Chapter 10

The way the center person landed, somewhat reminded me of a spider. The moment they land the beat changed, the beat went from beating rapidly to going into a pause, starting again with beats going slower than it was before. Each beat ended with a sound that sounded like a person's gasp for air. The two from before that were at the back, move their bodies slow to match with the new beat than it was before. In a while, the beat started to speed up, and so did the movements of all 5 people on the dance floor. Then out of a sudden, the beat suddenly got loud than a Big Bang echoed. The dancers looked like puppets being dropped, like a child being bored with their toys within the next second dropping them with the satisfaction of playing with them.


This time, the satisfaction was coming from the dancers, the satisfaction that they ended their dance routine perfectly. The satisfaction that they did not make a mistake with their dance. Their chest seemed to be moving fast, their breathing also seemed fast, they were just on floor fro a few seconds. but for them, I bet it felt like a long while, in my case when I finish dancing the time feels like it goes by slower and I'm just their standing there not moving which feels like forever.

They got up and went to the side of the stage, the music changed to how it was before. Before they started dancing, before the people was cheering out loud. The four people I saw before walked on the stage, their outfits way different than the five that just walked off. Instead of wearing loose shirts and pants, they wore a black hoodie, with what seemed like baggy black jeans. The shoes were the only thing that stood out along with the white mask, just like the mask, their shoes were white as well.

In a sudden second, the background music went to a stop, then in the next, the lights went off too. Lights then came from down the stage, I then realized why their outfits were black. The lights were on them, the lights then went off again. A type of modern hiphop started to play, the beat got fast, then on one person the lights then turned on. Their body seemed to be part of the music, it seemed so effortless. With each beat their body also followed. The music got quiet again, the lights on the first person turned off. Then on a different person light turned on. the beat was a little different compared to the other person. This beat was slow and then quick, again, it repeated went from slow to fast.

Just like the other person their body seemed to just go with the flow. How I wish that could be me some day, people could think the same as what I'm thinking right now.

The other two people did the same thing, after they were all finished the lights went off and so did the music.

The sound of the lights turning off was loud.

The crowd then went quiet for a few seconds but those few seconds were long enough for two more people to show up.

When the lights turned on, they didn't have their hoodie no more, they now had black over sized t-shirts, their face masks still remained though. The two dancers that were on the left and right side, stepped aside and started dancing.

In a good way, they reminded me of monkeys jumping from side to side, it matched well with the beats the speakers played. A few moments later, the other two in front of the two who was dancing already leaned in to the center. Unlike the other group, there was two people in the center than just being one. This group seemed to be better with team work. The center people were standing back to back from each other.

The music then got to the point where it sounded like a whoosh of air, right in that moment the center people turned around, grabbed each other arms, sled down which now meant that the person that on the left side was now in the right side. Vice-versa with the other person.


They are so talented and I admire that. Both of the groups are unique in its own way, every little detail is different compared to the other one. They faced each other now, they started dancing with the beats, they were in sync, you need some type of close connection to be so in sync with someone else. This group must be really close friends or something like that.

I was so impressed by the center people that I forgot about the other four, now what they were doing reminded me of cheerleading. The three people held out their palms, this allowed the 4th person to get on. Once they were on top on the palms, the three threw the 4th person in the air. While being in the air, the somehow manage to do a front flip, while being in the air the center people suddenly fell back and crawled to the back. Now the 4th person was in the center, they moved so in sync, no matter how many times I would say it or even see it, I would always be impress.

The lights went out again, their clothes glowed again if they moved their right arm, that right arm would glow. The same thing would happen to any part of their body, unlike the other group there were some parts where there was someone singing instead of just being beats.

The faster someone rapped, the beat would also get faster and so would their body movements. The song and the dance came to a end. The dancers got to their final positions, the two dancers that started to dance first seemed to be laying down, except their right leg was folded up, and the other was laid down. Their upward body was upright, they rested they against the right leg. One was on the left side while the one was in the right side, they were in the front now. Then there was three in the middle. Their arms were folded against their chest. Now the last one, they were tone of the ones who were at the center but then moved to the back. They sled through the person in the middle of the three, then they kneeled. Which now meant, there was two in the front, one in the middle and the last three at the back.

With their final movements, the lights finally turned on. During this whole time they had their mask on, they never took it off.

The cheers got so loud, woah tomorrow my ears are going to be sore, lol, so worth it.

I turned to look at U-kwon, "U-kwon who do you think would win?, and why didn't they ever take off their masks?"

"I can't give you the answer right now for the first question, but for the second I'll try...."

U-kwon was cut off from his sentence because Jake started to speak.

"No one knows their identity, but they are really known here by their dance moves. They could be walking pass you and you wouldn't even know who they were with their masks off. They could be someone you know in real life, and you wouldn't even know."

A few minutes passed, the votes had been totaled up now, the DJ on the side started to announce the winner.

"I hope everyone has been have good night so far. I bet y'all dying to know who won todays competition, but first how excited are y'all feeling right now, let me hear y'all cheers"

*crowd cheers*



Woahhh, the DJ really has some energetic energy to be able to hype up the crowd like that.

"Thats more like it, now back at the results, the winner is...

*cough cough*

while the DJ, did his lilt fake coughs, I heard my brother whispered something. "It'll have to be the second group"


howww did my brother know, i'll have to surely ask him later.


I was now back in Eun's car, Jisoo and Jeong-hun was sitting in the back. They still seemed so hype with all the energy back there. We left not long after, since the main reason we went was to see them compete.

We were now heading over at Jeong-hun place to drop him off and then drop off Jisoo. I checked the time and it was 10pm, damn time flew quick.

I was just on my phone while Jeong-hun and jisoo was chatting in the back, my brother was just lost in his own thoughts while driving.

We got to Jeong-hun place but Jisoo got off too, "Don't worry about me Flow, I'm going to stay over at Jeong-hun place for the night, thanks for the ride Eun"

"Thank you so much Eun"

They both were really thanking my weird brother. "No problem boys, I'll be here for awhile so if any of y'all need something just send a text and i'll be there quick."


We finally going back to the apartment, I was looking down at my phone, till my brother spoked something.

"Flow, when was I going to find out that you were going to move out and move in a dorm, you really have to hurry up and tell our parents. Especially dad, he'll get mad if he finds out last minute, its better to tell him sooner than later. oh and about dancing, I honestly don't think its bad for you, just do what you want but be careful out there. The entertainment industry is fun alright, but it will not always be like that. There are creeps, and there are people who try to down grade you no matter what you do, so just keep your chin up and don't share one ounce of fear in your eyes. Your eyes are the windows of someone soul, don't forget that."

"Wow Eun, that is a lot of words. Now about the dorm thing, I did not know, when exactly I would have told our parents, and you of course. Good thing you exist, you'll be able to tone down his anger, so thank you for your existence Eun. Mmmm

I think you're right also, I will tell our parents when we get to the apartment.


I hate to admit it but you're also right about the entertainment industry, but even if I get bashed for every little thing. I won't dare to let them win, Imma show them that I'll be better than could ever be."

After I finished talking, I heard my brother chuckled, bruh. Dude reminded me of a old man, but in a good way.


"Flo, I don't think you know how funny you are, when you are determined to do something or to show off on someone. I have no idea who you came out like but its good you think that way."

Of course he would think that way. I will always be his little sister, I mean... if I had a little sibling, I bet I would think like that.

We would near the apartment now, I had to show him where the parking lot was at.

"Just drive to the side of the building and there would be a road that goes downward. Just keep driving down and there would be a parking lot, you can choose which level you want to park at too."

"Is there a security person that makes sure there's no odd person roaming around here."

"Yeah, so its pretty safe here"

We finally got to the parking lot, it wasn't too full. We found a parking spot and got off. We were now heading towards the elevator.

"I like how you need a ID card to be able to park here, and to prove you do live here."

Why was my brother so fascinated like dude is richer than us. SMH.

We reached the elevator, I pulled out the ID card again. The scanner thing, scanned the card, the doors of the elevator opened for us. I chose the floor, ours is pretty high up in the building so it kinda takes time for the elevator to reach our floor.

We stepped out and the door was unlocked, my parents were in the living room watching tv. They saw me and just said why I was late. But the moment they saw my brother they got up in joy and hugged him.

I thought to myself, should I tell them now or later.