Chapter 13

I rushed in to get all my things gathered so I could prepare in advance, meaning I wouldn't have anything missing that was important for me today. Especially since I got to dance so I would have to need a brush and a hair tie.

I met up with Rosy and Celena, they were getting ready to change out in the locker rooms, I put my stuff in the locker. I usually just waited till they got done and walked with them to the dance room. Rossy was wearing a white crop top with black shorts and white tennis shoes, she had long brown hair in a high ponytail. Celena had an oversized black t-shirt and black leggings with white tennis shoes.

Compared to them, I looked like I belonged to the circus, I wore a green tank top with white shorts and white tennis shoes. I mean I didn't look That bad, just that it was it eh.

We were all ready to go out just that I needed to fix my bun and Celena wanted to put her hair up so it didn't get in the way when we danced today.

"Celenaaa, I feel like you're hiding something, You've been smiling a lot lately, is it boyyy?"

"Rosy no, boys are just a waste of time, both of y'all will find out soon so just be patient"

By now we were walking down the hallway. Now that I thought of it, it did seem kinda odd that Celena was acting like that today. Today was our last day for the whole group rotation thing. It seemed she knew about something great. I wonder what though.

Rosy went with her group, while Celena and I headed for the practice room. We went in and Alexa was doing some stretches before the class officially started. We joined . her, we had to stretch our legs and arms. I don't know what to call the stretches other than, "leg stretches" and "arm stretches". I drank some water after to stay hydrated but not too much because if I did I would hear the water splashing around in my stomach and the feeling of having anything in your stomach while being active is not so great

After my sip of water, I went back to where Alexa and Celena were sitting. Just then the teacher walked in, he kinda looked good looking but he was in his mid-20s so like just no. Lately, I noticed that the teachers all looked young, niceeee.

Our teacher, Wonpil, put his things aside and asked if we all stretched. We all answered in such good synchronization by saying "yes".

"Good, then let's hurry up and get started with today's lesson"

I was kinda scared to be up in the front but Alexa and Celena said it would be better since we could see what the teacher wanted us to do.

That's the thing, I was scared Wonpil would notice if I made a mistake while dancing.

"I will show all of you, something I wanted to teach each one of you. I saw it being performed on the stage by a popular artist so lets do it"

Wonpil dimmed the lights and projected a video of a boy group performing one of their songs that was on the chart and was still going up. The thing I know is that boy group's choreography is more foot work than girls, the girls mostly move from the waist up while the boys were all about how the foot moved.

Are they planning to debut a girl group but on a genre that was mainly what boy groups used. Because if it is, I'm down for it. I didn't notice how much I was smiling till Celena nudged and said to pay attention to make sure I didn't miss a detail on their dance.

There were some parts where the dances needed teamwork and others where we could just do them individually. I wonder which one the teacher would want us to focus on today. When they were dancing individually I noticed how synchronized they were, if they turn or moved or do anything, they did it all at the same time. That's really impressive; it's rare for a group to be synchronized. They also seemed so happy and looked like they enjoyed what they were doing.

Once the video ended, the lights turned on. My mouth was gaped open and I didn't even notice till a few seconds later.

"Today our time is limited, we are only doing the break dance. I want to see how each one of you learns the breakdance and the results will be brought to you officially tomorrow"

I felt a shiver go down my spine, why am I so nervous. I sighed and told myself that I got this.

Hold up...

I think I know why I got the shivers, right behind me was Naya. Why was she looking straight at me, I heard she's an all-rounder, being compared to her is scary bruh.

Out of nowhere I heard Wonpil

"OK, in the count of 1, 2 ,3 you all will be dancing to the first 2 steps of the dance. I want to see how each one of y'all paid attention"

crap, I barely remembered it. I turned to the side and I saw Celena showing me the moves. Thank goodness for her or would've been doom and could've been publicly laughed at by Wonpil.

"OK, 1, 2,3 GO"

The music started at a slower pace than the one from the video.

Ok so left foot the left, turn, bend both knees kinda like a squat but with the legs spread out, sway the body to the left then to the right with both hands close to the knees, go up then back down, finally both arms on top the head, finishing off with doing the sway thing again. It wasn't that bad, phew but that was like on easy mode since the music was slower.

I think I zoned out because when I processed what happened, it seemed that Wonpil finished what he was saying but started to walk towards the back, he walked to this girl and said how she missed up doing the routine and that we had to do it again, once we all did it correctly.

I have no problem with that.

"OK 1 and 2 and 3, AGAIN"

ok so in my head, I did the whole process all over again. Left, spin, bend, up, bed sway and done. Ohh, I think I did it better this time.

"Good, now we are going to do it a little faster"

Phew, good thing it seems I didn't make any mistakes, now I have to be more confident.

"AND 1, 2, AND 3"

OK, left, turn, bend, sway, up, bend , and sway your hand whatever. Bruh, that was wayyy faster than I ever expected but it was fun, I Love It!

"Good, now we are doing it at the normal speed"

Ohmy... I'm hoping that I'll get to do it well this time, gosh I need to be more confident in myself.


WAIT, this is actually getting easier than what I originally thought, it seemed that I didn't have to say the steps, my body just moved with the flow. Cool.

"Great, that was great girls, some of y'all still need practice while others got it done so far."

Naya seemed pretty excited so she must be one of the good dancers he was talking about just now.

The rest of the afternoon was just learning the choreography, but there were some parts where we all got yelled at as a whole. Other than that it was fun.

Now we were heading to the cafè, I could use my phone and I saw messages from Jisoo and Eun saying they were heading out, I checked when they sent the and it was about an hour ago.

I went to sit where I usually sat. Today wasn't as bad.

"Have you heard?"

"No Isabel what happened"

Alexa was just talking with Isabel until I heard something from them that caught my attention.

"They announced that after our break, which is right now, that we all have to head to the dance room"

"Oh, thank you for telling us cuz I would've missed whatever they needed to tell us."

After we finished with the food given to us, we headed to the dance room.

Once we entered, we saw all three teachers. P.O, Neela and Wonpil.

We waited till everyone was finally in the room, they told us to sit and listen to what they were about to tell us.

"The reason each one of you are here is because tomorrow you will be rearranged in different groups. There will be a total of 3 groups with 6 people being in one group each. Each group would have to compete with each other. We are still deciding if we want to make this a reality show or not. But all we can say is that 6 of you will debut with the group you are assigned tomorrow. You will not know the name of the girl group we are debuting until the final lineup is decided. You will not know the theme of the group we are aiming to go for until the final lineup. We are planning to debut this group in about a year or two, may the best get to debut. You will each work hard for you and your group to debut, if just one of you mess up on something it'll mean that y'all messed up as a group all together."

whatttt did just hear, this must be a dream or something. I have to debut.

"Yes, as P.O said right now is all true and I was the one to make this official decision with your future debut manger, Manger lee and your mentors that'll help you along the way"

I turned around to see who spoke, I turned around and saw a middle aged man walking from the doorway to now making his way up to the front. Following behind him was Manager Lee.

The middle age man is the agency owner who is the CEO of this whole agency. Woah, this is my first time seeing him up this close and in person, when I auditioned it some other people who were the one who passed me.

"Oh how delightful, I see some faces that I recognize and some I don't, some of y'all could be the ones that just transferred her and the others who are just starting as a trainee for the first time ever. I hope you have been enjoying the whole experience so far but just to let you know, once the chosen group are about to debut, we will have to find a way for the rest of you to get some exposure somewhere else so you don't have to waste your potential."

Could this what happened to Naya, did she transfer here because she was not the final lineup at her last agency, could this be why she seems grumpy a lot. Oh Focus Flo, you need to debut too.

The CEO then turned to Manager Lee, telling him that it was his turn to speak.

"Lastly, starting Wednesday you will be all officially allowed to go to your assigned dorm rooms. There's a catch though, there are 3 dorm rooms, meaning each group will share one. There's no problem because each is the size of a decent room, in each dorm there will be rooms that some of y'all have to share with your teammates."

Mmm, I wonder if the dorms will be in the agency or in another building that belongs under the agency.

I guess I have to find out from someone or I'll have to wait to find out where it is.

I scanned the room and some girls seemed excited while some seemed nervous, for some reason Celena was nervous even though she has so much great potential but it'll also have to depend on the group she is assigned to.