favorites song that described my life. I went up the stage and started to sing when my friend Lisa started to say "you sing so good I wonder why you not an Idol yet". I responded saying that it is complicated. After I finished with the song that I was singing I started to think when I would ever become a trainee, then I started thinking about the boy that I met at the cafe. The boy must be lucky that he is a trainee and that is about to make his debut.

It started to get late even though today was Friday, but Saturday and Sunday and other days that I had a day off, I would use those days to practice my singing and dancing.

I went to eat with my friends, when I got home it was around 10:00p.m, I decided that I still had 2 hours to go practice my dancing skills.

{About 2 Weeks Later}

I woke up to my phone ringing, it was pretty late to be honest. I looked at my phone and notcied a number that I didn't remember having.