Pretty Smart For A Brainless Robot

Lion was wearing normal clothes too but his main appearance alteration was putting on a brown wig with a different hairstyle. His real hair color was blonde. He told Five to hold his hand like they were two potential targets on a date because it would be less suspicious and she accepted his logic without question.

They walked into the store together without incident, looked around, and bought some toothpaste because Lion was running low anyway. They peeked through the pharmacy window to ascertain that Claire Conway was currently at work and headed back out still holding hands.

If Six was watching, he wouldn't suspect a thing because no Number would ever willingly hold hands with another human being. The problem was that their van would be parked there for quite a while and that would look suspicious in and of itself.

"How many people were in the pharmacy area?" Jackal demanded once they were back in the van.