I Am A Bad Person

Alex figured they would be fine as long as they were inside but what about after? They couldn't stay in forever. Claire was already at her wits' end and she needed to keep her job.

She was sobbing mostly incoherently in his arms but he could make out a few things like "freaking car chase like an action movie" and "I can't do this anymore." She really couldn't take any more strain from near death experiences; that much was obvious.

He needed to end this. On his terms so he had a better chance of winning.

He got a glimpse at everyone's faces earlier so he knew exactly who he was up against. Dressing up like normal people wouldn't change the fact that Numbers didn't have facial expressions and the regular agents' disguises were too pitiful.

Three. Eight. Jackal. Five. Lion. Fox. Seven. Four. Magpie. Cobra. The Agency certainly wasn't pulling its punches by sending some of its strongest.